The Watch Box
By Steven Silvey
- 590 reads
She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled to herself.
Kerri had just been named the head Elf at the Century Plaza mall. For the 15 years that Kerri had been working as a lower level Elf, she had always been second chair to the head Elf Gerald. Gerald had a height challenge. He was a midget. Everyone knew that was why he had always been number one, because everybody felt so sorry for him. Kerri knew that something had to be done.
She was playing second fiddle to the midget no longer. Over a couple of weeks, she thought long and hard about her options. She could make a mess and blame it on him. Some people say that Hillary Clinton eats babies; maybe she could feed him to her. She could steal something and frame him. She could tie him up and hide him in one of those fake present boxes. As many ideas as she could form, none would work out. After long consideration, she devised the perfect plan.
Kerri called Gerald on his cell phone and invited him over for a dinner. As she sat across from him eating the delicious Chicken McNugget plate that Kerri had brought home, she knew that with a quick flip of the wrist, she could send her plastic knife into the midget’s jugular vein.
“No…Too messy,” she sighed to herself.
“Excuse me?” Gerald said, in his stupid midget voice.
“I-I said, would you like more tea?”
“Ohh…No I’m fine.”
Kerri looked up at the wall clock, the time was approaching. Everyone usually stays in their apartment after 11.
“Hey…I wanna show you something.”
“Yes. It’s downstairs. I think you’ll find it very interesting.”
“Ohh…Well it’s getting kinda late, I might better get on the road."
“Ohh, nonsense, it’ll only take a minute, just follow me,” Kerri said leading him towards the door.
“Alright just for a second.” Gerald followed her down three flights of stairs to the basement.
“It’s just in here Gerry.” Kerri motioned toward a dark room.
Gerald entered cautiously and said, “What’s in-“
“Clang,” the shovel sounded as it hit Gerald in the head, busting it wide open.
Kerri quickly shoved his limp body into the incinerator and turned it on.
“Oh no,” she thought. “What can I do with the ashes?”
She frantically raced up the stairs to find a small container. She knew it would have to be concealable so that nobody could find it, so she grabbed a watch case and ran back down the stairs. She scooped the ashes into the box and took it back to her apartment.
As a couple of weeks passed, and it was almost time for the Santa Exhibit in the food court to begin, but Gerald was still missing. The mall manager decided that until Gerald could be found, Kerri would have to take over as the lead Elf.
She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled to herself.
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