A Season to Remember
By UnapologeticallyMe01
- 334 reads
I can’t believe it, I said. It’s almost my birthday, no……….no it almost my sixteenth birthday! That’s good honey, mom had said, but she didn’t sound too happy. I guessed she was just weary, after all she just finished planning an awesome birthday party, and tomorrow all my friends would be here to see and enjoy it!
On the day of the party all my friends were there even my best friend Kyra in which I met in kindergarten and ever since then we have been best friends. There were so many gifts on the gift table that it was over flowing. As I was opening one of my present there came a soft knock at the door “tap, tap”!, but as I went to go open the door mom came out of the kitchen running and jumps in front of me to open the door. She told me “I should go and enjoy my birthday party and she said the birthday girl shouldn’t have to open the door at her own birthday party.” So as I went away I stopped and told her “you sure are acting kind of strange today!”
As I start walking back to the party I stopped and hid behind the wall. Something hit me, I sometimes open the door when I am being thrown a birthday party, sometimes mom would even yell at me to open the door because she was too busy in the kitchen. So I stood there listening to mom talking to a stranger who was dressed in all black with a cape draped around his shoulder. He had long grayish white hair and he had the prettiest face I had ever seen and his face was surrounded by a blue angelic glow. He didn’t look human or like any human being I had ever seen. He was like an angel of the night.
As mother and him stood there talking I edged a little closer in order to listen to what they were talking about.
“It is time,” he said.
“No it can’t be time, please don’t take her away from me,” mother had said.
(Who is she? Is she me? Where are they taking me? I really hope she isn’t me)
“You know we had an agreement. You promised me you would give her to us on the sixteenth moon and now it time you honored that promised. ”
(Sixteenth moon? Could he mean in sixteenth years?)
“Please, I beg you don’t take my bundle of happiness away from me,” said mother.
(This she is starting to sound like me!)
“You know we wouldn’t be taking her, if we didn’t need her and besides she is going to turn into a danger to those around her when her powers kick in and for that reason also we must take her before the world finds out about what we are and what we do,” he said
(What does he do and who is we? I am getting really frightened?)
What is he talking about? I ‘m still wondering, who is this “she” he is talking about? Why does he refer to this “we” like they aren’t human? You know what he is starting to creep me out and I don’t think he is right in the head, but what I want to know is why mother is talking to this nut job and why she seems so sad and afraid. So I decided to find out. So, I stepped out from behind the wall, and walked my way to where my mother was standing.
“Hello mother,” I said. “I came to see what was taking you so long,” I said with the uttermost innocence.
“Oh hello sir” I said to the stranger standing outside the ajar door.
“Adora!” she said with fear and worry blazed in her eyes.
“Hello adora,” he said.
“Hello sir” I said. “Since you now know my name, I like to know who you are.”
“You will find out who I am, all in due course Adora,” he said.
“Goodbye my Liberi,” he said to mother and left.
Once he left mother shut the door. As we started walking back to the party, I asked her who he was. She just simply answered “you find out in due course, now no more questions about it, do you hear me Adora!” As soon as we got to my birthday party, she turned around and left. Once I was done make apologies for why I took so long, the festivities continued and I started from where I had left off opening my present. But as I was suppose to be having fun, I couldn’t help thinking who that mysterious man was and what lies ahead of me.
By the time father came in the party was over. When he came in my room I hurried out of bed practically jumped and hugged him to welcome him.
“Father,” I said as he was turning to leave.
“Yes Adora,” he answered.
“I met this stranger today” I said. But mom knew him! Then I described what the stranger looked like to him.
“Father,” I said. “Do you know him?”
“Um…Yes I know him… but I cannot answer any of your questions about him,” he said and then he left the room… in a hurry like he was running away from danger.”
The last thing I heard that day before I fell asleep was father asking mother did he really come and then a pause and then father telling mother the time we have dreaded all this time has finally come, the sixteen moon.
During the three weeks after my birthday, my parents started acting stranger. They started buying me stuff and giving me what I wanted. At first it was fun (can you imagine getting everything you wanted and I mean anything plus having your way) but then it started to creep me out. But then I found out the reason for all the niceness and at that exact moment my whole life fell apart when mother told me that she was sending me to a new school. She told me it is going to be a little different to what I was used to because it is going to be like boarding school but not so much and you won’t get to see your father and I as often as you would like. As much as I protested and cried, they were still sending me! They told me that “it can’t be helped.” (What do they mean it can’t be helped, aren’t they the adults here, the ruler of my life! Ugh…… how I detest excuses especially bad ones)
When I finished packing my stuff and I finished saying goodbye to father, mother, all my friends, especially Kyra! They drove me to the new school that I was going to. But Kyra did make me laugh a little because of the pun she made about “don’t be surprised if you see me there."
As I was stepping out of the car mother stopped me and said,
“Adora, please don’t hate me,” she said
“I could never hate you mother,” I replied
“Yet you say that now but once you are facing all these challenges that you were forced to take up because of what your father and I did you will hate me and you would probably hate your father also”
“Mother……………….,” I started
“Listen Adora!” she said. I am telling you, you will hate us and probably hate me the most she said as she started to cry. “But remember this when everything is turned upside down and isn’t going as you want it to go that I love you more than anything in the world and I am so sorry for putting you through this but remember that I did it for the love I had for your father and I am so sorry it turned out unfair to you and that all I can tell you.” “They will explain everything to you at due course.”
“Okay, mother I love you too,” I said still confused. After we said goodbye once again she left but not without tell me she loved me for the thousandth time today.”After she left I started to look around and I found out the school name is “Warriors wings.” I also noticed the school was as big as castle and it was white with blue tops. As I was looking at the school, I felt someone touch me and I screamed.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed
“Are you alright,” He said as he was trying not to laugh.
The face that matched that beautiful English accent just like my, was just as beautiful as the mysterious stranger’s. He had blue hair and beautiful light blue eyes that sparkled in the sun and he had on all black.
“Where did you come from?” I said
“Come on let’s go inside, he said totally ignoring my question with a smile.”
As I started to follow him inside the school I started to ask questions to get to know him better and also incase if I had to tell the police some information about him!
‘If you don’t mind me asking what’s your name?’ I said
“My name is Demetrius and I was sent here to take you to your room and yours is,” Demetrius said.
“My name is Adora,” I said.
“So it’s you,” he said with the uttermost amazement in his eyes.
“What do you mean by that,” I said.
“Oh, forget what I said,” he said.
“Here we are this is your room in which you will be sharing.”
“Thank you” I said as I was entering the room.
He just simply nodded as he walked away. As soon as I shut the door I noticed how fatigue I was and I walked to a bed and I just fell asleep.
The next day someone came by and told me the elder wanted to see me and the messenger wouldn’t answer any of my questions! All he told me was his name which was Amadeus and all we be answered. (What is that suppose to mean! What a load of rubbish!) Once we were at the elder’s and I was seated, Amadeus left.
“Hello Adora,” he said
“Hello and who are you.” I said.
“My name is Valerian and my people call me “The Elder.”
“Why do they call you that, you don’t look a day over thirty? I said
“As soon as I tell you why you’re here, your questions will be answered” he said.
“It all began one thousand years ago when a stranger came into our life and he tore the alliance and the peace between The “Vampires Bats” and The “Human vampires” apart and change our lives forever. It pains me so much to say this, but this stranger revealed his self to be my older brother Varian! “It turns out he had been using his power of persuasion to convince the “Vampires Bats to turn against us! “
“Human Vampires” and he did it all undercover and he was very secretive about it. By the way the reason we are called “Human Vampires” is we are vampires that take the form of humans and the reason they are called “Vampire Bats” is they can take the form of bats and they even look like bats when they take the form of humans.”
“Not to be rude, but what does all this have to do with me,” I said.
“I glad you asked Adora,” he said with an intrigued look!
“When your parents fell in love, at first we were against it because Vampires and humans can’t live together, and yes your mother is the Vampire” he said.
“Is it because vampires always end up eating the humans,” I said beyond shocked.
“What, do you take us for savages,” he said!
“I guess not, I said with my eyes downcast.”
“I see living with humans has filled your head with lies but anyway in this they are kind of right because some vampires do eat humans and that’s why some humans disappear and the humans can’t find their missing ones,” He said.
“Do you eat humans?” I asked thinking that is why that they accepted me into their school and this is the famous speech they give before they eat the human students that have came here and after they killed them they erase all memories of them with their powers.
“No we “Human Vampires” do not eat humans but our kinds the “Vampire Bats” do,” he said.
“Good,” I said relieved. “But why were you all against my parents getting married unless my mother was a “Vampire Bat” but she doesn’t look anything like a bat,” I said.
“No, you mother was not a vampire bat,” he said.
“As I was saying we were against it because humans and “Human Vampires” can’t live together for one reason and one reason only because our powers have proven to be very dangerous to humans, and when your grandfather found out about what had happen he was very angry because he had expected her to fall in love with someone else and you would be seeing him very shortly.”Anyway we were about to disown their marriage but that’s when Urvan the future teller told us all that we are making a mistake that their child would one day have a chance to bring peace between the “Human Vampires” and the “Vampire Bats” on the seventeenth moon and when her power kicks in on her sixteenth moon we are to collect her and train her immediately because on her eighteenth moon there would be a big battle but he said he couldn’t see if we won the battle or why the battle took place. So that’s when we allowed them to get married, but first we had to build a machine to drain your mother’s power and we decided to keep her power in case she was to leave your father and decided to come back among her people. So as you can see the faith of your people rests in your hands.”
“So am I a half Vampire and when do we know when my power kicks in,” I said.
“Yes you are a half Vampire and the thing that will let you know when your powers kick in is your heart that once beats will beat no more once one of your powers kicks in and by the looks of it one of your powers as kicked in and I can sense your heart as stopped beating,” He said.
“First of all how do you know when my power will kick in if I am the first half vampire there is and two what is my power that has kicked in and third how many powers do vampires get?” I said.
“You are correct when you said you are the first half vampire we have had, and we know all that we know about half vampires or about you because of Urvan, and we full vampires get two powers in the course of our lives and you will as well and your first power as it has revealed itself to be is the gift of hearing and speaking all languages even though you aren’t taught and we can tell this because we have been speaking Latin whether old or new Latin around you and you have understood every word we have said all around you and you have been speaking back in whatever tongue we have spoken to you.”
“Wow, I didn’t even realize that,” I said amazed.
“But even if all this is true how come I wasn’t told about all this for the start and why did my own parents lie to me and also why didn’t they tell me,” I asked.
“They didn’t tell you because you weren’t supposed to find out before it was time according to Urvan, and we wanted to keep you a secret from my brother and by the way my brother has been disown as a traitor to his own kind and he is also going to be your biggest enemy in the coming battle. We also wanted to keep you a secret from the “Vampire bats” as well because you are the only hope we have, and if they would have know they would have came after you and you wouldn’t have been able to defend yourself and they would have killed you and your parents! ,” he said
“Your first training will begin after you leave here and Demetrius will be here shortly to take you to your trainer for the coming war as soon as I page him through telepathy which is one of my powers.”
As he said Demetrius did appear and we left to go to see my trainer.
“So you too you knew all along!” I asked him angry that my life is changing so rapidly.
“Yes, I knew all along and I would have told you but I wasn’t allowed and in the coming battle I look forward to training with you and fighting alongside you as well, “he said
“So you are going to be fighting also in this battle” I asked.
“Yes, along with many other Human vampires,” he said.
“At least you had your choice, but answer me this why are you deciding to waste your life, I said.
“I am deciding to fight because like many other Human Vampires, I want peace between the two vampires because without peace there will always be fighting and life wouldn’t be enjoyable or worth living if all we do is fight all the time, and by the way all is not lost in this battle there is something to be gain because I get to train and fight beside such a beautiful and fearless woman,” he said.
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