network? boggled ...


we are thinking about networking the pc and the laptop so we don't have to scrap over the wire ...

now either home networking is an easy peasy just buy this box madam and away you go ... OR ... it is an impenetrable morass of boggling terms such as 'ethernet' 'mbps' 'usb' 'pcmciaxyzabc card' ...

it is giving me a headache ... does anyone here actually know how to do this and what a simple earnest person like me has to buy to set the feckin thing up?????

we have

1 pc

1 laptop (without wi-fi)

1 broadband thing

Revenge, sweet or sour?

I'm not generally a vindictive person, but I do like to get my own back. Not in a nasty way, but in a way that amuses me, usually without the person involved even knowing. Let me explain...

When I worked in the funeral directors, we had other smaller branches in different areas of the county. As ours was the main branch, we had 'in' trays for the other branches, and the people that worked in them would often pop in to collect anything from their trays.


Okay, I know we're supposed to be waiting for Mark to come back to us with one of these, but I've just thought of one...

Write a poem or a story with the title...

I Fell in Love With the Virgin Air-Time Balance Recorded Announcement Girl



Getting beaten up by girlfriend who's very drunk.

Hi everybody I knew you were wondering where I was. Well I went on a massive jag but ex-girlfriend turned up and got very drunk with me. But at one point she suddenly turned from a drunk version of Mary Poppins, to the child in the Exorcist who's head begins spinning with green bile spewing out. I got thrown to the floor, I didn't expect it, fingernails drawn deeply across back and hair pulled out. Now: my point is, at what point is it legitimate to crack a female on the jaw to stop her? I certainly wouldn't tolerate it from a male.

Radioactive... by chant

Kind of like the idea that the city is the sewage plant, but...

I was left wanting more!


Poem for the Guardian Angels... by Brighton Rock

Nice one, Bright!

Particularly like... posh paper
that's not even big anymore

I mean, that just says it all!

