help advice please


havent been here for a long while

have written a story. its very drafty, just would like to know what people think, if anyone has a ten minutes to read it
its called Blinding Light by me, tigermilk, in Unordered Tales bit

thanks a million

not very tigery but quite milky

Toot Toot!

Yes, I'm tooting my own horn, actually my 12 year olds. He is a better writer than me, and I'd like to put an extract or two here...

-The house creaked in the howling wind and rocks rolled of their own accord. Suddenly the door flew open and blew apart. Cracks fingered across the crumbling wall and a figure, illuminated by a crack of lightening stood in the doorway. The thunder, like a wolf, gnashed and snapped into every corner of the room. The scream seemed to last forever.-

Christmas is coming

And as it's the season of goodwill and all that I wonder if some of you might feel so inclined to donate some of your spare cash to a good cause - ABCtales!

It's also a time to buy mugs for one and all - and what better than to buy an ABCtales mug. They're blocking up the leg space under my desk so please do consider it. And they're very nice.

New poetry

Has anyone read any Kathryn Simmonds?
If not you should.
She is most good, here is a link


Shudder by Asparagus

This one struck a chord - clever construction, great image. Made me smile.

Just when...

you think it's safe to enter the forums again the loons arrive...Tony, I seem to remember you posting something about a final warning not so long ago!

Haiku comp winner announced

It's the top of the news section on the Front Page.
