The Patsy
By bob_jenkin
- 845 reads
He was weakening. It had been a slow process but the result was as predicted and I started to relax. Bennie had never been that bright and had spent more time inside than the average career screw. Just a little more soft-soaping to be done, a little more flattery and perhaps a few more whiskeys and he would be hooked. Now, sitting in his mother's house while she was at the Bingo he was probably wondering, not for the first time, why he bothered coming out of her womb in the first place.
'Bennie, it's come to a bad thing when men like you start letting the team down. This is a no risk job for god's sake; you've done tougher jobs in your sleep. Are you getting soft Bennie?' There was a hint of humiliation in my voice ' Bennie always cared too much what other people thought of him, it was always his downfall.
'I'm not soft, don't ever say that', Bennie retorted - sulking. His hands were shaking slightly as the whiskey glass went to his fat lips for a long slug, the rattle of the ice cubes giving away his nervousness.
'Bennie' I said, holding my hands ups, palms open ' the picture of innocence. 'It's not me saying it.'
'Well who the fuck is then?'
He was getting red in the face, the way he always did at school when someone, usually me, had a cruel joke at his expense. He would start to sweat soon, the way that fat boys like him always do.
'Bennie, calm down' I said with a half-hearted attempt to sound reassuring. 'It doesn't matter what the rest of them think. I'll tell them to back off. You've just got out ' it's natural to be scared, don't let them get to you'.
'I'm not fucking scared, Mike. Who said I was fucking scared?!' Now he was sweating; wouldn't be long now.
I sat down next to him and put my hand softly on his shoulder, pulling him slightly but gently towards me ' just an inch or two ' just enough.
'Bennie, listen'. Slight pause; let him know I'm on his side. 'Bennie, listen. I don't know why the gang say these things. I keep telling them that you're a good guy. I tell them all the time that you're no coward'.
Bennie was standing now, swaying gently and agitated, the glass had been slammed on the table and he was standing in front of me, shaking, sweating, and crying. Yes, he was crying ' 'Blubby Bennie' was about to crack 'fat lard ass, god I hated him.
'Coward! They said that?!' He screamed. 'Me, a coward, they actually said that?!'
'Bennie' I said gently; the voice of the best friend he would ever have. 'It's only because none of them can handle a shotgun, that's why they reckon you've let them all down ' you know, gone soft and run home to Mummy'.
Bennie was wiping his eyes now. He just wanted this to be over with.
'They're bastards, Mike. They're talking bollocks'.
I put my arm round his shoulders and smiled gently at him. 'Let's show them who the cowards are Bennie, once you've done this they'll shut up for ever'.
Bennie nodded; he had made a decision. 'I'll do it for you, Mike. You're the best mate I've ever had. I'd never let you down'.
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