zombie nazi's part 5 a weird meeting in St James Park off the Mall.
By alphadog1
- 267 reads
The trip to the heart of London was a nervous one. We had acquired a large-ish lorry and filled it up with all of us and all the equipment we thought we'd need. There was a huge bag of Cotton wool and a large amount of speakers of various sizes, that we had jerriemanderd to several mp3 players. A host of batteries, some large swords, and large knives, loads of guns, loads of bullets and shotgin shells and a chainsaw or two. sat Glan, the two girs, Angela, Jordan Glen and Dark Steve. I sat in the front of the truck with Begbi, Rhinannon Reannon had elected to drive. She was nervous that we had avoided the poll booth to pay to go through London and muttered about a fine. Meanwhile Begbie who was next to us in the van said that didn’t matter as fuck we were in a nicked van anyway.
The closer we got to London, the denser the zombie-nazi hoard became. By the time we were in central London They were everyfuckinwhere; murmuring and growling and grumbling all in this low meancing noise, however they were all motionless as if asleep. We managed to make it all the way to the Mall, we pulled over at St James park and disembarked. It was night, a dark night, as the moon was new. We moved quietly, so not to wake the Zombie-nazi’s who were around us.
“what’s wrong with the feckers” muttered Begbie.
“collective consciousness” whispered Angela. They’ll all wake up when Bob awakes. He probably can’t sense our presence yet.
“fair nuff” said Begbie, who then dispatched three to keep us warm.
It has to be said the burning of a zombie-nazi is not a nice odour. There is that stink of burning hair and skin. If the zombie nazi s fat its worse as the organs inside burst out… its not nice.
Despite the fire It was cold. My fingers were numb and the snow was a good inch thick. It was as I opened the back of the van that I heard a the galloping of hooves. Both I and Begbie turned around to see what was coming, and there and there riding towards us through St James park was a man in furs on a thundering horse.
Begbie pulled out his gun and was about to shoot, when he stopped. “no wait.” The horse stopped and a young man with raven hair black eyes a narrow face and tufts of beard looked towards us.
“Winter is here.” He said.
“ I know you…your, your, Jon Snow from Westeros, you canna be here! This is London and WE are facing the Nazi-Zombie infestation!” fuck off back to Westeros!"
“ But I have come with my army of…” he looked around. “oh”
“ ha ha, yeah, that’s right, your on your own. That’s what they do there in weteros, they might bow the knee to your face, but when your back is turned, they’ll stab you in it like the fuckers they are.”
“-a bit like the labour party then” said Angela.
“-But I have the blessing of the king of Light”
“-mate, I began “ you could have the blessing of the entire planet, however, if George R.R. Martin finds you here finds you here, we are in big shit! One, he could kill us all off just for fun, and two HBO will be well pissed off with our God of light and that will be the end of nazi-zombies!”
I was about to continue about the continuity of it all, when, from above, we heard this strange scraming howl. It was as if the sky was filled with deamons. There then followed a sound like the flapping of leather wings.
Angela looked up. “oh fucking hell!”
Suddenly Yellow flames lit up St James park and an explosion was heard. I could just see St Pauls had become a ball of flame. Three Dragons were seen circling in the yellow light. All around us the zombie Nazis started to stir; Yet they were frozen as if unable to wake up.
One dragon descended from the heavens and landed heavily. It leant its head forward, and Denerys Stormborn , yes her with the big eyes and the the big, well you know, slowly and seductively started walking towards us
“Fear not brave men of Britain, I have come to help you with your quest “ She said
“That’s a nice piece of arse.” Said Begbie.
“that piece of arse is going to get us into a hell of a lot of trouble” I began.
“I don’t mind that sort of trouble” began Jordan, don you think she’d like a bag of weed to share?”
Both Rhiannon and Angela were looking deciodedly pissed off, and were glaring at me, as if it were all my fault. Fer fecks sake, as if I can control whats’ going on. The zombies were stirring. Quickly Jon snow hacked one of their heads off.
“Oh fuck no!” I sighed, and buried my head in my hands, as the zombie nazi went to attack him. Begbie finished it off with a lance to its back.
“chopping their heads off only pisses them off” I said. “keep up with the story will ye?”
Jon Muttered sorry as which point Daeneys stared at him aqutely.
“Are you the bastard known as Jon Snow,? king of the North and from the house Stark?”
He nodded.
“I am Daenerys Stormborn from the house Targarian, Queen of the South and keeper of the Dragon’s! We need to get married and have dirty slutty sex."
Jon looked down and a bit awkward. “It’s Its a a bit rushed isn’t it? He began “Can we at least help our fellow Brothers and sisters fend of the Nazi-zombie hoard of Great Britian first?”
“Oh, err, okay, so don’t you want to have sex with me then?
“Errum no, its errum, no, no…not that…Its just a bit unexpected that's all.
“Really? oh come on…surely not…” she giggled gently at that. “Ok, lets help these people out first, then tell me how you feel about it.”
“Sure why not.” Jon replied.
“-You lucky bastard.” muttered Begbie “ …I was only some bit character in Trainspotting."
“Look all of you! Shut the fuck up!” I pleaded. I stared with fear, rising as the zombie nazi’s began to wake up. “This is supposed to be a satirical piece, about the end of the UK, because of a bunch of fecking fascists nazi-zombies take over the county! It’s not about giving away the last series of Game of fucking thrones!
Suddenly Tyrion Lannister appeared from behind Danerys and started to sing Space pants killing off a hoard of Zombie nazi’s at one go.
“Hey, we could do with him. He drinks and know’s things.” Begbie exclaimed,
“ Look will you all please stop!” I felt exhausted by it all, but I bellowed loud. There was a silence. For the first time ever the resistance and its new players stared at me. For the first time I felt in charge and capable of making a decision. For the first time I would have my say. I opened my mouth to speak but then...
“-The way I see it” Rhiannon suddenly exlaimed “is that you…” – she pointed at Denerys,” and you” she pointed at Jon , can help with a diversion, while the rest of us break into Buckingham palace...Your majesty?”
Both Jon and Deneyrs stared at her.
“No not the fecking useless man! Yoiu with the blonde hair, Your majesty, we need a dragon to get us into the Palace."
With a nod of her head Denerys let a weird call, that sounded like “OI! get down ere now” and at once, one of the dragons flew into the mall and settled down, squashing about twenty slowly waking nazi-zombies, with its huge feet.
Suddenly Denerys grabbed Jon’s hand.
“come with me you naughty boy.” She whispered as she ran with him over the waiting dragon in St James park.
Begbie shook his head as he spoke aloud to the back of Jon snow. “You lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky bastard.”
“Aye that he is.” Replied Tyrion, after all, he managed to survive the battle of the bastards, did you see that episode ? By the way, I thought I was really great in Season six. The trouble is people always remember the space pants thing.”
“Oh…you were superb. An don’t worry, here space pants is our secret weapon. You never know you might make it to the end without dying.”
"really oh shit.. I haven't done a death scene in years. .Sorry to see your career has hit a bit of a dry patch”
“-well its all swings and roundabouts “ Began Begbie, as they both started to walk towards the dragon.
Within a moment Begbie, Angela, Glan the kids, Rhiannon Tryiorn and I were all in the sky, flying on the back of a dragon, in huge sweeping arcs over Buckingham palace, ready to defeat Bob Garage in one last final battle to end the Nazi zombie hoard and save humanity.
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