Does Anybody Know...

What Subsidy Publishing is?
I have just received an email from somebody claiming to represent a Subsidy Publisher and offering to give my manuscript a "no fee, no obligation review"
I am certain that there must be a catch because I've never heard of the guy or his company.

Oh Holy Night by Fergal

I had promised myself that I was going to stop flagging new pieces but this is so special... It manages to take God out of the churches and put Him back where He belongs.
Wonderful, Fergal.

Emma White - ADVICE.

I couldn't resist asking for advice on this piece, the advice in question had nothing to do with writing, but starting this post has tickled me lol :-)

Well that's another fine mess...

Oh my god, what in hell's name's going on in Basra?

Competition - Which Book?

Okay, here's a new competition. I'm going to copy out the first paragraph of a book, missing out certain words that would give the game away. Your job is to name the author and say which book it comes from. Simple.

And the prize? You get to write out the first paragraph of a book of your choice yourself, and then we'll see if we can guess it. Here we go:

Wake Up Pinocchio!!

A very interesting very flowing passage.

I really liked the sentiments.

Top hole!

what ya readin' ?

I was in a bookshop yesterday when i realised that i had arrived at an edge, kept picking up great books i've read and wished i hadn't yet, but no idea about the rest, about the new ones. any suggestions? just so you don't completely waste your time on this: amis (both), bellow, murakami, rushdie, miller, v woolfe, h james...coupland....david eggers even, hmmm can't think right now....but these are anything along these lines of greatness?

Nintendo plans one-handed joypad

From BBC News website today:

" Nintendo plans one-handed joypad"

I think the Japanese are being a bit slow here. Every bloke I know discovered the one handed joypad before they were 14.
