The Solitary Man
By Tales-For-Kids
- 84 reads
There once stood a big forest full of tall Pine Trees near a large old boulder rock out in the woods. The pine tree grew tall and proud and lovely, swaying their tops in the wind, and always standing together. There was safety in numbers after all. The large old boulder stood to one side on its own. Alone, forlorn and lonely all of its days it seemed. “We are glad that we are many and stand in unity and pride,’ said the forest of pine trees to the rock standing ever alone. 'Not a lonely boring old boulder who is always alone and who can never utter a word by itself to anyone.’ They laughed at the poor old fellow. The rock said nothing but suffered in silence as was always the case. One day, after many years and seasons had passed, there brewed up a mighty storm one cold summer evening. The thunder roared in the sky and the mighty wind ripped at the tops and of the tall trees, and shook them to their very roots with power and fury. The blizzard was unleashed on them in full force and the great and powerful wind ripped many tall and proud pine trees from their roots and threw them down to the ground. They lay shattered and devastated. Then a mighty stroke of lighting struck one of the remaining trees and lit it in fire and flames. The blaze spread throughout the forest and burned down all of the remaining trees to the ground. The forest was soon shattered and burnt. The old rock stood steadfast in the howling wind and its fury and full force could not budge it from its firm foundation. Not even an inch would it move in the mighty storm. The fire scorched the boulder, but never would it crack or waver. It stood solitary and unmoving against the might of the fire and the storm. A lone sentinel out on the plains and a sight of resistance and steadfast resolve that would never waver in any storm. The power of one. The next morning the forest was devastated and demolished. But still the tall old rock stood proud and steadfast through it all. Over the many years that followed the small saplings of the old forest grew back into mighty tall pine trees once again. And once again the pine tree forest stood tall and proud swaying in the pleasant breeze. Like those before them they criticized the old rock and said, ‘You are just a lonely old rock who never utters a word. Whereas we are a tall and proud multitude of pine trees that make out one large and beautiful forest. How glad we are that we are a pleasant and charming sight for all the behold while the likes of you are just a boring old rock stuck all on its own forever.’ They laughed and smiled as the wind stroked their branches, but the old boulder just sighed and said to himself.’I have heard it all before.’ Never count your chickens before they hatch. Pride comes before a fall. There is no safety in numbers. Stand on your own two feet and never fear the multitude. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting.