It is You...
By valleygirlx3
- 609 reads
This story is written with pictures that is why there are ******.just ignore them I am aware that this is not proper paragraph formation.
It Is You
Just over the horizon, the sun's golden rays were breaking above the mountains. Illuminating the ground with their warm ambience and once again casting the world into the busy activities that day would bring. Alone on the front porch of her house that she lived in with her father and mother, Lilia Bennett sat curled comfortably on a chair with a book in hand purely enjoying the soft melody of dawn and absorbing the emotions created by the mass of words on each page of the story.
If Miss Bennett were to be described by her acquaintances, they might choose words such as handsome, considerate, good-natured, gentle, and honest. She was spoken well of by all that knew her and she seemed to be the only one who doubted the pleasantness of her appearance. She was graced with long, silky, brunette hair and eyes that were such a shade of blue that many would compare them to sapphires. She was also granted with a long slender frame that gave her a look of such poise and elegance when she moved.
The sound of approaching footsteps aroused Lilia from her reading and caused her head to look around in question as to who, or what, was approaching. A deep familiar voice filled her ears and broke the silence of the dawn.
“Good Morning, Miss Bennet”
She smiled when she saw her dear friend Jonathan Turner drawing near and bowing in greeting.
She stood up and followed suit.
“Good Morning Jonathan, how are you today?”
“I am quite well thank you; I was just enjoying the beauties of nature by taking a walk. When I came near to your house I couldn’t resist coming to call on my dearest friend. Would you care to join me?”
“I would be delighted.”
The two friends then started on their stroll, talking and laughing as they always would.
The Turner family has been a long time friend of the Bennett’s. Lilia and Jonathan had known each other since their childhoods. There dispositions are much alike and although they will sometimes share a heated discussion they usually agree on most topics. This morning their topic of discussion was the arrival of a Mr. Christian Willoughby to the previously unoccupied estate just a mile or two away.
“Have you seen this Mr. Willoughby, Jonathan?” Lilia asked.
“No, I have not had the pleasure of making his acquaintance; I am hoping to do so at the ball he has planned for Monday next.”
“Oh I do love balls, the company, the dancing, what fun it will be.” She smiled at the thought, and Jonathan smiled too, for her smile had that affect on people.
“Certainly So.” He replied.
Lilia nodded and smiled in agreement and the pair continued their walk in silence. It was not a silence of awkwardness but rather one of comfort. Just being in the presence of a friend was calming on both sides.
Out of the corner of his eye Jonathan couldn’t help but be distracted by the newly risen sun reflecting off of Lilia’s flawless ivory complexion and creating a glow around her. While he did admire her beauty, Jonathan also had a high regard for her manners, her discussion, and her respect. Everything about her was wonderful in his eyes. He couldn’t help but love her. That is the deepest of all his secrets. He is madly and profoundly in love with Lilia. A love that sprung from their many years of friendship. However he is not one that can easily express the desires of his heart. He has convinced himself that she only feels a brotherly affection towards him and he would rather be her friend then take the chance and admitting his adoration only to have it rejected and the friendship ruined.
Although the time of two hours had passed during their walk, for them it seemed only a minutes time before they were once again back at Lilia’s home.
“Thank you for walking with me this morning Lilia, you know I always enjoy your company.”
“Of course Jonathan, I too enjoy your company.” she said and flashed the smile that made Jonathans stomach twist in knots.
She was about to turn and head inside when Jonathan stopped her.
“Lilia, may I ask you a question?”
She turned and looked at him questioningly.
“Of course you may, is something wrong?”
“No, No, Nothing is wrong; I was simply going to enquire as to your willingness, Miss Bennett, to allow me to be your escort for the ball.”
The look of question melted from her features and flowed into a grin.
“I am most willing to have you be my escort Mr. Turner. But are you sure there isn’t a special lady that you would rather bring in my place?” She lightly teased with a wink.
Jonathan knew of course that she was referring to her young cousin Miss Hilary Weston who even at the age of 9 years to his 20 was constantly trying to gain his affections when she‘d come to visit. He chuckled and replied.
“I am most certain” he chuckled. Then reaching for her hand and placing a friendly kiss on her soft skin he bid her Good Day , then turned and took his leave.
“Good Day, Mr. Turner” She called to him before turning and heading inside.
Even by the time he returned to his house Jonathan could still feel the burning on his hand from her skin touching his and the feel of his lips on her hand. A look of longing crossed his brown eyes before he went to his library to find a good book, but sitting down with a sigh he found the only thing he could focus on was her. There wasn’t a day that went by when he didn’t vex himself for being a coward. He always pictured it in his head, what he would say, how he would gallantly bend down on one knee, the whole thing. But for some reason whenever he was actually in her presence his courage fled him and he just couldn’t go through with it. He never knew exactly when he fell in love with her; he was in the middle before he even knew he’d started. On the other hand he did have the ball to look forward to, with this thought to comfort him he opened his book and began reading.
Lilia too, was thinking about the ball. The object of her thoughts was the mysterious Mr. Willoughby. She had heard that he just moved from London and even at 22 years of age he was quite rich but still single.
“I hope he is handsome and has not let his money get the best of him” she found herself thinking. Lilia could never have trouble finding a husband just for some reason all the men who placed themselves in her presence were vain and conceded. She also was a believer of true love. She would never get married for money or status the only way she could be persuaded into matrimony was if she was completely and utterly in love with the man.
The sound of her father coming into the kitchen where she was sitting brought her out of her thoughts.
“Good Morning Papa. It‘s a beautiful day, is it not?”
“Yes, I daresay it is. What has got you in such high spirit’s the morning my Ray?” Her father asked using the pet name he bestowed on her as a baby for she was his ray of sunshine.
“Oh papa the new resident of Kinsley Hall, Mr. Willoughby, is holding a ball!”
A new voice entered the room; it was that of Lilia’s mother.
“A ball! How charming, I have heard nothing but praise for this Mr. Willoughby, perhaps Lilia he will be pleasant enough for you to consider”
“Oh mama, I am only 19 I don’t think about every acquaintance that comes my way as a future husband. You know that I will only marry for love.”
Her mother sighed.
“Yes, Yes, Yes, I know, but my dear I worry sometimes, I want you to be safe and protected by a good man.”
“I will find him someday mama, do not fret.” She replied more to herself than in response to her mother.
Then leaving the room she went in search of her good friend Kitty. Katherine Smith or Kitty as Lilia called her was one of the Bennett’s maids but Lilia did not treat her as such. In fact all of the staff at the Bennett’s were treated with respect and dignity. They held their masters in great respect for being treated so kindly. Opening the door to her bedroom Lilia found kitty dusting and making the bed.
“Oh dearest Kitty, there is to be a ball! At Kinsley Hall, Mr. Turner informed me just this morning.”
“A ball how fantastic. We will have to clean and press your best dress Lilia.”
“Most certainly. I believe I would like to wear the white one.”
“Yes that is a wonderful choice.”
“I’ve been waiting for a chance to wear it, Jonathan purchased it for my birthday and I haven’t worn it once. He is to be my escort and so this ball will be the perfect occasion.”
Kitty looked at her with a small smirk on her face and Lilia knew what she was insinuating
“Oh Kitty how can you tease me so. You know as well as I that Mr. Turner has only brotherly affections towards me and me only sisterly affections towards him.”
“Of course Lilia, but he is most handsome and you both get along so well”
“Yes we are dear friends but as it stands now that is all we will be, friends and nothing more.”
With all of the excitement of the impending ball the week flew by and it was soon the day of the ball.
Lilia was in her room getting ready.
“Kitty, I am so excited. My stomach is all a flutter with butterflies.”
Kitty laughed as she continued pinning up silky strands of Lilia’s recently curled hair.
“I do hope you have a most pleasant evening, when you return you must tell me every detail”
“I will Kitty, I will.” Then looking at herself in the mirror she was satisfied with her appearance and when downstairs to the awaiting carriage.
A short ride later the Bennett’s arrived at the Turner’s for dinner before the ball. The family walked in and at the bottom of the stairs Jonathan was waiting for Lilia. He had previously been looking at his watch and when he glanced over at the stairs he did a double take. Surely his eyes were mistaking him; there couldn’t be an angel atop his stairs. He looked again and his heart almost stopped. It was no angel, though close to it in his eyes, it was Lilia. She was wearing the dress he purchased for her birthday and it looked even more perfect on her than he could’ve imagined. She descended the stairs gracefully and slowly and Jonathan watched her every move memorized.
Soon enough she was right in front of him and if looks could kill. Mr. Jonathan Turner would be dead on the spot.
The sound of his name brought him back to reality.
“Jonathan, is something the matter?” Lilia asked cautiously.
“No, nothing is wrong.” he lied. Then bending down and kissing her gloved hand he escorted her into the dinner hall where the family was already seated.
After a pleasing dinner filled with conversation everyone gathered in their respective carriages and headed towards Kinsley Hall.
“Something is on Jonathan’s mind Papa, I can tell. He seemed so distant during dinner tonight.”
“I think he was more distracted, than distant, my dear” her father replied.
“I do wish he would tell me what has been distracting him. I’ve never seen him act in such a way. Perhaps he is nervous about the ball, he has not been to one since we were children.”
“Perhaps,” he said hiding a smile. Mr. Bennett could easily sense Jonathan’s attraction to Lilia and it was only confirmed by the way he saw him looking at her tonight. However it was not his place to say anything and therefore he kept his mouth closed.
“Whoa” the driver cried with a low whistle.
A footman came around and opened the carriage door.
Lilia stepped out and walked up to Jonathan placing her hand on his shoulder. He jumped at her touched and she giggled.
“My dear Jonathan. What has gotten into you tonight?”
Her voice flowed in his ear like silk making every nerve stand on end.
“N-N-Nothing, Nothing at all. A bit nervous I suppose” he half lied. It was true he was nervous but not because of the ball. The truth was that it was becoming harder and harder to fight his feelings for her.
“Well you have nothing to worry about; I’ll be right by your side. Shall we go inside now?”
Lilia had taken his hand and he could feel the heat from her body next to his. He took a deep breath to compose himself before answering.
“Yes”, he replied. Then they set off for a night of entertainment inside Kinsley Hall.
Once inside they were greeted by the sight of a grand hall filled with guests, chatter, music, and dancing. The mood was lively and merry leaving hope to the promise of a wonderful night. Jonathan and Lilia were standing with Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Bennet, and Mrs. Turner discussing the splendor of the room.
Lilia excused herself and was making her way across the hall to the powder room when a very handsome young man who looked to be around the age of 20 or so, came up to the her and introduced himself.
“Good Evening, My name is Mr. Willoughby of Kinsley. I am quite pleased to make your acquaintance.”
“Mr. Willoughby, I have wanted to make your acquaintance. My name is Miss Lilia Bennett of Malvern.”
Then he suavely took her hand and placed a kiss upon it. Lilia felt a surge of butterflies grow in her stomach.
“Well, Miss Bennett,” he continued. “Would you please be so kind as to allow me the pleasure of dancing with such a beautiful creature?”
Lilia smiled and blushed hoping he didn’t notice the sudden reddening of her cheeks.
“I would be most happy to oblige you.” she replied readily, Allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.
Jonathan had been talking to a Mr. Darby when he glanced over and saw Lilia dancing with the man he discovered to be the illustrious Mr. Willoughby. He ended his conversation and brought his attention back to Lilia. She was smiling and laughing and seeming to really be enjoying herself. Inside his heart Jonathan felt the pang of jealousy start to grow. He tried to reason with his heart and suppress his feelings but every time Mr. Willoughby put his hand on her or every time she flashed him that smile, the feeling came right back again. Finally barely able to stand it Jonathan decided to go out to the balcony for some fresh air.
At last settling down he came back inside and kept himself distracted with the various guests so he would not have to think of someone else with his Lilia. At length the ball was over and everyone was heading to their carriages.
Lilia had at last freed herself from Mr. Willoughby and found Jonathan.
“Jonathan. I am so happy; Mr. Willoughby is most charming and handsome. Do you not agree?”
Though a little forced Jonathan replied.
“Oh yes he had very pleasing manners and he seemed to take a special interest in you.”
“Do you really think so? How I hope to see more of him in the future I’m inclined to say that I have become somewhat infatuated with him”
Jonathan’s heart ached at her words. He knew he should be happy for his friend but how he wished he could be the cause of her happiness and the glow that now surrounded her.
“Come along Lilia, Jonathan, we are leaving.” Mrs. Bennett called from the door.
Once outside Mr. Willoughby came to bid farewell to the family.
“Miss Bennet, your company has been very wonderful. I hope to see more of you in the future.”
“Mr. Willoughby I could not agree more. This evening has been extremely pleasant.”
She curtsied and allowed him to help her in the carriage
Her mother added. “Yes Mr. Willoughby you must come to Malvern and have dinner with us sometime. You are welcome whenever you desire.”
“Many thanks, Mrs. Bennet” He said helping her onto the carriage as well.
“Mr. Bennett” he said bowing respectively before walking back in doors.
On the way home daughter and mother talked of nothing more than Mr. Willoughby and all his positive attributes.
“Oh mama, he is just what a young man ought to be.”
“I couldn’t agree more my dear, did you see how he was entranced by your beauty.”
Lilia frowned at this and to her mother, replied.
“That may have been a part but I do hope he saw more to me than that.”
“He must have my dear, did you see how eager he was to see you again. I’m pleased to believe he will be dinning with us not to far from now”
In the Turner carriage the mood was a little less happy than that of the Bennett’s. Mr. and Mrs. Turner talked of the wonderful evening but their son sat gazing at the moon with a frown upon his brow.
“What is the matter son; did you not have a good time?” His mother asked.
“No I had a pleasant time; I am just tired is all.”
“Oh, well if you say so.” She replied accepting his lie and continued chatting all the way home.
About 2 or so days later Jonathan decided to go to Miss Bennett’s and take another walk with her if she was not busy.
As he rode up to her house he noticed she was not alone on the front porch. Sitting next to her reading to her out of a book was none other than Mr. Willoughby, his heart immediately sank. Seeing as she had already noticed him it was too late to turn back so he reluctantly continued to the house.
“Jonathan how good to see you! I was beginning to think you forgot about me.” Lilia greeted enthusiastically.
He couldn’t help but smile at her. He bowed to both her and Mr. Willoughby.
“Good Day Miss Bennett. I was just stopping by to see if you would like to take another walk with me but I can see you are previously engaged.” He said nodding towards Mr. Willoughby. “Sorry for my intrusion”
“My dearest Jonathan, you are no such imposition I would love to take a walk I’m sure you won’t mind if Mr. Willoughby joins us. Would you?”
“No, not at all. It would be a pleasure Mr. Willoughby” He said forcefully.
Lilia excitedly grabbed Mr. Willoughby’s arm and hooked hers inside. Then the trio set off on their walk.
The three had been walking for sometime talking and laughing together or rather, Lilia and Willoughby had been talking and laughing while Jonathan started feeling like a 3rd wheel. He could stand it no longer; it pained him too much to see her with him. Stating a sudden headache he took his leave and left the pair alone.
“How peculiarly he has been acting as of late.” Lilia commented to Willoughby
“Perhaps he has lady troubles, is he courting someone?”
“No, Not that I know of. He has always said he wanted to wait before choosing a wife, he like myself, is a believer in only marrying for true love”
“True love? I do not know if I am a believer of such an idea. I believe you should marry someone your family chooses or one who will be a financial benefit.”
Lilia looked over at him in disbelief. He was handsome, clever, charming, everything she wanted in a man. Except this, how could he not believe in true love? It’s a small oversight I suppose she thought to herself. As it was she was so tickled by him that she’d probably forgive any fault he had.
After their walk Lilia was about to bid farewell to her dear Willoughby when he took the opportunity to ask her something.
“Miss Bennet, please excuse me if I am being to forward, but I cannot deny that I feel a close attraction to you. I was hoping you’d agree to spend the summer with me at my estate in Colchester.” noticing the apprehension on her face he added “you could bring whomever you want with you as well”
Lilia’s face was blushing, she knew it, and she just hoped he wouldn’t notice. She was beaming from happiness and readily accepted his invitation. After he left she kept thinking about the short time of only 2 months till summer would start and she would be at Mr. Willoughby’s estate for the whole season.
The next day when Jonathan came to Lilia’s house he was pleased to discover that Mr. Willoughby was not on the porch along with her. However with the news she gave him he might as well have been.
“So you’ll be staying at his estate for 3 months?” he asked after hearing her tell him of how Mr. Willoughby invited her to stay with him.
“Yes, but not just me, I’m bringing you too, and Kitty as well. He said I may bring whomever I want and how could I survive 3 months without my friends?”
He was going to decline seeing as he didn’t think he could emotionally stand seeing the pair become closer for 3 months but her beautiful face seemed so hopeful he just couldn’t say no
“Well, this sounds most wonderful. And summer is not too far away, there is much preparation to be done. I will leave you for now.”
He bowed and left.
In no time at all summer had come and Lilia, Jonathan, and Kitty were standing outside of Colchester with Mr. Willoughby coming to greet them. The estate sat on about 10 acres of green mountainous land with a beautiful lake and many trees whose leaves swayed in the gentle summer breeze.
He bowed graciously to Mr. Turner and Kitty but he graciously kissed the hand of Lilia. Immediately making Jonathan regret his coming.
Once inside they were given a tour of the estate. It was filled with the most stunning artwork, sculptures, tapestries, and decorations Lilia had ever seen in her life. The swirling marble floors led the way as the party passed the walls of artwork full of angels, damsels, gallant fighters, and with the way the light from the many windows illuminated the place one would think it was a place of God. When Lilia spoke she did so in a soft whisper for fear she would disturb the peace of the house if she spoke any louder.
“Mr. Willoughby your home is so beautiful; I don’t think I’ve seen such a sight in all my years”
“I am glad it suites you, I certainly enjoy this place.”
“I hope I am able to enjoy it as well”
“I will see to it that you do; now my maids will show you to your rooms”
A woman came and ushered Lilia to follow her she had hair as white as snow and wrinkles on her pale skin showing how time had aged her. Each line seemed to hold a secret of the past, a memory, the story of this woman’s life.
After walking up a winding grand staircase and through a corridor or two, the woman stopped in front of a wooden door and unlocked it, revealing the inside.
At the sight of her room Lilia had to sit down, it was literally breathtaking. A large four poster bed sat in the middle of the room covered in beautifully embroidered white bedding and matching curtains. The floor was covered with a soft carpet that looked almost as comfortable as the bed. The room smelled of lavender and vanilla it instantly relaxed Lilia and soon she was able to breathe normal again.
She crossed over to the gorgeous wardrobe and slowly dragged her fingertips across the smooth wood until she reached the metal handle and opened the doors. The deep smell of mahogany washed over her and she slowly inhaled. She started to carefully unpack her clothes, slowly and methodically she placed every article in its respective place.
A sharp pain suddenly found its way to Lilia’s head. She put her hand to her head only to discover how hot she had become. She felt dizzy and nauseous. Then, just as quickly as it had come, it went away. She took a deep breath and went to the balcony adjacent to her room and stepped outside in the fresh summer air. The striking flowers of the garden created a multihued blanket on the ground and their scents were exceedingly delightful. Lilia leaned gracefully against the balcony and just took in her surroundings hoping it would clear the pain forming in her head.
In his room, Jonathan too, was unpacking his things. He was rushing for he wanted to reach Lilia and have a moment to talk to her before she was once again in the clutches of Mr. Willoughby. There was something about Christian Willoughby that didn’t sit well with him. Glancing out his window he saw Lilia out on her balcony with the wind gently blowing her soft, brown hair ever so gently. He sighed and thought to himself’
‘She is so beautiful, and charming, and sweet, no wonder he is attached to her. Perhaps I am just overreacting. He so far has done nothing to warrant my dislike. I was never bold enough myself to confront Lilia of my affections she has no idea of my regard. How can I vex her for openly flaunting her like of Mr. Willoughby?’
But as he went in search of Lilia’s door he couldn’t brandish the sinking feeling in the bottom of his stomach.
The estate was quite large and his quest to find Lilia turned into an adventure as he found him self quite far from the direction he had intended to be traveling in. He finally just decided to enter a door he found ajar up ahead.
He delicately knocked and when he received no answer he pushed the door open and entered the room. It was full of books and documents, and it seemed to be a private office or library of sorts. Curiosity taking over he began to browse through the room until the sound of approaching footsteps and voices set his heart pumping.
He quickly and hurriedly looked about the room for an alternate means of exit but found nothing. Just when the door was about to be opened he saw an empty closet with just sufficient room for him to wedge in.
The familiar voice of Mr. Willoughby filled the room along with the voice of someone Jonathan didn’t recognize. His heart was pounding in his chest so hard he was sure the 2 men would be able to hear it beating but as it was they seemed too deep in their own troubles to sense anyone else’s presence.
“Christian, she knows, or at least she has a vague inclination. My sources tell me that she is on her way here and should be arriving in two days.”
Said the man Jonathan couldn’t recognize
“Damn it, why did you not tell me sooner” Willoughby replied agitated.
“I’m sorry Mr. Morris, I didn’t wa-”
Morris? Who is Morris? A very confused and cramped Jonathan thought.
The unknown man was cut short by Willoughby in a voice that was barley above a whisper but it was dripping with venom.
“How many times MUST I tell you, Mr. Willoughby is my name here, if you screw it up it could ruin everything”
“Please accept my apology Mr. Willoughby, it was unconsciously done and shall never happen again”
“See that it doesn’t, Now. Onto more pressing matters. If my wife is on her way I must go intercept her immediately. Tell Miss Bennett that I have gone to London for business and I will return as soon as I can. What a bother this is turning out to be. She is more of a hassle than I had anticipated. She constantly talks of love and books and nature. What a bore. If she wasn’t beautiful and rich I’d hardly take notice to her. Hopefully, she can stay in love with me long enough to get her money and then I will dispose of her. It is a most ingenious plan if I do say so myself.”
“Yes sir I couldn’t agree more whole heartedly. Marrying a rich woman under a false name to gain her riches and then having her killed. I wish I could have your cunning. I’ll see to it that Miss Bennett is quite comfortable during your absence.”
“Thank you Mr. Collins, I am off now, I’ll be back after this messed is cleaned up”
Jonathan waited a good ten minutes time before coming out of the closet after he heard their footsteps leave. He was astounded never in all his days had he heard of such a despicable act. Taking his beloved Lilia for such a fool. It made him shake with anger and fear. What if he hadn’t stumbled on them today? What if Lilia were to have married this horrible man? She could be dead. The thought ached on his heart and he shook it out of his mind. He had to find Lilia. He had to tell her of his discoveries.
He thoroughly searched the house top to bottom but she was no where to be found. Finally he asked a maid which room was hers and he was led down a stairwell he must have missed before and placed in front of her door.
He knocked and waited for her smiling face to answer the door. However after repeated knocks her door remained closed.
‘Perhaps she is still on the balcony’ he thought to himself and carefully pushed open the door.
“Lilia?” no answer
“Lilia, it’s me Jonathan, are you in here?” he asked again his voice rising in panic.
He saw the curtains gently swaying from the breeze being let in by the balcony door. So calmly they swayed, almost in mockery of Jonathan’s panicked state.
Rushing over to the balcony doors he threw them open and his heart fell out of his chest.
Looking down he saw his beloved Lilia lying lifeless on the ground.
Every worse fear flooded his mind and he quickly ran to her side to check her pulse.
She had one, a weak one, but a pulse none the less. Upon touching her face he discovered that she was burning up. Sweat covered her angelic face and she looked as pale as a ghost
As if she were a doll made from fine glass Jonathan carefully picked her up and carried her into the room. He gently placed her on the bed and heard her release a soft moan.
“Willoughby? Is that you?” she asked in a voice that was only just above a murmur.
“No it’s me Jonathan”
“Jonathan, I feel, so, so weak.”
“I’m going to get a doctor, you just rest. You’ll be fine”
He said these words but he did not know if he truly believed them, he had never seen her this sick before.
As she rolled over and was soon unconscious Jonathan looked upon her with worry etched on his beautiful face. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost her, she was his only love, if he didn’t have her, he didn’t have anything. He wanted to take her in his arms, hug her, kiss her, make everything better. Slowly bending down and brushing her hair away from her face he softly kissed her forehead and whispered ‘I love you’ before rushing out of the room to get a doctor.
“I’ve never seen anything quite like it in all my years of practice” said the doctor to Jonathan.
“Can you help her, oh please; you must do everything you can. She can’t die, she just can’t”
Jonathan was near hysterics, Lilia had been diagnosed with a rare infectious fever and the doctor was perplexed with what to do. Their last hope was a medicine that could only be found in a town 10 miles away.
Willoughby came back about a day ago and Jonathan had been too preoccupied with Lilia to confront him. However his list of dislikes was beginning to grow. Not only was he planning on killing his Lilia but he was actually had the audacity to act as though her illness was not that big of a problem and she was being an impertinence.
“How much is this said medicine going to cost? If it is not essential, I do not feel it necessary to spend my money and resources on this.”
Jonathan had to use all his willpower not to wring his neck right then and there.
“I’m sorry to say it does come with a hefty sum, but I am most certain that without it….. Without it, she will die in a week or two.”
“And there is nothing else, no other cheaper medicine?”
Jonathan could no longer hold his tongue.
“You are ridiculous!!!! SHE IS DYING! And you’re concerned about your funds!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!?!”
“If the medicine fails it would be a waste of my money, I was thinking of leaving her anyway, apparently beauty isn’t everything besides I can’t get her to marry me and that is what I truly want.”
“Yes, so you can steal her money and MURDER her.” Jonathan was yelling while Mr. Willoughby was an almost eerie calm.
“Ahh, I see you have found out the truth, yes it was my plan to marry her for her money and then dispose of her. But while I was gone, I went to visit one of my other ‘acquaintances’ and let’s just put it that it’s suffice to say I no longer need the services of this wench.” he said motioning to Lilia
When he heard the word wench something in Jonathan snapped. And before he could stop himself he had knocked Mr. Willoughby out cold. He was laying on the ground with a bloody nose and Jonathan smiled smugly to himself. But, he knew he had to act fast now He called a maid and told her to have Kitty take Miss Bennett to his house while he went to get the medicine his love so desperately needed.
By the time Mr. Willoughby had awakened the 3 of them were no longer there.
Feeling as though every ounce of energy had been drained from her body Lilia slowly awoke and fluttered her eyelids.
She tried to speak but her throat was so dry her words came out cracked and raspy.
“Ch- Christian”
In a matter of seconds Kitty was by her bedside.
“Oh Lilia!!! It is so wonderful to see you awake how are you feeling?!?!
“I feel tired and weak but ok I suppose. Where is Christian?”
“Um, I not sure if I am able to tell you right now I fear you are not well enough to take what I would have to tell you”
“Please tell me Kitty I promise I am fine.”
Concern was clearly all over Kitty’s face. Lilia had been in and out of consciousness for the past few days. The medicine Jonathan had rushed to get no doubt saved her life. But with all his worrying and sleep loss he got himself a small cold. Fortunately, it was not the fever Lilia had but it still was keeping him forcefully bed ridden even though he kept coming down to see Lilia to make sure she was ok.
Kitty couldn’t deny her friend the truth so sitting down on the edge of the bed she told Lilia the whole story. How Mr. Willoughby had used her and was planning her murder her. She told how he refused to get the medicine needed to save her life. She also added how Jonathan had been by her side the whole time and how he heroically came to her rescue punching Willoughby and getting the medicine she so desperately needed.
Afterwards Lilia was silent. She needed a moment to take in what I just been revealed to her. Her Willoughby was nothing more than a vain conceded money seeking man, just like all the rest. Before she could stop it, a lone tear slowly fell down her cheek. It was a lie, the whole thing, every touch he gave her every smile, all of it was a horrible falsehood.
“I’m sorry Lilia, I wouldn’t have told you, bu-”
Lilia cut her off.
“No, this is not your fault. I just need some time to think I’d like to be left alone, please”
Kitty quietly got up and left the room.
Lilia sat there in her bed for sometime. Finally she decided she needed to talk to Jonathan. She called Kitty back to her room and inquired as to his location.
“He is in his room resting, you see he was riding to get your medicine and it began to pour something dreadful. Instead of stopping for shelter he rode right through it because he knew a moment wasted could mean your life or death. That plus the fact that he hasn’t slept a wink since you’ve become ill has caused him to come down with a cold. Nothing serious he just needs to rest for a few days and he has been able to do so now that he knows you are out of danger. He really cares for you, you know”
“I know” Lilia said thoughtfully, “I know”
Feeling somewhat drained from the events that transpired Lilia drifted off to sleep. Sometime that night she awoke from her slumber. Feeling her strength returning she lit a candle and slowly got out of bed, placing her feet in the slippers by her bedside, grabbing her robe, taking the candle she left her room and headed toward Jonathan’s.
Walking down the darkened halls taking each step with caution and delicacy. Through the halls she remembered from her childhood and the times she would spend playing with Jonathan in this very house. Past the place she would hide when they played hide and seek and the place where they used to sneak treats before dinner. In a few minutes time she was outside of his door.
Gently she knocked, and when he didn’t answer she assumed he was sleeping and lightly opened his door and stepped through the threshold. Placing the candle down on the bedside table so that it illuminated the room she looked over to the sleeping Jonathan. His handsome features were even more so in the soft candle light. The flame danced off his strong chin and his brown hair laid softly by his eyes.
Sitting next to him being ever so careful so as to not wake him up she brought her slender hand up to his face and softly brushed the hair out of his face. He was still slightly warm with a low fever; she brought his strong hand up to her face and held it against her now cool cheek.
“Oh Jonathan, what have I done. Look at the trouble I’ve caused you. What a fool I have been, I promised myself I would never get caught in a trap like Willoughby’s now look at me. I feel such a terrible imposition you being so kind to me. You’ve always been there for me, always and I never noticed. I was so blind. I had everything I’d ever needed right in front of me. It was you all this time. Now I’ve thrown it all away.”
Soon the tears were silently falling from her crystal blue eyes
“Even if it takes all my life I will make this up to you Jonathan. I will repay you for your kindness and hopefully heal the wounds I have so ignorantly bestowed on you”
Gently laying his hand back by his side she stood up and leaned over him studying every part of his face. She realized it now, she loved him. She’d always loved him it was just hidden away inside. Like a bird in a cage, waiting to be freed. Now when she looked at him she saw more than just a best friend. What she saw was someone she loved with all her heart; she knew that she had found her true love in Jonathan Turner.
Bending over him she graciously put her soft pink lips against his skin lightly kissing his forehead.
“Sweet dreams my love” she whispered before slipping back out of the door and returning to her room.
Over the next few days both Lilia and Jonathan steadily improved. Soon they were both well enough to return to normal activities.
Lilia had always been fond of playing the pianoforte and writing songs. Sitting out in the garden she remembers now that Jonathan had said she had a voice ‘that angels envied’. Smiling to herself she continued writing lyrics in her journal and she didn’t notice a familiar individual approach from behind.
“Feeling better?” Jonathan asked.
A surge of butterflies suddenly entered her stomach and she felt her face flush with color.
“You still look flushed, maybe you should go back inside”
She saw the worry flash across his face but she quickly assured him that she was fine.
“How are you feeling?” she asked changing the subject
“I am quite well actually. I saw you sitting out here and I was just wondering if you’d like some company”
“Of course, please do sit down.” she offered motioning to the seat beside her.
He sat down and as he did so his arm brushed hers sending shivers down both their spines. Individually they both knew of their devotion to the other and yet neither had the courage to tell the other. At least not yet.
“Jonathan, I- I wanted to thank you. For everything you’ve done. Without you I’d probably be d-”
Before she could finish Jonathan had stopped her.
“Let’s not think of the past. You are in good health now and that is the most important thing. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost you, you’re my dearest friend.”
Lilia smiled but in her mind she began to doubt Jonathan’s feelings for her.
‘He only said friends, perhaps that’s all he feels towards me is friendship’ she thought to herself.
“I have to go away for a few days, to town. I’ll be back as soon as I get the ri- there is just something I have to pick up” she found Jonathan telling her. Confused by his sudden change of words but decided just to let it go.
“I see, well do hurry, I will be looking forward to your return.” she said smiling at him.
Her smile would never stop making his heart flutter. He got up and went on his way. His nerves were on edge but he was most certain that he was making the right decision.
He mounted his horse and sped off towards town.
Lilia found that as soon as he left she began to miss him. Sighing to herself she re-opened her notebook and continued writing.
A few days later she was sitting in the parlor at the pianoforte. She quickly glanced around to make sure no one was around when she was sure she was alone she lifted up the cover to reveal the ivory and black keys.
Setting her sheet music atop the stand she placed each finger gracefully on the keys and began to play her song. The special song written straight from her heart for him.
What she was unaware of was the fact that Jonathan had returned a day early and was about to walk in the room when he heard her angelic voice fill the room along with the melodic chords of the piano. Not wanting to disturb her he waited just outside the door his heart swelling with every note.
“There is something that I see in the way you look at me
There’s a smile, there’s a truth in your eyes.
What an unexpected way on this unexpected day
Could it be? This where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
There’s no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You’re the home my heart’ searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along
There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you
Now I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
And it is you I have loved all along
There’s no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You’re the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along
Over and over I’m filled with emotion
Your love, it rushes through my veins
And I am filled with the sweetest devotion
As I look into your perfect face.
There’s no more mystery
It’s is finally clear to me
You’re the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved
It you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along”
She sang the song with passion and feeling. Every word, every note, every part was just for him.
“That is a beautiful song Miss Bennett.”
Lilia gasped she had not noticed that Mrs. Killian had entered from the maids quarters and heard her song.
“Thank you, but I didn’t know you were in here.”
“My sincerest apologies ma’am but I heard you singing and I could not resist. If I’m not being too out of line, may I ask as to who the song is for. I couldn‘t help but notice that this song has a special meaning to you”
“Well,” she sighed hesitantly,
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt but you must swear to not tell a soul.”
“I promise ma’am.”
“You see the song it’s about, well it’s for, it’s for Mr. Jonathan.”
“Is that so? Oh you must play it for him when he returns miss I’m sure he would adore it”
“Oh no I couldn’t! You see I fear he only has brotherly affections for me. I do not think I could take having my heart broken twice. No, I think it’s best I keep this song for myself now. Please don’t say a word”
“You have my word” the old maid replied before leaving back the way she came.
On the opposite side of the room just outside the door Jonathan’s eyes were lit up and his mouth was formed into a most happy smile. She loved him! He heard her say it, or at least sing it! Maybe his plan would turn out well after all. Realizing that she would probably be coming this way soon and not wanting to get caught he carefully snuck away and headed out to the stables to make it appear as though he’d just arrived.
A few moments later he was heading up to the house from the stables for the ’first time’ when he saw Lilia open the door and start towards meeting him. He began to picture what it would be like with her as his wife and coming home to her smiling face everyday. Her carrying his children, yes he could picture it and it made his heart feel as though it would burst from happiness.
“You are home early, I wasn’t’ expecting you for another day Jonathan. What a pleasant surprise”
“Ha Ha, I see that you are feeling much better. I afraid that’s not the only surprise I have in store for you”
“What ever do you mean?”
“Well I know how much you fancy balls, and so, here at my home a ball will be held in two night’s time with all of our closest friends”
Her face lit up with happiness and surprise and then it fell.
“But I have nothing to wear. All my nicest clothes are back home.”
“I can fix that” he said pulling a parcel from his satchel and handing it to her
Opening it up she reveled the most beautiful dress she had ever seen in her life.
“Jonathan!” she exclaimed “it is the most fantastic dress I’ve ever beheld. You shouldn’t have”
Impulsively she threw her arms around him in a hug and it sent hearts a flutter on both sides. Closing his arms around her Jonathan decided he would make sure she felt this happy every day if he could help it. With his strong arms surrounding her she knew that his embrace was the one she belonged in and that there’s no place else she should be but here in his arms.
2 days time flew by as if it was two seconds and soon enough it was the day of the ball.
Lilia was in her room getting ready and this time she took extra care she wanted to look perfect for Jonathan.
She let her hair flow freely down with a few curly tendrils framing her face. She slipped in to the dress he had gotten for her and looked in the mirror. It fit her perfectly. The beautiful beading and ribbons glittered and this was the first time Lilia ever thought she looked beautiful. Jonathan seemed to have a way of doing that to her.
The clock struck 6 signaling the start of the ball. She knew Jonathan was waiting for her and that put a smile on her face and sent her heart beating so fast she was quite certain it would leap from her mouth should she dare open it.
At the Kinsley Ball she had looked like an angel to him. As he looked over at her moving towards him angel didn’t even begin to describe. Goddess maybe but it seemed there was no word to describe the vision coming towards him. She seemed to be glowing, he couldn’t put his finger on it but something was different. He just didn’t realize: it was love. This time if looks could kill Jonathan Turner would be dead, reborn, and killed again.
As she was walking towards him Lilia saw him looking at her and without saying a word he had already made her feel like the most beautiful creature in the room.
“Ready?” she asked breathlessly
He took a second to compose himself and stop from drowning in the everlasting blue of her eyes.
“More than ever” he replied taking her arm sending the familiar shivers through his body and leading her into the ball room.
The room was filled with many familiar faces to Lilia.
“Mama! Papa!” she cried running and embracing her parents.
“My baby! How worried I’ve been. Thank the lord you are ok” her mother cried.
“Yes mama, I am fine I had Jonathan here to take good care of me” she said. Surprising Jonathan and almost stopping his heart when she took his hand and intertwined her fingers with his.
Her mother smiled suspiciously at Jonathan but Lilia took no notice. She was too eager to go out and dance.
Pulling him away she led them to the dance line and they stood in their respective places. The song was a slow orchestral number causing them do a dance that required close contact.
This closeness was putting them both in pure euphoria. They were completely involved with each other as if not a single person was in the room except for them. The danced not body to body but soul to soul. The one soul that connected them together. The soul of their love. Nothing could ruin this night. Or so they thought…
The dance had ended and Jonathan had broken himself from her trance while he went and got them drinks.
Standing alone waiting for Jonathan Lilia heard an icy voice from behind her.
“Fancy seeing you here my sweet”
She whipped around and the color drained from her face. It was Willoughby.
“What are you doing here?” she inquired angrily.
“What am I doing here?!? I should be inquiring the same thing from you!”
“What ever could you possibly mean?!”
“HA, do not trifle with me, you left me all alone. But it doesn’t matter now. I found someone more lovely than you to take your place. Someone who doesn’t talk on and on about such a ridiculous idea as love all the time. It sickened me. I couldn’t wait till I got your money but then you had to go and get ‘sick’ expecting ME to pay for your medication. It is no concern of yours now but I have a score to settle…”
Across the room Jonathan was about to return with the drinks when he saw Lilia looking frightened and pale. Then he saw the reason: Willoughby!
Slamming the drinks down he marched over to the pair and demanded Willoughby leave.
“You are not welcome here. I must ask you to leave immediately”
“I will leave when I am good and ready. I have a bone to pick with you”
“GET OUT” Jonathan bellowed.
Their confrontation was starting to draw the looks from the guests and not wanting to disrupt them Jonathan calmed him self and repeated in a voice that clearly stated his anger.
“Leave now or I will have you thrown out and embarrassed in front of all these people when I tell them of your discretions.”
Willoughby could not argue now. If his reputation was stained, he would most certainly lose his money, then all would be lost. He would have to wait till a later time to get his revenge.
“Very well, but allow me to leave you with this.”
Then unexpectedly he drew back his fist and drove it in to the side of Jonathan’s face. Knocking him back to the ground.
“Good Evening, sir” he said viciously before turning around to leave. And unheard by Jonathan or Lilia he added “it may be one of your last…”
Lilia gasped and quickly rushed to Jonathan’s side. Helping him up the pair took off to the garden and let the ball continue in peace as Willoughby fled the scene.
Outside in the garden Lilia helped Jonathan sit on the bench by the fountain. Taking her handkerchief, she dipped it in the cool water and gently placed it on the cut now bleeding on Jonathan’s face. Jonathan was ashamed he had allowed Willoughby to ruin Lilia’s evening.
“Lilia, I am exceedingly sorry. I did not invite him, if I’d have known he was to show up…”
His voice trailed off.
Lilia was near tears. Even now after she had caused him even more pain and trouble he was still apologizing to her.
“No Jonathan, No. This is my fault entirely. If I’d only seen what he really was before it was too late. Now look at all the hurt and tribulation I’ve caused. I should be the one begging forgiveness from you everyday for the rest of my life. I am sorry.
Her tears were flowing freely now, softly they fell down her face.
“I am so sorry” she said in a defeated whisper
His heart breaking with everyone of her tears he knew it was now or never. He gently cupped her face in his hands and she looked up into his eyes which sparkled like the stars in the night sky.
“None of this is your fault; you need not ask me for forgiveness. We must forget Mr. Willoughby. Anything he said, anything he did, anything he will do, we must forget it all. None of it matters. Not at word he’s ever uttered to you matters. What really matters is- is…What truly matters is the fact that…”
“The fact that what Jonathan?”
“The fact that I lo- I love, I love you Lilia” he sighed in surrender “I always have and I always will and not as a sister but the way a man loves a woman. I know that you are my true love.”
Feeling as though a great weight had been lifted from his heart he look at her expectantly. When she didn’t respond right away he started to think he had done something wrong.
“Lilia if you do not return my regard please just tell me. it was not my intention to put you in an uncomfortable situa-”
The word never escaped his lips because before he even had time to think Lilia’s lips captured his in a soft, tender, gentle kiss. She released all her pent up emotion and gave everything she had to him. The connection was nothing short of the ‘fireworks’ cliché. In a matter of seconds he was moving his mouth hungrily over hers and she responded to his fervor with equal adore. Every touch, every caress, every movement of his hands on her skin and hers on his sent new trembles and shivers all over their bodies. They melted into one as their passion increased and their loved flowed freely between them. How they had denied themselves such happiness for so long was unfathomable to think about now that they had each other.
Finally pulling away and resting her forehead against his she said ever so gently
“It is you Jonathan; it is you I have loved all along. I was just too blind to see it but now that I have you I will by no means ever let go”
“And I will never let you let go” he replied gently kissing her forehead and releasing from her embrace.
Confused Lilia looked at him as he seemed to be fumbling for something in his coat.
“You see, Lilia, this whole ball was for you. I knew that I had almost lost you once and if you were to leave me with out me ever telling you how I think about you every morning, when I awake and every night I dream of you. Telling you that I love your charm and your mind, all of you. I knew I’d regret it forever. So I went to London and picked up your dress and…”
“This” he said pulling out a tiny box. Getting down on one knee he opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Lilia was now crying tears of joy and in her mind sincerely hoping it wasn’t possible to die of happiness.
“Miss Lilia Bennett, my best friend, my life, and foremost my true love. Will you please do me the honor of accepting my hand in marriage?”
A grin spread across her face as she nodded her head yes and allowed Jonathan to slide the ring onto her slender hand. He than stood up and embraced her swinging her around in joy. She kissed his face repeatedly whispering sweet nothings between each one. Never before had she smiled so freely or felt so blissful.
They laughed with joy and for sometime they just stood in each others arms looking out at the garden. Now that Lilia knew this ball was a surprise engagement ball, her and Jonathan went back inside to entertain their guests and accept their congratulations.
That night after the guests had finished with their congratulations and all had gone home Lilia lay in her bed thinking about the night’s events. Holding her ring up to the candlelight she admired not only its beauty but what it symbolized: the true love that she shared with Jonathan. Unable to stand it much longer she got out of bed and headed towards his room, despite the fact it wasn’t proper for a couple to be together at night till after their wedding.
The moonlight as her guide she slowly started heading down the hallway tip toe-ing so not to wake any one she was almost to his room when she felt something clasp her wrist and a hand cover her mouth before she had time to gasp. The thing pulled her into a corner and she soon felt soft lips caressing her neck.
“Jonathan” she cooed. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“I was coming to see you, but then I heard you coming and hid because I thought you might be mother or the maid. Never mind me though what were you doing?”
“I confess, I was coming to see you too; I missed you too much all lonely in my room”
He quietly laughed and replied
“Well I am here now so do not fret my love” all the while continuing to kiss every inch of her. So glad that she was finally his to hold and to love forever
She chuckled lightly as his lips continued to cover her body slowing moving closer to her own lips. She let out a soft moan before his lips finally consumed hers.
Each kiss between them felt like first, the same desire, the same passion, the same fire, all of it.
His hands stroked her hair and hers slid over his muscular chest and down his back only increasing his fervor. He passionately pinned her to the wall the taste of her lips and the smell of her hair was intoxicating. Neither could get enough of the other. Releasing his lips she began to nibblethe sensitive spot behind his ear and move slowly down his neck leaving a trail of hot kisses in her wake.
“Lilia…” he whispered his voice husky. “We should, we should stop before…”
“You’re right” she whispered in between kisses although neither seemed to be close to stopping.
However at that time the sound of a door opening and approaching candlelight quickly ended their passionate meeting. If Lilia were to return to her room she would certainly be discovered by the approaching night owl. So off the two lovers took towards Jonathan’s room. Sneaking inside and soundlessly closing the door they waited with baited breath as they watched the light pass from under the door.
Breathing a sigh of relief, they both relised that was too close of a call and knew it was time to return to their rooms.
Being the gentleman that he was Jonathan walked Lilia back to her room to tuck her in bed.
Leaning over her and stroking her hair as he looked into her blues the ones he had only dreamed of before he knew that he would always be happy as long as he had his Lilia.
“Must you go?” she said stifling a yawn.
“I must, what would mother say if she caught me”
“She doesn’t wake up till late, and we are early birds we will wake up dress quickly and go for a walk”
He sighed and stood up to leave. She pouted her lips and he chuckled taking the opportunity to kiss the tender pinkness of her lips. Turning to leave it was her turn to grab his wrist and pull him towards her. Passionately kissing him she looked at him with pleading blue eyes.
“Just till I fall asleep?”
He was no longer able to resist. He crawled in bed bedside her and pulled her small frame towards him till she was perfectly fit with him like a puzzle. As his strong arms wrapped around her she gently snuggled in close smelling his scent and hearing his heartbeat. Kissing his fingertips she sleepily whispered
‘Goodnight Mr. Turner’
‘Goodnight Mrs. Turner’ he replied kissing the top of her head. The soft rising and falling of his chest with each breath gently swayed Lilia as she smiled to herself and closed her heavy eyelids.
In the stillness of the night the pair fell asleep in each others arms. All the obstacles they had faced in the past and the ones they would have to continue to hurdle seemed to be meaningless as they just held each other close hearts beating in rhythmic timing. Before this each was a wondering soul, incomplete, and empty. But then, the most amazing of all life’s wonders came into their souls and opened their hearts. Love. Not just any love, true love, love that transcends time and rights all the worlds’ wrongs. This is what they found and this is what they will always have.
The End.
*the lyrics used in this story are from a song called It is You (I have loved) by Dana Glover. It's an amazing song!
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