Chapter 1 - Morning.
By bankiii
- 868 reads
Even with my eyes closed, i knew i was still tired.
“Ash, c’mon get up, its your first day” came Carrie’s familiar voice.
“You don’t want to be late” she added. I rolled over in bed wanting to go back to sleep but she was right, I didn’t want to be late. Today is the first day back at school for the new year and i promised myself that since next year was my last year at school. This year, i guess, was pretty important. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and they landed hard on the cold wood floor, i stared out the window a second before getting up t, i needed to check the weather but my curtains were closed. I walked over to the window and pulled the rough lace aside. Good, i thought to myself there were no clouds and the sun didn’t look too hot either.
“Come in here for a second will you Ash” Carrie yelled. Ehh want now, i thought to myself, but followed the voice to the kitchen nevertheless.
Carrie was sitting at the kitchen table when i got there, she was wearing a black dress I’d never seen before, her faded blond hair was pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head and her face was layered in makeup. Her head was tilted to the side holding a phone between her ear and her shoulder.
“Yes mum?” I said. I wasn’t allowed to call her Carrie to her face. She looked up at me, raised her hand in the air to gesture that she was busy and that i should wait and continued chatting. Well you called me in here i thought to myself as i headed for the pantry and grabbed the coco-pops.
“Ash no, don’t eat that rubbish i already made you breakfast” lily blurted as she reached her arm around to the bench, while hmm-ing and ahh-ing into the phone and grabbed a bowl of fruit salad placing it in front of me. It looked half-decent so sat down to eat
“Thanks Deb, I’ll get back to you soon.” Replied Carrie before hanging up.
“So don’t forget you’ve got that audition today for that show”. Dam, i had forgotten about that, I thought i was going to have a free afternoon
“Oh yeah sure, looking forward to it” I lied. I hadn’t looked forward to anything to do with modelling for months, to be honest I’ve sort of wanted to quit, but it’s not that easy, i don’t think I’d ever be able to do that to mum.
“Oh and I’ve brought you a new pair of jeans for school, they are really nice” she exclaimed. I didn’t really care much for nice things, but i didn’t complain as she passed the folded pair over. I placed them next to me and continued eating.
I sat in silence for a few minutes while she made another call, then i wandered upstairs with the jeans to get ready. I got dressed pairing the jeans with a plain white tee and my black cons. They looked shabby compared to my new jeans but I didn’t care. I finished getting ready, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and pulled my long hair into a ponytail, I didn’t bother with any makeup.
I swung my backpack over my shoulder and rushed down the stairs. I was about to walk out the door when i heard Carrie yell
“Come get your lunch”
That’s strange, she hasn’t made me lunch in years. I was in a hurry so I stepped into the kitchen quickly grabbed the brown paper back and rushed out the door, yelling goodbye but not waiting for any reply.
I fiddled around in the front pocket of my bag for my iPod while walking down the path to the front gate. I lived in a nice house I guess, it looked really big from the outside. Funny how you could feel so trapped when you were in it. Not trapped in the house exactly more trapped inside yourself.
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