Almost Utopia
By mcscraic
- 175 reads
Almost Utopia
by Paul McCann
At the beginning of the great depression there were many jobs in jeopardy . Many people had to adapt to the change and become inventive in order to survive . Money was hard to find , some people got desperate and resorted to criminal activity .
Then there were those who shared some kindness and cared a little about people in need .
This story is about a community where all the shops started caring for people in their local area which spread to other communities elsewhere to support families during the great depression .
Barney O’Hara was a baker who had a string of shops around the city . He decided to give a little back instead taking from his customers . He enriched the lives of many by placing money inside some of his his bread as a surprise gift for customers who bought his bread .
Not expecting any reward this one act of kindness dramatically increased the sales of his bread and scones . Barney continued tom spread money around the city during the hard times which inspired other shop owners to give a little back like , the local Sweet Stop Shop on the corner, near the bus depot . They offered a free ice cream in a glass . It was known as the 11th hour sweet treat .
Anyone who came with into their shop on Monday mornings between 11am and midday could have an ice cream and usually while they were there the customer would buy something like sweets from
a jar on the counter .
So one act of kindness increased the overall sales of the business and as a result their monthly profit margin increased .
Some of the other small shops began to follow the trend by placing
free lucky dips in cardboard boxes
for their customers . The lucky dips were small parcels wrapped in pretty paper for customers to bring home . The lucky dips had some useful things people could use .
This kindness spread a wellness around many villages . It introduced a community caring and sharing for one another .
Other positive minded people emerged like the singing corner boys around the city . Work was hard to find and many young men with time on their hands discovered how to harmonise with life and share songs like choirs of angels on the street corners . Many people were impressed and enjoyed listening to their singing night and day . Their gift was the music and happiness they in the hard times for many . It had a subtle way of breaking the chains of misery during the depression .
People would hear the corner boys and smile in their way past ,
it was a sound brought hope and joy in the songs they sang together just for fun . It made an impression in the depression with the expression of love and freedom ..
Other signs of caring for the community spread in the small post
offices and newsagents with little treats and activities on display like the jars filled with Jellybeans on the counter with a sign ,
“How many jellybeans in the jar “
If you guessed right you would win there . It was a popular thing for customers to do and created interest with people who would put in a number a dozen times it more until the prize was collected .
There was a shared bag of liquorice that some shop owners left on their counters for anyone who wanted .
Then other simple offerings of kindness were being made with gifts being left on the doorsteps of large families by unknown benefactors who had come to the door late at night .
They were usually small food hampers of bacon and cheese,
cigarette’s and even some buns and biscuits . it really was a slice of heaven for many families who were struggling to put food on the table
The gift of caring and sharing brought a sense of Utopia to people in many communities during the depression .
A simple act of kindness changed the gloom and doom effect of the great depression . Those people who gave a little brought the people together in the hard times and that encouraged so many to do the same .
So often today on the news reports all we hear are the stories of crime and violence in our communities . We never hear the stories of those people out there who are doing good work in our community .
I believe journalists and mainstream media need to show more good stories about people doing good works that makes life easier for those who are facing hardships in their lives .
You don’t have to look far sometimes to see the gift’s that people are sharing today to help others .
Almost Utopia is a place in the heart . If we all look into our own hearts and see how we can help others then maybe Utopia can become a reality in the world we live in
The End
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I did enjoy reading that Paul
I did enjoy reading that Paul, a very heartening way of looking at a difficult world. We start to make our own Utopia!
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