Hypo or the Journal of a Hypothyroid Male - Part Two A Post-Diagnosis Journal 2011
By Carl Halling
- 628 reads
To a Christian Source
Thank you so much for your e-mail regarding my prayer request, and for praying for me, I was very sick for a while, and I feel I am slowly recovering now, and being delivered from the terrifying feelings of faintness and dizziness. I re-read your e-mail today; and it's amazing to me to read that you rebuked the Spirit of Fear in the name of Jesus, because I myself prayed against fear this afternoon. And I feel fear may have been significantly at the bottom of my condition. Thank you so much for such a truly wonderful, powerful prayer.
To a Christian Source
Dear friends, please pray for me. Until recently, I was reasonably well, but I've been diagnosed with low thyroid production (hypothyroidism), and am suffering faintness and dizziness. Also I've a slightly enlarged prostate. I've been suffering sleep difficulties; and even recently, breathing difficulties. Please pray for a miracle of healing for me. Thank you and may the Lord bless you.
To a Christian Source
Thank you for agreeing to pray for me. For some strange reason, I'm unusually sensitive, one might say telepathic: this may be a legacy of past occult involvement. The upshot is that I've ended up sick, with thyroid deficiency, and other complications including faintness and shortness of breath. I'm seeing a physician about it - of course - but I'd love to think I might be healed by God, and would be very grateful if you'd pray for me, as I'm not taking this sickness well. I'd very much appreciate your prayers. Thank you and bless you.
To a Christian Source
Thanks once again for reaching out to me; and with some wonderfully encouraging Biblical passages, you have no idea what it's meant to me during this period. You are right, I tend to underestimate the sheer depth of God's love and imagine he will cut me off for offending him: I have worried about the Unforgivable Sin and was fretting about a cut off point, as in “My spirit shall not always strive with man.” I've done and said some awful things since becoming a Christian, and yet by experience I know I've always been forgiven; so I shall try to accept that. I've said thank you to God for forgiving me; and thank you Jesus. Sometimes I just can't comprehend the depth of such love, but then I'm only mortal. Thanks again...I am very grateful to you for all your help. You've been very kind. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
Hi, and thank you for your e-mail, which was most gratefully received. I'd say the anger was very significantly a question of not being able to accept and forgive myself for becoming sick with a burned out thyroid; so I took it out on the world. At my worse, I can give in to uncontrollable emotions. But this anger has died right down in the last day or so. It's hard to credit the kind of love you describe as coming from God: I tend to be of the mindset that if I offend God enough, his spirit shall not always strive with me, and I will have crossed a line into unforgivable sin territory. I've never thought that telepathy can be a gift from God; and yet looking at my gift, for the most part it's been a positive thing. I've received communications in dreams of people in distress, and been able to prepare myself to comfort them. I've also received what I consider to be portends of possible trouble. I'm grateful to you for making me realise that telepathy is not necessarily a negative thing; I'd never thought of it that way. I don't have any occult books left in my house, in fact I destroyed all of them when I became a Christian 18 years ago; although I have a lot of Rock recordings, which may have a negative influence. Although none of the artists are overtly dark. But I'm still discovering pieces of paper from my past which are scrawled with occult symbols, although I think they are few now. But I could have one last purge. But I have done some self-deliverance in the past and renounced all my past occult involvement. I'm still I admit struggling with God forgiving me; but I hope that will change in due course of time. Thank you so much for writing to me; you have no idea how much it means at this time. I pray the Lord blesses you for it. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
As I said in my last e-mail, I've started on a very low dosage of a drug called L-thyroxine for my hypothyroidism. I'm not sure what effect it's having on me, because it's so low, but I did feel it boost my system somewhat, a little like a lot of caffeine; but no bad side effects, praise God. But I'm still suffering from the faintness and dizziness and sense of unreality which I see as part of a general breakdown of my health. Again, thank you and bless you for reaching out to me at my time of need, I so appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
Dear friends. Please pray for me for a miracle of healing. My thyroid has ceased functioning, and I'm on medication. Also, I'm suffering from panic disorder, faintness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Can the Lord help me or is it His will not to heal me? I've begged and prayed. Thank you and bless you.
To a Christian Source
For some strange reason, I'm unusually sensitive, one might say telepathic: this may be a legacy of past occult involvement. The upshot is I've ended up sick, with thyroid deficiency (I'm on medication for that), and other complications including faintness, dizziness, shortness of breath, sense of unreality, sense of numbness. I'm seeing a physician about it - of course - but I'd love to think I might be healed by God, and would be very grateful if you'd pray for me: is there any way of prophetically discovering what might be amiss and what might be the solution because apart from the thyroid deficiency, tests have revealed me healthy. Thank you and bless you.
To a Christian Source
Dear friends. I've been praying incessantly for help, but I'm still plagued by hypothyroidism, dizziness, faintness, panic, nightmares, anxiety, fear of dying. All I've been diagnosed with though is hypothyroidism. Can anything be done for me? Please help.
To a Christian Source
Ca. 23/11/11
Hi friends; I'm too sick to get into a service right now; but would welcome prayer for hypothyroidism, anxiety, panic, terror, terror of dying, faintness and dizziness. As soon as I'm well enough I want to come in and receive some prayer in person. In the meantime, I'd be so very grateful for some prayer. Thank you. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
Ca. 28/11/11
I'm pleased to read that healing is still for today. I've prayed a lot to be healed myself, and asked others to pray for me to be healed of diagnosed hypothyroidism and panic disorder, and subsequent dizziness, faintness, sense of unreality, fear of unconsciousness and death, fear of going out, and public places; but so far I remain unhealed. Please could you pray for me to be healed, and I'll receive it by faith. I'd be most grateful. Thank you and bless you.
To a Christian Source
Ca. 30/11/11
Please pray for me. For about two months now I've been suffering from panic attacks, dizziness, faintness, sense of unreality, terror of unconsciousness/death, all probably related to the hypothyroidism I was recently diagnosed with. I'm on medication (Levothyroxine), and in constant touch with doctors; but the symptoms remain, and I'm so desperate, given that I've barely been ill in all my 56 years; and I've prayed and prayed, but remain housebound, unable to seek healing or even work, struggling every day to the supermarket in order to eat but barely able to buy anything so fierce is the dizziness. I'm longing for a miracle of healing. I'd be so grateful for your prayers. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
Hi, could you pray for me for a miracle of healing please, because I've reached a crisis. First (about 2 months ago) I was diagnosed with panic disorder, then an underactive thyroid. I suffer panic, dizziness, faintness, weakness, weeping despair almost every day, so much so I've become housebound and can no longer even seek work or attend church, and there seems to be little or nothing that can be done for me. My physician says the panic and faintness are not associated with my thyroid. But I've prayed and prayed for healing, but nothing has occurred and I just don't know why; I feel as if I'm in a hellish halfway house between life and oblivion. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
Hi! I haven't been able to make it in for some time due to having been afflicted by various illnesses, first being diagnosed with panic (syndrome, I think); then an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), the consequence being that I've been suffering from panic; dizziness; faintness; sense of unreality; and occasionally also, tightness of chest, laboured breathing; breathlessness; palpitations. I was wondering if anyone can pray for me for a healing miracle. What I'd really love is to receive hands on healing prayer; but so far I'm not up to making it in to church. I look forward to hearing from you. God Bless You.
To a Christian Source
I'm in Surrey, although quite a way from you. But were it possible I'd arrange for an appointment for some Christian counselling. I'm a born again Christian of 56 years old, and a few months ago after feeling more or less fit and fine and healthy and productive for years, I started suffering panic attacks and was diagnosed with panic disorder. Then I was diagnosed with low thyroid production. And recently, with an anxiety disorder. The latter is really debilitating, and involves poor sleep, frequent sense of unreality/panic, which is scary, and a fear of collapse or worse in public places, which makes it almost impossible for me to be outside. So I've been more or less housebound for over two months. I've been wanting to get into church, because I believe in the gift of hands on healing; but that is not possible as things stand either. Also...when/if I ever get well enough I feel I could benefit from some Christian counselling, that is of course, if you feel I could too. My doctor is convinced to the nth letter it's a psychological disorder; not a physical one. What I'm worried about is...never getting better...being stuck in this twilight world forever. It's a scary thought. I was just wondering what your opinion might be? I'd be very interested in hearing what you think. Best Wishes and God bless.
To a Christian Source
I used to attend a Vineyard church, back in the mid 1990s, in Whitton, Middlesex; I was still very young in the faith then, and it was an amazing time with so much happening. I was especially impressed by your bold assertion of the continuance of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the vital importance of healing the sick, caring for the broken and so on. The main reason being I'm pretty sick and broken myself right now, and feel I could greatly benefit from some hands on healing prayer. What happened is that a few months ago, I started suffering from severe panic attacks, and was diagnosed with panic (disorder); and then, low thyroid production (hypothyroidism), and an anxiety disorder, possibly Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Recently, I've been feeling utterly hopeless, feeling I'll never be well again, and have been spending large amounts of time in bed sleeping and reading. I'm unemployed; but I desperately need to make money; and have not been to a church service in months. I've had a lot of prayer by e-mail and telephone, but the sense of faintness/unreality, and fear and panic remain. I feel what I need - if I can summon the strength and courage to rouse myself - is some face to face hands on healing prayer, and was wondering if you could help me in this respect, and let me know (if it's possible) where/when I might be able to receive some. I'd be very grateful. Sorry to send you such a long and bleak message, but I'm desperate, and what I read at your site gave me some real hope in my hopelessness. I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you.
To a Christian Source
I hope you don't mind me writing to you, but I was very excited by what I read of KGC for the very first time today, and wanted to get in touch, especially as some years ago, I visited the London Church international, and was very impressed by what I saw. I'm intending to come along to a service possibly in the new year if I'm well enough. The problem being some 3 months ago or so I started suffering from frightening and debilitating panic attacks, and was diagnosed with panic (disorder); and then, low thyroid production (hypothyroidism), and an anxiety disorder, possibly generalised anxiety disorder. I've had a lot of prayer by e-mail and telephone, but have not felt better yet; and am more or less housebound with panic, sense of unreality and so on. I feel certain KGC maintains, as I do, that Healing is in the Atonement, and feel I might benefit from some face to face hands on healing prayer, the Lord willing, and was wondering when might be a good time to receive some through KGC. I'd be very grateful for all counsel. God bless you.
Edited 17/2/15
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