(misc) 1
By cigarettes and scribbles
- 465 reads
Hello, hello, hello there.
Man I’ve been severely absent from my Wordpress for what seems like years- well, just writing in general really. One thing that I often think about is why I write in such sporadic spurs. What is it that inspires me and motivates me to write. Looking back it seems like I go through periods of intense writing and posting to just suddenly stop. Stop for months, even years at a time before I physically sit down and write again.
One instance I remember vividly was during my final year of university. I really, really got into writing- a lot. It seemed like inspiration came by the bucketload, from seemly no-where. I could be simply sitting in my uni room, at the uni library or just waiting for the bus in the morning on the way to my part-time job (something I’ve randomly been feeling nostalgic about recently). It always felt so good and liberating to be writing. It was relaxing to just zone out and get words out onto the (digital) page, then post them here for others (mainly no-one) to see. But then uni stopped, situations change and I went on another unconscious writing hiatus again.
Another period of my life I can remember vividly was during my last sixth-form year at school. I got really into reading and literature and just started writing my own poetry. I’d write a couple of things, show my close friends and then write more, and more. Again, the inspiration seemed to come out of nowhere- music, the seasons, a quote or just what I was feeling at the time. It seemed like I could just sit down at any point and write something. I also discovered the joy of sharing my work- posting online, showing and reading it to my close friends. I found that utterly addictive. It seemed like fuel to keep write more; if I write more, I’d have more to post, more to show. I started to like the idea of other people seeing my work (something I’d always been shy of in the past- and generally still very shy of now) and getting praise. My friends were always so lovely and kind, praising everything I’d write; even strangers online. But again, situations change. Exam season arrives, the final summer holidays (with lots of things to prepare for) and I stopped writing. Something I’d formed a personality just stopped.
Sure things change and it’s normal for people to go on hiatus for a while. You burn out, have other things to do and spend time on.
But, what is it that got me writing in the first place?
What motivated me to write the first piece, or break the hiatus each time?
What inspires me (or others) to write?
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I'm retired and find writing
I'm retired and find writing very relaxing. For me it's a good addiction that as soon as I've finished one piece of writing, there's joy in moving on to the next poem or story. I used to write for myself, but like you I so enjoy sharing my ramblings here on abc tales.
I think it's an amazing hobby and you can learn so much from others by reading and sharing.
That's just my opinion.
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