Eric's Ultimate Diet
By cellarscene
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Eric's Ulitmate Diet
by R. Eric Swanepoel
(First published in The Cellar Scene magazine, Issue 6, Celar scene
Publications, 282 Hardgate, Aberdeen AB10 6AA, Scotland.)
*Do you weigh yourself daily or more?
*Are you always comparing your weight to that of others?
*Do you skip breakfast?
*Do you count calories and own several diet books?
Research shows that if you answer "Yes!" to any of the above, then you
are doomed, in the long run, to weight-gain and depression. Your weight
will probably fluctuate widely, rising after every dip to a higher
point than previously. (The chances are that you suffer from low
Here's how to change!
1) Throw away your diet sheets and your scales. Weight obsession feeds
low self-esteem. Low self-esteem feeds weight problems. Weight problems
feed weight obsession... Geddit?
2) Eat a good balanced breakfast. That way you will not suffer from
that horrible mid-morning feeling brought on by low blood sugar, you
will not give in to this feeling by reaching for a cake or chocolate
bar, and you will not set up that destructive and self-perpetuating
cycle of high and low blood sugar levels! Can't face food when you get
up? Yes you &;*\\\%$ well can! Force yourself. Get up earlier if you
have to.
3) Remember that happiness is not the inevitable result of losing
weight, rather unhappiness is the cause of weight problems, whether
these be real or imaginary.
So, how to be happy?
4) Happiness is the result of a good social life. You are not fully
human without this. A healthy social life means a large and diverse
circle of friends with whom you take part in creative activity.
How do you get this?
*Throw away your television and switch off your computer. (Your need
for social contact is dulled but not satisfied by watching soap operas
and playing computer games. You will discover that your energy levels,
and your ability to get out there and change your life, will be
immediately enhanced. Besides, lack of exercise doesn't exactly
*Go along to a music or dance class. (There must be at least some form
of music or dance that appeals to you. You will immediately meet people
with a common interest. If the thought of signing up for such a thing
is daunting, then first pop along to a musical jam session or a dance
class and watch from the sidelines. Do the people look as if they are
enjoying themselves? Do they look intimidating/hostile to outsiders?
Will they bite your head off if you ask them about what they're doing?
Dancing is fun, and arguably the best form of exercise there is.)
It's not that difficult. Try it. You may find that you forget your
weight altogether!
[For more thoughts on happiness, see my essay on this website: "Love
and curry"]
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