capitalism the beast must be trapped conclusion
By alphadog1
- 681 reads
Finnaly we cannot expect our vanity products, such as our pc's our mobiles or our organic/ un organic
plastically wrapped food not to come to us without a price. We don't see that price, because, we don't
want to think about it. This is why capitalism has thrived and will continue to do so; for as long as we buy the products, in any shape or form, we are contributing to its growth; at the suffering of the workers and the coin of the corporate owners.
This sounds all painfully negative. I have been wracking my mind for years over this. A dear friend, sent me on a train of thought two years ago. he introduced me to the theory of mutual aid by Peter Kropotkin. His paper "Mutual aid a factor in evolution" clearly points out how in nature species find a means to support each other for their own gain. So it is possible to have a philosophic notion that considers a form of understanding between two species for their own mutual gain. If the animals upon our given planet do this, what is stopping us mere humans from doing the same thing?
Furthermore the Mathematician John Nash, though his gaming theory, pointed out, (though perhaps he did not intentionally intend to.) that mutual aid is a factor in economic theory as
well, if we choose to adopt it. His notion that separates the need for go for it success, over mutual co-operation or as he put it, “not going for the Blonde” not only undermines the capitalist ethic; but it spits in its face. It proves that the capitalist/ consumerism we have now is a matter of choice, and through that free-will, and legislation, it can be prevented from reaping terrible rewards upon our societies as a whole.
I think we need a new philosophy. Because that is what capitalism is. Capitalism is a philosophy that has been embedded into our economic system, with as history has shown disastrous results. So, should we and can we change? can mutual aid and co-operation exist? Can the beast we have accepted for far too long, be trapped or dropped for something new? I think it can be. However, there needs to be the political will to do so. That, in a democracy comes from each one of us. Anyone who sits down and takes the time to read this document. We should take time to get involved and start to govern ourselves. We need to bring about the change we recognise we need. We need to accept that our leaders serve us, not the other way around, and that our societies need to changed away from a system that has caused so much unnecessary suffering over the years. Because the Beast itself fuels the war’s the leaders claim they need. Mutual aid is the way forward. It is a philosophy, and an economic idea that has yet to be tried; and we can try; for if the co-operative can accept some of the principles of mutual aid, then so can other business ventures.
Nb This is not a paper for any scholarly accreditation. It is an essay that considers the problems associated with capitalism and the arguments associated with it. It does not look favourably upon capitalism because it is the authors considered opinion that capitalism has had its time. It is an attempt to promote the philosophy of mutual aid and nothing more. That being the case, the links associated to it are though references to the text, to warrant the argument of the text, they are there to give a background to the author’s considered thoughts at the tim of publication and nothing more. That being the case, they are not in any fixed order. But are there if the reader wishes to study further the author’ position
A.D. Hunt E.L.L.
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