By alphadog1
- 315 reads
I looked for God inside myself, but there was nothing to be found
I looked for God in reason, in words of “truth” and “profound”
I looked for God in the stars above and in the hollow spheres below,
I looked for God in every single thing that I have known.
I looked for God in the bottom of a glass that never emptied away
I looked for God in a drug-fuelled medicated meditated blaze
I looked for God from my parents surely, they must understand?
I looked for God in relationships: I reached out for another’s hand.
I looked for God in the eyes of my children surely they must get it?
They looked for God in me, the parent, oh now I really faked it.
I looked for God in the innocent restless wildlings of the woods,
I looked for God in sounds but nothing that served me any good
I looked for God in finances in the false safety of gold coin
I looked for God there and became more bitter and purloined
I looked for God in churches and in the arches of kind words
I looked for God and so did they: I don’t think we understood.
I looked for God in the natural history where he was interred
I look for God but found old books that were bent and blurred
I looked for God in philosophy in politics and politicians’ rich brine
I looked for God in places filled with rich and bloated swine.
I looked for God everywhere in places that were really not good
For all I found were words like, “could” or “would” or “should”
And at this point, I gave up looking and put others in front of me
I opted for an insane life set in a possible near purgatory
I chose to put others before myself in my mad search
I took the time to rest awhile and gave myself the lurch
And that was when it happened, and this is odd to me;
For when I gave up searching, the old bugger: he found me.
God found me in a quandary near the bitter end
And do you know what’s really mad, he asked to be my friend.
So I asked him, what’s been the point of all this life all this searching
And, he just laughed this fruity laugh and winked and then just said …
The end
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