Oh Cameron your not my facebook friend rewrite 2
By alphadog1
- 273 reads
There is a cannot who runs the country:
his name is Cameron,
And he cannot, Oh he cannot!
There is a cannot who runs the country:
his name is Cameron,
And he cannot, No he cannot!
He cannot go to war, (wink wink)
And cannot help the poor,
When it comes to disability:
He cannot help the likes of you and me.
No! he cannot ease the pain,
But he cannot take the blame!
No he cannot so please don’t beg or plead,
Just move along the line of poverty!
He was unelected in twenty ten,
He is unelected now
And was unelected then!
And he now resides rent free
with more spare rooms
so self sufficiently
At a house that celebrates his year,
(Crumbs the coincidence is queer.)
next to an old chum towel folder,
whose into s and M with someone older
Its his job to fix all of the accounts!
No wonder then the country's up the spout!
And here he spends his day,
with his yes men friends, Yup, O.K! Dave!
where they debate about life's events
on which he carefully and dutifully amends;
Because the economics of the nation, on him, depend.
"Yes our nation's on the mend"
And then in the house of Commons
He puts to death all of the petty squabbles
With his jar of biscuit Pickles,
and his copy of Gideon’s Bible.
He controls all that he sees,
He's so unlike you and unlike me
because his daddy paid for his education,
Perhaps he's destined to ruin the nation?
So with his unelected mandate,
He gladly spreads all his discord and hate
Through papers like the Daily mail,
Where he considers the pain of austerity:
Yes,the problems that effect both you and me.
There is a cannot who runs the Country:
his name is Cameron;
And he cannot, Oh he cannot;
There is a cannot who runs the country:
his name is Cameron;
and he cannot, No he cannot.
He cannot go to war (wink wink)
and He cannot help the poor
when it comes to disability
He cannot help the likes of you and me.
He cannot ease the pain,
But He cannot take the blame,
No he cannot so please don’t plead,
Just move along the line of poverty!
And at night in his pajamas he is busy “Working”.
With this ancient nation’s interests at heart;
So, with the hopes of the people resting in his pocket,
He sits alone, he picks nose
and then slowly scratches his sweaty arse,
while looking at the progress on his empty charts,
Perhaps he might even let out a wet sounding fart,
which might be sweetened by a bung two or three,
made upon the backs of the likes of you and me.
Yet Alone he is, unwanted and despised.
Even by those people with the googly eyes
Those Tax dodgers who state “they pay their way!”
and who pretend that it’s all O.K
This now visceral and slowly dying breed
Who understand the nation and “its need,”
While lying in a Cesspit of their own greed.
There is a cannot who runs the Country:
his name is Cameron;
And he cannot,
Oh he cannot;
There is a cannot who runs the country:
his name is Cameron;
and he cannot, No he cannot.
He cannot go to war (wink wink)
He cannot help the poor
And when it comes to disability
He cannot help the likes of you and me.
He cannot ease the pain,
But He cannot take the blame,
No he cannot so please don’t plead,
Just move along the line of poverty
Now, no doubt there will be many who scan this lyric.
and think that my words are really quite absurd.
They might shake their heads in shame
and think that I am all to blame
then suggest it’s Can’t that I must be saying;
and that cannot is such a fickle word.
Well to them I must reply
That though I can get away with arse as it rhymes with words like sparse
that my stepson is on line and a can’t can be so easily misconstrued
Even though it’s just so F******g true.
So please now, don’t expect me to be blue?
Oh Cameron I’m so fed up with you.
So there is no need -here- to pretend:
Oh, Cameron your not my facebook friend.
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