Living together
By andrew-evans
Tue, 11 Dec 2012
- 278 reads
Eyes open, and take a while
to adjust to the mornings light.
I roll onto my side,
and smile as I do,
seeing you lying
in the space next to me.
We take a shower,
your wet body
both erotic and beautiful,
this feeling of happiness
stays with me all day,
as we go about our things,
There's nothing quite like
spending all moments
of my day with you,
it makes me constantly
feel like I have butterflies.
We may be young,
and have made some mistakes,
but just being this way with you
makes me certain that we're meant to be.
I know we're not actually,
but it's like
we're living together already,
and I now know
that I want nothing more than this.
You, me,
living together forever.
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