Diary of a bored woman in the office
By gail
- 744 reads
Got sod all to do again today. A pile of stuff waiting to talk to
the boss-who's-not-supposed-to-be-my-boss any more again on Monday.
Apart from that, sod all.
Am still really chuffed to have my story as "Story of the Day" for my
competition entry. I wonder how long Story of the Day stays there as
has now been there for two days. Coool.
Rug came over last night and was gorgeous as usual. He was feeling a
bit groggy though. He thinks he might be coming down with my cold. Who
gets a cold in steamy July, I ask you? Well, I did. Even one of the
surgeons here said I needed to sort my seasons out. To be honest I
think it might have been all the excitement of getting engaged. Never
thought I'd see a sparkly ring on my finger. Ever.
Looking forward to seeing K after work tonight. Haven't seen her in
ages. I do hope she's not still in love with Mr Married Man Driving
Instructor. Last I heard he'd decided to leave Mrs Driving Instructor.
Yeah right. Heard that one before. K's been telling me there's A LOT to
catch up on. Hope she hasn't got herself into any more trouble. Still,
she must be excited about her new life in Anglesey starting in
September. Is it Anglesey? Anglessey? Anglesea??.. wonder if she knows,
or cares. We might go to the Cuban place in Waterloo that we went to a
few years ago with S and F on my birthday. It's really sad about S and
F. I keep thinking about it. I hope they are all ok. I say all because
there's little M as well now too. I never thought it would turn out how
it did.
Wow! what excitement. Just got a meaty work e-mail, but again is
something I'll need to check out with the non-boss boss on Monday, so
have forwarded it on to her. Monday is going to be busy.
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