Upon Corilanus ashes they dine
By alphadog1
- 373 reads
The man of cuts half healed
Raged against himself again.
His pride is in his isolation
While time honour and family
Whom rest in a position of
Tersly welcome him dislocated .
In a vanity of unwelcome times
That border upon unrested interest;
Where the many –few- part bow the knee
Through viscous viscous
Unwelcome thoughts;
Revealed in tallow faced callous smirks.
Battles were his triumph
Though people were not his cause
And those bit wounds of his are so
Scabby; rancid with wet pus
Soiled enough for us to morn him.
But its power that fucks him.
Power intoxicating
Power stimulating
Vile power abhorrent
Bloody vile incinerating
That bought bright blight searing
And then –in a word- death.
For there existed no time
Or words for mourning
There was only …war…
And his broken body
That writhes tired
Upon a martyrs field
Of volcian compromise.
The masses loved him
Then the masses hated him
In a persuasion of tribune rhetoric
That was ruptured from open mouths
Full of “might” wants needs and bigotry.
It led to a mass insanity:
A rejection of the man who bathed
In his rejections adoration.
And while the tribunes dines
The ten sheep pen celebrity
And those 24 military bowed behinds
You sought the Volcians
As a wild man: an emissary.
For a tribulation of vengeance
Because of political arrogance
And a vain need for acceptance
Hidden behind that hard Roman pride.
But you shaped your will
And despite your reluctance
You took a stand for peace
In a time of war.
Then they named you Proclaimed you
In a war fought for others gain
But they hated you enough to kill you
A sacrifice at the doors of your loathed temple:
The alleys of the peoples streets .
An Ironic removal
In a conflict of rumours
Where little was won at such terrible cost.
Oh how he was opaque.
Not giving away his thoughts
To the inventoried audience
Save through snapped commands
From snarled wolf lips .
How like a vain God he strode
And like a true leader he fell
By a traitors hand.
It forces surface thoughts.
Are we monster
Are we soul?
Are we one
Are we whole?
Should we want you on our throne?
Would you feed us
Or would you gaze upon volumous
With Oedipus eyes instead?
Extolling her virtue of canny coin
Through cunny obligation?
Would YOU watch
As troops of police
Bashed our brains?
And would you laugh
As our cadavers piled up:
A burning corps of corpses
For a handful of dry dirty grain.
Or would yoou fly like a butterfly of night
Whose ravens wings
Slap the air
To rise above the rest
To wear as your thick creast
Of political power
An unwanted crown of thorns
Buried deep in your soft scalp.
And while you stand upon your acceptance
You plummet like Lucifers
Or Icarus from sol’s flame incarnate.
Oh we are but dust
And to dust we will return
From chaos onto chaos into chaos
We thrive and fly in soft skies
But from an argument we are burnt
In flames of hope
Only to be gathered in ashes
Of his and our separate reality
A toxic incarnation of hibernation
Of primal power
Shown as it always is
In the cracking soft thud
Of a stone against the bone
Of a soft skull.
To be followed by that hollow laugh
That bellows
Within the throats of beasts as they dine
Until their sup is done.
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