AFTER MADNESS - CH 1 : 6 - I Don't Like Crowds.

By C_A_JONEStechno
- 685 reads
I looked up my psuedo family today on Facebook. They were ALL there! Margaret is alive still. She must be 79 years old. John is alive too - her 2nd husband, and both my "sisters" and their kids! It freaked me out. I panicked in case they could find me and start again but I soon realised this was not going to happen.
I am the last person Margaret, in particular, would like to hear from. After all, I now know her secret. She is foul to look at. A fat old harridan looking coquettishly at the camera. Margaret was a big-boned girl who turned into a big-boned woman and then into just a BIG woman. She had buck teeth and very thin, but wavy hair. Her legs were like treetrunks and she always carried extra weight. She was an easy lay, which I think is how she ended up with Sandra, her daughter, 18mths older than me and suppposed to be my sister. Sandra is there on Facebook too. She looks just like Margaret did at the same age. It is scary.
None of them look anything like me nor I them. It seems to back up the point that I am not related. Of course, I KNOW I'm not but its hard to prove. If I could drive, I would go up to lancashire and snip off some of Margaret's hair for a DNA test, with or without her permission.
There were stories of mine and Sandra's birth. Sandra's tale was detailed - 48 hrs labour, six pints of blood, haemorrhaging, etc. Sandra was a 'blue baby' meaning she was born with Rhesus D negative blood and was rather ill at birth. It was a detailed story and I have no reason not to believe it. For my tale she said it was only an hour labour because she "drank a bottle of castor oil just before having (me) and (I) slipped out covered in castor oil". She obviously had little knowledge of human anatomy. She seemed to think babies grew in one's stomach.
I told the doctor several years ago the story of Sandra's birth against mine and he wasn't having it. He said if we had the same father, we would have had the same problem with Rhesus D neg. blood. Mine is type O. I don't even look like any of my so-called family, especially now we are all older.
I also don't believe that Sandra is the daughter of Margaret's purported husband and mine and Sandra's purported father Frank Phillips. Margaret always called him Frank Phillips - never Frank, or my husband, or your dad. Not once, just Frank Phillips, as if he was someone she met at school. Sandra and I certainly don't have the same father and I'm sure we don't have the same mother either.
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