flat in london needed PDQ ...


if anyone knows anyone who has a flat or something in london available ... for any length of time ... can you please mail me?

my son and his g/f are finding themselves homeless in a fortnight and just can't find anything quick enough ...


fretful fish

Brilliant Debut Novel - Gem Squash Tokoloshe

I just finished reading the most beautiful debut novel I have read in a long time. It's called Gem Squash Tokoloshe and it's by Rachel Zadok. I think she won some sort of competition to have the book published.

Didn't want to be a priest

I'm tired and I'm upset. I would not be a priest in a confessional if my life depended on it. F-in-law (the real one, the well meaning one, the one i like) has just told me a load of stuff about his marriage to my m-in-law I now realise i can't tell my husband, because to do so would be to stir up strife and upset and acrimony... so i'm left with the knowledge and i'll have to lie by omission. Thanks a fucking bunch f-in-law, glad you feel better.

beatles challenge ...


which 1980's book takes its title from a beatles record ... the name of which prompts the protagonist to examine their history?
