Not So Lucky?

Tim's thread must be anything but 'lucky, lucky, lucky'. With no 'post' box attached to it he's never going to get a reply!

Real Ultimate Power!!! (the pumped n' motivated thread)

Heya heya heya 'talers. Been feeling a bit out of sorts lately (haven't left the house for a week) so was wondering if you could share your tips on getting pumped and motivated and happy-happy joy-joy. What do you do / have you done that works?
And let's keep this strictly non-cynical, please folks... no 'I once saw a baby chick choke on a worm and the worm and the chick both died' style downers. ARE YOU READY TO ROCK??

Jack Cade: I identity swallows

Really really good read Jack Cade,
really clear.

Love the coffee and the grey suit and the pushing out of the office and up into outside.

Not sure about the underbelly of the mother ship?
I reckon it takes it another direction entirely.
Or maybe I am reading it wrong?


Revolutions - Chant

I liked this alot. It conjures the sci-fi world all the better for its spareness. I like the way this poem gives weight to fairly mundane emotions by placing them within a fantastic scenario. And, as per usual, the language is very controlled and the final image is perfect. Lovely.

