-end of line- propaganda
By alphadog1
- 242 reads
Propaganda is different from news as its a subtle twist upon the emotions.
Images of propaganda, especially from the first world war are poor examples of propaganda, however, as 20th Century progressed and entered into the 21st, we have become increasingly used to adverts. We understand how they work and the way they work upon us. But are we also aware the way adverts change and effected us? I make no bones about it, adverts are propaganda, they are geared along the lines of propaganda, inferring the conscious and the subconscious that we need what they are selling us, we need it, because if we don't have it our poor empty misbegotten lives will not function without it. If you question this then ask yourself, why did you buy that type of phone, why is your dishwasher the make it is, why do you use the detergent you use. Whether you hate to admit it or not, I expect that -subconsciously- you have chosen an item because you saw and advert, liked what you say and went for it.
But what began as adverts on the radio, became three minute slots on the TV, and then onto our phones before hitting us in 40 inches of three dimensions; and don't be fooled, for this -in turn- has shaped propaganda, which has had become even more subtle.
Now TV shows and films contain subliminal advertising tempting us to buy a product because Johnny Depp swears on top of it, or Tom Cruise uses it to make himself taller, and this, in turn now spreads, like the subtle virus it is, onto the mainstream news media.
We hear them spout rhetoric in the morning from a round red sofa, that would "look so lovely" in our living room, and by the afternoon, we believe what they say, not because there is another point of view, because, there is one, its just that the argument is lost by a raging sea of sameness, in a blizzard of pointlessness, telling us, not showing us, how to think, what to feel and in turn how to reply to the situation.
In fact, many don't even know that they are reading or watching propaganda, however we absorb it, for I am just as guilty of this, like a fly that drinks the shit it spits upon.
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