An Almost Chance

By alang
- 1046 reads
"Would you cheat on her?"
"Pardon?" I looked confused. She repeated her words, this time adding extra emphasis to "you," "cheat," and "her."
"I don't know. It'd depend who it was with. I have a list of three people that it wouldn't be an issue with."
"And who are they?"
"Well, there's Rachelle from school, Carole, my ex and..." My voice trailed off. "Hey, pour me another whisky.
She lifted the bottle of whisky and poured a generous shot into my glass and then topped it up with cola. "So who's the third?"
"That doesn't matter right now."
"Have you got your camera?"
"Can you take a photo of me blowing a kiss to Ed so I can send it to him for Christmas."
She puckered up and I got the camera in her face for a close up on her lips. The flash went off. "Done," I told her, "You know you have beautiful lips."
"Thank you."
"You can tell a lot from a woman's lips, how good they'll be at kissing, and how good they would be at giving blow jobs."
"And what do mine tell you?"
"They tell me you'd be good at both." She slapped my arm and laughed.
"How rude!" She laughed again.
"Come on, lets go out." We finished our glasses, I put on my coat whilst she went to the toilet.
"Where we heading?" She called out from the bathroom.
"In to town." I replied.
We walked from her flat into town. We stopped off at the off licence and bought some vodka jelly shots. I bought lime flavour, she bought blackcurrant. We had two of each as we walked over the bridge into the city.
We turned down an alleyway. "It's so romantic on these old back streets, those antique looking lanterns add so much atmosphere. It's timeless down here, it could be the 1900's, it could be anywhere."
"You're not wrong." We arrived at the pub, ordered pints and sat at a table.
"Hi Valerie," Jane said to her friend as she came over to where we were sat.
"Hello!" Said Claire. Claire was always very upbeat. "What're you up to?"
"We're just having our usual pre-Christmas pub crawl! To be honest I'm already feeling it!!"
"Hi Claire," I said, we'd only met maybe two or three times, so I didn't really know her and was a little shy when saying hello.
We finished our drinks and left the pub. We walked past the university library and up into the centre of the city. "Old Orleans?"
"Sure. Absinthe!!"
We went in and ordered two absinthe's and a cocktail each. The absinthe went down quickly, making me gag on it. We took a little more time over the cocktails.
"So are you and Ed serious?"
"I'm not sure. It's good fun. He's an amazing artist. Have you seen his paintings in The Bear?"
"I've not been in there. We'll go there after these."
"So when's Katy back? I bet you're missing her?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure, she's not sure, she's working all the hours to earn the money for her flight back. I think she's also enjoying being home and living with her family again."
"Right. So what's she going to do for money when she gets back?"
"She wants to be a travel writer, I mean she's been all over Europe, and obviously knows a lot about the US."
"True. But that's not going to bring in regular money, is it?"
"I guess I'll just have to support her again."
"You're so good to her." She kicked me under table. "Drink up, let's go!"
We walked around to The Staffordshire, it was only a short work. "Two double vodka's and two Bailey's, please," she asked.
The Staffordshire was packed, we couldn't find a table. It was only a small place, populated mainly by men with beards and bikers. I drank here often, although Katy didn't like it when she was around, she found my friends somewhat intimidating. We hit out shots fast and made for the door. "Right! To The Bear, You've got to see Ed's paintings!"
Ed's somewhat Gothic styled paintings lined the upper walls all around the bar. "They're of you!" I said to Jane, "He's captured you well." We settled down for a pint each with whisky chasers. "I'm really feeling quite drunk now!"
"Me too."
"Bottle of wine?"
"make it red."
"You got it." I went to the bar and bought two of their finest cheap red wines. "They insisted that we have glasses, I tried to tell them it was more rock n roll to drink from the bottle, and they pointed me in the direction of The Staffy."
Jane just laughed. We finished up our pints and chasers and poured the wine.
"So, who is the third one, then?"
"Well.. it's..." I stuttered, slurred, thought about changing the subject, "it's you. I would cheat on Katy with you."
"I knew that!"
"So what's the point in asking then?"
"I just wanted to hear you say it."
"So why didn't you say something?"
"It was a little awkward, I suppose. Plus you weren't interested in me at school."
"That was ten years ago! People change. You've certainly changed."
"Thank you, I think."
"So what we gonna do about it?"
"I need a piss." I walked off into the toilet. Jane followed me in. I was using the urinal. Jane went into the stall. "So we staying here then?"
"Till we finish our drinks."
Two other men walked into the toilet. I finished, zipped up and opened the stall where Jane was still pissing. "Where we going then?" I studied Jane's naked thighs as i spoke to her and admired her neatly trimmed pubic hair.
"Getting a good look?" she said as she noticed the other two guys looking over. "You've seen mine, now show me yours!" Jane pulled up her jeans and came out of the stall. "Come on, boys, play fair!"
They two men unzipped again and pulled their cocks out. Jane walked over to them and took a hold of them. "Nice, yours is nice and fat," she told the blond one, "Yours," she looked at his friend, "is so small it wouldn't touch the sides."
The bar manager came in. "What the fuck is going on? This some sort of orgy?! Get out!"
We picked up out coats and made it out the door on to the street. "More drinking?"
"Sure, The Underground?"
The Underground was mainly a student haunt, but they played good music and the drinks were cheap. We went in and ordered pints each. Then we went to dance. Jane rubbed against me as we danced, my hands were all over her body, I paid particular attention to her breasts, and thighs. As we danced more my hands found their way into her jeans and soon I was fingering her on the dance floor. She leaned her head back into my shoulder and we kissed, a hard passionate purely lustful kiss. We left the dance floor and found an alcove seat. I sat down on the chair, Jane straddled me and we kissed and touched each other all over. "Jane, let's go back to yours and fuck." I breathed to her.
"Sure." Jane climbed off me and we almost ran from the club. We walked back towards her flat stopping to kiss and fondle each other.
"Baby," Jane said, "I think I'm too drunk to cum."
"That doesn't matter, come on, let's get going."
"I Don't feel too good." She bent over and on to her knees and let out a multi-coloured projectile vomit. I fell to the floor next to her and did likewise.
"Urgh, this isn't good."
"No, and I'm definitely too drunk to cum."
"I don't think I can even get it up any more."
"We suck."
"Well if you'd've been a little more direct with me before we left your flat, we wouldn't be in this situation now, in fact we'd probably be all naked and fucking in your bed!"
"Well if you'd've been able to read between the lines and understand what I was..." She vomited again. "getting at," she finished saying, wiping her mouth wit her sleeve.
"Fuck it, let's just get home."
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