sequential creation
By alphadog1
- 249 reads
I am.
I am here,
I am here, again.
I am here again, for your love…
Rising now sowing, in the birth of your love once more;
And in the rising and the sowing, of your cycle of birth to be;
We rest in soft quakes.
Wrestling with tumult and passion; Writhing with shudders and
soft murmurs. Fighting for life against the thirsts
of Waking, dreaming , flying and seeking ; Staking and screaming,
thumping and taking. Giving , getting, and then receiving;
Blooding , letting and then forgetting;
Twisting, then turning and finally burning.
And from this rising sequence of a pure design
And in the falling of those ages past
Comes adolescence, and sparks of life’s light eyes.
But that soon passes to black empty sockets ,
That mock the spatial with a mere mortal mind
And the arrogance of individual intellect .
But this passes too, and with that change, rises
Times strokes upon a near whispered hinted echo.
For life rises to a ruddy shining orb,
The birth pangs bite the crusted earth in a scream;
in cycles of circles spiral in a complex scheme.
Here, time sifts her fingers through a wild river’s spine,
To force seeds up, that then burst along skirted tracks;
That grow in whorls, that flow from a squall in murmurs,
To rise, in slow steps, from the shudder of creation,
where beast’s, whose shadow rises; for a short time:
That then thus returns, in a step of recreation;
In a turning, returning and returning once more,
In a life-cycle that dances to the one chord
That lifts into a crescendo and then slowly falls.
I am,
I am here,
I am here again,
I am here again; for your love.
© ADH 2016
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