Compromise by Megan

I liked your idea/ending for this, Megan!

The chicken at the door by Megan

"... his headboard was hairy like a hyena and coarse if you stroked it the wrong way. Sometimes it got a bit unruly and tried to eat him when he wasn't looking..."
A very unusual story which gets steadily more absorbing.
Well worth a look - probably not by the Megan I was expecting :o)

My Ego... by pepsoid

My God, this is brilliant!

Well done, pepsoid!

Poet Laureate for you, methinks!


Non-Joke... by Jack Cade

A slice of poetic, surreal nonsense - luvvit!!


Ambivalence... by Lisa Hinsley

Don't really resonate with the concept (that ambivalence = contentment), but...

Like the line 'beige of life'...!


Who am I?

Here's a challenge to my regular readers, as set by one of my tutors on the Creative Alliance course I have recently started...

2 questions:

1. What do I do? (in terms of my writing)

2. What makes me different from other writers?

Any & all responses will be gratefully received!


(PS. this is not an ego-building exercise - it's about defining & clarifying what I do...)

Little People by AB27

I liked the title before even reading it.Pleasently surprised! No sentimentality but thought provoking. I think many could identify with this regret not to be able to still talk, ask, get to know. ... great capture of emotions!
