zombie-nazi's part 4 the resistance and the rubbish plan
By alphadog1
- 366 reads
As I said, we move around a lot; this has a double edged effect or affect, I din’t know which, it has an impact. To start with, there is a lot of zombie-nazi’s to kill, which isn’t so good. However, on the plus side there is a chance to meet fellow survivors.
Begbie was a tough Scottish bastard that hated zombie-nazi’s from birth. There is a sort of myth about him. It is said that his first words were “Im gojn’ to do you, you fuckin’ zombie nazi cunt.” Which for a child of six months quite a feat. He was also extremely violent at home and this led to him being put into care.
Prior the rise of the Nazi-zombie’s Begbie was on a downward spiral towards alcoholic oblivion. Post the Nazi-zombie event, Begbie became the hero of the resistance. There are stories that say he took out a whole platoon armed only with a long bladed kitchen knife and E.L.O’s out of the blue album.
Then there is Dark Steve. Dark Steve tends to wear black a lot. He also doesn’t say very much accept “yes” or “no” which means he’s hard to get to know. But he is a wiz with anything electrical. It was Dark Steve who managed to get the diesel operated electricity generator up and running and in turn got the lathes in the workshop running off staves and the like. I don’t much more about him. In fact, I have never seen his face.
Julia Morcombe is a fourteen year old who lost her entire family to brain eating and nazi-zombifiaction. She has the widest and palest blue eyes I have ever seen. She is also a bit moody and sulky, but knows how to throw a javelin; and has learned to break into any shop with ease. She is the case officer. I bright mind and clever fingers too.
Jordan is a twenty year old with a love of all things explosive. His parents managed to survive the onslaught driving off to the hills like we did, surviving is something that we have to take for granted these days. He loves his Bike and is always seen riding about the city cleaving the occasional Nazi-zombie in two usually while listening to tracks by the chemical brothers. Jordan also has a very nice strain of cannabis that he has nurtured and grown himself; so he’s always good for a laugh.
This makes up the core of the resistance, people that we have met, while on our travelling. On the whole they are a great bunch of guys’ though they are quite argumentative at times; which is why I tend to hang around with them occasionally. We usually have a planned meeting to discuss how we are faring, if we have found any weakness’s and what to do about the Nazi- zombies once a month. The last meeting took place at our house , which, never goes down well with Rhiannon; even though they bring the biscuits.
It was a month after I had taken out the patrol and two weeks since Glan’s near infection, that the resistance met in our front room to discuss what had been occurring. Dark Steve sat there, his face hidden in his black hoodie, next to him was Begbie. Across from him was Rhiannon, (our other two girls were in bed) Jordan Glan and Julia at the end of the room was me. The silence was pretty deafening.
“ So “ I began “Have we had a good week?” More silence followed. Dark Steve nodded his head Begbie looked tired and Julia strained. Jordan was puffing on a Joint, that he passed the Glan. Rhiannon stared at me and I shrugged lamely.
“So you we have found that listening to shite music has an impact on the virus” said Begbie coldly.
I nodded.
“I see…” I saw he looked strained as he folded his arms across his chest “Rick Astley of Kylie Minouge fuckin’ hell! I hate that crap”
“Hey don’t mock the Kylie” said Julie
“its not that its crap music” I injected
“its not crap!” Julie spat defiantly. “you could same about Hawkind”
Begbie stared coldly at Julie and a heavy silence filled the room.
“never mock Hawkwind in my presence again!” Begbie said angilly and we all looked down.
“Julie, its, its not the music, its its the vocal repetition…” I eased her and she clamed down. “…In fact it’s any song that has a mildly irritating, over repetitive vocal chorus, that the listener finds irritating. You know, a song that you can’t get out of your head in the morning. It’s that, that attacks the virus….Its as if the song prevents the Bob Garage’s words being decoded in the subconscious. “
“Does this mean we have to stop killing them?” Begbie sounded tight. His whole life he had been dedicated to the killing of Nazi-zombies. To suddenly change would be hard for him.
“Not necessarily” I began cautiously as I didn’t want Begbie to leave without getting to the end of the meeting. “it’s a prevention for the virus stop the spread to the brain eating stage. One that occurs there is no hope for the Nazi-zombie.”
“too right! the only good zombie nazi is a dead zombie nazi! Fucking kill em all I say!”
I then related the incident in the Spar shop.
“So we could take out one chief nazi zombie and loads blow up?” Jordan grinned, his eyes glittered with joy.
“yep” said dark Steve.
“ that takes the fun out o’ it” muttered Begbie,
“-Oh go on Begbie, hittin’ the big cheese sounds like a laff to me” said Julie.
Dark Steve muttered another yes and both Jordan and Glan grinned and giggled in stoned amusement. I could feel Rhiannon’s eyes boring into my neck so I looked down and towards the window. Suddenly A magpie came and settled on the window ledge. It paced outside up and down the window looking in. Glan saw it and looked away. I stared at it and was about to shoo it off, when Glan suddenly got up went to the window and tapped it sharply. The bird laughed as it took to flight. I turned back to the room.
“Well any chance I can get at taking out that Bob fucking Garage I am up for that.” Shouted Begbie
“ It might lead to then of the entire zombie-nazi hoard” I injected as which point Begbie looked a bit sad.
“oh go on” Rhiannon chided, “I’m sure there will be a few left to kill.” Begbie looked down and blushed a little.
“ The problem is getting close enough to Bob Garage so as we are not turned in nazi-zombies ourselves and want to start eating our own brains and shit” said Jordan and we all agreed.
Unlike before the Nazi-zombie infestation of five years ago; Bob was always down the pub, or on TV making his growling grunting noises and converting most around him into brain eating nazi-zombies; nowadays he rarely left Buckingham Palace where he now resided with the Queen and the rest of the Brain eating nazi-zombie establishment. It was clear, someone or a group of someone’s were going to have to break into Buckingham palace and try to take him out.
This we all agreed was going to be hard, as point one: though many people –over the years- had managed to escape from Buckingham Palace usually naked….not many had managed to get in. Our hope rested in the one grain of factual evidence we had to hand. Namely Nazi-zombies were as thick as shit; with the memory span of a fish.
Oh, sure there were loads of them, but number’s count for nothing, when you have a gang of bright, determined individuals like ourselves, ready to do battle with the nazi-zombie hoard no matter the consequences.
So we sat down and came up with a sort of plan. well in fact Begbie did and we all agreed. Begbie Glan and I were to climb the fence and sneak around the back of the palace, enter the building though the kitchen, and sneak about the place until we found Bob and take him out. Meanwhile the others were to cause a commotion outside the palace and force the nazi-zombies inside to come out and give chase.
To be honest, it was a shite plan. A really shite plan. In fact It was the worst fecking plan that had ever been invented. If there was sacred place for shite plans, this plan would be there in a gilded cage, it was as shite as the referendum that start this fecking thing off in the first place. Rhiannon told me it was a shite plan and said that we should wait, however, it was Begbie’s plan and , let’s be honest, Begbie was a violent bastard. I knew if I said anything he’d kick me head in, The fact was Begbie was all up for it, as it meant killing loads of zombie-Nazi’s so that was that.
That night, I found sleep hard. For some reason the magpie earlier that day kept haunting my mind. I tried to sleep, but when I slept, it would always appear, flying over my head, haunting me. laughing at me with a cold malicious sound of triumph. I woke up with a start.
“what’s wrong” Rhiannon groaned, “can’t you ever settle down?”
I rested back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling as the dawn slowly encroach upon the day.
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