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It may be seen as spamming but not sure, it could also be an opportunity for readers here, you decide.

Stinking Cold - old wives cures required

Have used all the normal medicines to no avail.

My landlord used to swear by a Whiskey Mac but I can't drink right now. Suggestions given have been eat onions, take a VitC tab every hour until my stomach cramps, put a cold flannel on my throat (for the sore throat bit).

Anyone else got any ideas? According to my colleague I look like "stir-fried $**t"



Against the current
harness the waves
sovenier keptin pocket
a smoke on the beach
float on the water
hill side sunshine
mountains continue off the page
into infinity
growing wings
losing them
down to feather
down to stem
they scream
in a variety of octaves
inane chorus
The Horror Show
They cried
in unison
some seek failure
others legendary status
they claim he did
beneath the undertow
find him......

Be on TV

If you want to be on a TV show try here:

They list dozens of shows which need participants or audience members. Current classics include this:

Live with a Member of the Jackson Family!

Do you want to live with a Member of the Jackson Family?!

Are you a family who live in a major British city?

Are you and your family fans of Michael Jackson?

Is there a problem within your family which needs resolving?

Another Larry & Mick parody? ... O joy!

Just to show I bear no grudges and grudge no bears... erm... sorry, that actually doesn't mean anything...

Well anyway...

May I be the first to flag up the above-linked slice of literary wonderment?

Hurrah for the inimitable Mr. Snitcher!

Yours ho-hummingly...

*** pepsoid ***

span... generally...

Span is...

Delightfully confusing!

Can't say I get it, though...

Resonances of Dali, Scarfe, Geiger, Burton... ie. visual, but... what the hell is going on?!


(PS. where's 'Catapult' gone?!)

Catapult... by span

My Demon - Lisa Hinsley

Dam, the above didn't work as a link!


You wanted some crit on this piece of work. Now I'm probably the least able to offer you advice from an experienced writers point of view, so I'm going to speak as a reader only.
