By Alfie Penguin
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Day Two; Next morning after showering, food was my first priority, so I went straight to the restaurant, for bad boy fried breakfast. It was only after making a good old pig of myself, that I swept the room to see what was what, and who will do. I caught the eye of the good doctor across the room, looking fresh and radiant as she smiled, which I returned.
At this moment in time I was hung over, and after taking full advantage of the all you can eat breakfast, was not feeling too good. Shortly afterwards the doctor left her table to return to her room, stopping at my table for some small talk. Feeling as green as Shrek with an upside down smiley face, I waffled through the chit chat like a complete loser. Once the doctor left, I retreated to my room for a quick power nap, and then it was off to meet the canoeists.
After just ten minutes of paddling along the beach we reached base camp one, Paxo’s a Greece Taverna. I didn’t want to drink, but just had one of Paxo’s local largers to be sociable. After we had finish the round of drinks, the crew decided to have “One for the road,” which they changed to, “One for the wibbly wobbly.” This time we were drinking ouzo a cheeky Greek spirit, which must have been made by the local Byzantian monks, a strange thing happens after downing a glass, you start chanting “Oh my God! Oh my God!” That was the pattern of drinking on the expedition from then on.
We continued to have a few more wibbly wobblys, at the same time there was some great team building developing, as the expedition crew were becoming united as one big happy family. Canoe Girl, suggested we have one more wibbly wobbly, then paddle to Pedalos Taverna at the end of the cove, and make it our base camp two.
At Pedalos, after having a few more largers, I had the opportunity to enter into a conversation with Canoe Girl. With the sharpness of mind to suggest Pedalos Taverna as base camp two, and noticing her lovely bra puppies, I was beginning to quite fancy her. After an hour, Canoe girl and I decided we had, had enough wibbly wobblying, so left the others to it, and went for a walk to the caves at the end of the beach. Well one thing led to another, resulting in me showing her the canoe in my pocket, and her showing me her own version of the Eskimo roll.
After all that excitement we went for a swim, then crashed out on the beach. Two hours later I woke up dazed and confused, slowly trying to make out what the situation was. I managed to raise my head, first looking left and then right, to the left were two canoes, to the right, was Canoe Girl sleeping beside me. I looked at my watch, I was an hour late for my sailing class, Oh well it was only my first lesson. Two hangovers before tea, and an encounter with Canoe Girl, that isn’t how my Mondays normally pan out.
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You cheeky wee monkey! What
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