Leech of the World, Chapter 5 Intermission
By Charioth
- 544 reads
Hello everyone, Charioth here, before continuing to the part 2 of Chapter 5 of Leech of the World I'd like to introduce you to some of this worlds’ Titans. First of all, a Titan is a being whose power is only outmatched by either another Titan or a God, the latter being the three main Gods, Genesis, Fitai and Dulener who represent the very cycle of life and I should have addressed this before but their titles are not mistranslations, Fitai is in fact worshipped by all the things that have life, this includes plants, fish and some monsters.
But I'm not here to tell you about the Gods of this world, but about the ones that come just before them.
A Titan is a being, most of the times a mythical creature, like the Golden Dragon that has Two Mouths: Sadathar the Sky Envoy. Legends say that Sadathar was one a human whose devotion to Fitai was so great that he was rewarded by becoming a Titan and serving the God of the Sky as a guardian of his realm.
Another not so well-known Titan is the Eldest Centipede, the first Son of Chouko Goddess of the Insects whose whereabouts are fishy at the time of Leech of the World. Eldest Centipede does not have a name and its described as “a giant never-ending bronze walking road of spiky legs” from an Earthling that was a tad too ambitious. The Insect Races also worship Fitai, though far less than the other races.
Indeed, most of the Titans are related to the Gods, even the lesser ones, one of the Titans not bound to a God is the Red-Eyed Lord, it is unknown from where it came, but this amalgamation of flesh and eyes can make any creature go insane and it'll start attacking EXCLUSIVELY those of its own species. A despicable thing that doesn’t even leave its den somewhere in the world. Its existence was confirmed by sightings of the ones gone insane and by the word of Dulener herself.
To a different kind of Titan now, Styx is the one called by everyone who visits the Palace of Death with ill intent and somehow make it back alive. Styx is an enormous Human Skeleton about 20 meters tall, wielding a club almost of its own size. This Titan is a direct servant of Dulener who punishes all those who try and damage her garden. At the Palace, thousands of undead are the ones in charge of the “clean-up” after Styx decimates them. Styx’s name was given to him by the mortal races, Dulener herself does not have a name for him.
Another Titan tied to Chouko is the High Venompriestess Ichikee. Chouko’s second Daughter and most powerful Spellcaster among the Arachnes, a species of giant spiders that have the strange skill of being capable of mate with ANY male other of the races. Arachnes themselves are all Females regardless of who they mate with or who its parents are. Pure Arachnes are all eternal and Spider in their entirety, unlike the common ones found at the very limit of their territory that have the torso of a human female and their lifespan. Half-Arachnes also inherit the ability to mate with any other race, though their offspring carries absolutely no Arachne blood. Ichikee herself has 4 half-blood daughters, two of them are human, one is a Krygnym and the last one is an Earthling.
Other creatures that can become rivals to the Titans are Fitai’s Horrors, these pale creatures care only for themselves, they can be a small well-hidden plant or as big as an island but they are all dangerous nonetheless as they can absorb the attacks they receive and heal from them. It's unknown as to why these creatures have Fitai’s Symbol carved in their bodies, hence the name (three crossed swords each with four long thorns across each handle). These monstrosities can grant enormous power to those which defeat them. A lot of both urban and mythical legends make their heroes fight these things.
By now some of you may have asked yourselves: “Has ever a Titan fought another?” the answer to that is: Not in the recorded Time of the races, before the races existed, the self-proclaimed Titans of that time tried to defy the Gods, with a heavy swing of Genesis’ Mace, the Slash of Fitai’s Sword and the snap of Dulener’s fingers, those who opposed them where quickly returned to the cycle, giving birth to the Races we know now, both Dulener and Genesis made sure that happen.
There are a lot more of Titans, most of them are hidden and/or have no business with the world of the races. Just to get this out of the way, Azur is NOT a Titan, just a greatly empowered Krygnym with a really big Maternal Instinct. With all that said I'd like to read your opinions on these absurdly strong personages and I’ll answer most to any question regarding them since I do wanna’ get better at worldbuilding. Thanks for reading and hope you like this attempt at expanding the world.
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Hi Charioth. This is a very
Hi Charioth. This is a very engaging style of writing. Your account of these Titans and Horrors is brimming with enthusiasm. I can see how this take on Classical myth could be filled with characters and action. It's not a genre I tend to read, but your account of these beings is brimming with potential. Keep at it. There are many fans of tales like these done well.
Parson Thru
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