Black Friday. A collection of Nursery Rhymes and stories with a twist.
By alphadog1
- 368 reads
Little miss Muffey
Little miss Muffey sat on a tuffet
Eating just bad cheese.
Along came a spider
That sat down beside her
then bit her Killing her instantly.
© E.L. Hunt
Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
to fetch a pale of water
Jill pushed Jack
who broke his head.
Jill's like that:
She hates boys.
(C) E. L Hunt
Snow White
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Snow White.
One day she ate a mushroom that was poisonous and she died.
© E.L.Hunt 2015
Georgy porky snob faced liar
Georgy porky liked to lie
He liked to fiddle and deny
He liked to cook the books so much
He even ate them for his lunch.
But then one day Georgy porky to everyone’s dismay
Got caught with his pants down
With a mirror and a bag of coke.
Well that's not a shock really.
© ADH 2015
Incy Wincy Boris
Incy wincy Boris
Tried to climb a pole.
He managed it in the end
because he is a rich bastard
© ADH2015.
Humpty Bumpty Dimple-bum
Humpty dimple bum
Sat on a wall
Humpty dimple bum
Had a huge fall
But all of scribes
Simply just lied
So humpty dimple bum
Climbed up again
© ADH2015
Once upon a time there was a fair woman called cinders. She was really good looking, but really pissed off that her step sisters who were really plain looking had better deal because they had more money than her; so she chopped off the step sisters heads and put them in boxes in the cellar. Then she stole their clothes and ran off to the prince’s festival.
All night long Cinders danced with the Prince. But as the bell chimed midnight a hideous sound was heard throughout the kingdom. Then after a huge gush of dark air, three headless corpses of Cinders’ step sisters turned up at the castle. Cinders was so scared, she fled to the top of the castle only to fall out of the window the highest tower and get minced by revolving spikes; fifty feet below.
Meanwhile the Prince ran off with his squire. Well, life's like that.
© ADH2015
The Angel and the Baker’s daughter
Once upon a time, there was a baker who lied about how clever his daughter was with such incredibly convincing stories, everyone believed him. Eventually, word about how clever the baker's daughter was, got back to a nasty greedy king; who then trapped the bakers daughter in a dungeon to perform an impossible task:- making straw into gold.
The poor girl cried buckets of tears to such a point that an angel came down from the sky to her aid. In all, three times the angel helped the bakers daughter make straw into gold. And each time the amount of straw grew and grew to the point that the king was the richest king in the whole five realms. Which shows how much of a greedy git he is really. By a way of recompense, the King decided to marry the Baker’s daughter. However it was a loveless and childless marriage, because not only was the king greedy he was a snob and hated the thought of his bloodline being damaged by a peasant
Eventually, after many years of soul searching and feeling lonely she went to the Angel and asked it what to do.
The Angel simply smiled coldly.
The next day the king was found in his bed chamber by a maid. His chest was ripped open and his heart was removed.
The ministry of the kingdom blamed the queen for the death of the king; so she was then imprisoned in the highest tower of the castle. For a long time she was angry. Then she was sad. Then she decided to escape. Eventually she managed to smash out the bars of her cell. She climbed out of the window and stood on the ledge. She was about to jump off, when the angel came back and took her on its back, they flew to a place called far, far away, where she was sort of happy.
© ADH2015
Locksmith and the 3 bears.
There was once a cabin in the woods owned by three bears. A mummy bear a Daddy bear and a baby bear. One day the bears went to look for honey leaving the cabin empty. The bears never locked up their home because they never had visitors.
At the same time a pretty little girl called locksmith was walking in the woods. She came across the cabin and went inside; where she ate all the food, broke all the furniture and trashed the bedroom, after which she fell on the floor asleep. -Well its hard work breaking things- . When the bears came home, they found locksmith asleep so they picked her up and threw her in the cellar.
The bears ate really well on her for a couple of weeks.
© ADH 2015
The not so sleeping Prince.
Once upon a time in one of the five realms a prince was born to the king and queen. News went around the whole Kingdom about the birth and a party was declared. However nobody invited the dark knight. This is because nobody knew where his cave was.
When the knight heard about the birth. He shrugged his shoulders. That's because Batman has no time for babies.
© ADH 2015
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