Mordechai in Slogger, 1974

By Coolhermit
- 408 reads
Mordechai in Slogger, 1974
rooting books in a box outside
‘Barney’s Remainders’ in Bermondsey,
I picked up Rambling Boyo,
a snip at 20 p
I stuffed the swag in my jacket pocket
'Barney won’t miss it’
freezing in front of the gas fire
I read the book, cover to cover,
wishing I lived in Mordechai Sweeney’s
cliché world of gentle whimsy,
where the whole town
drank the guards’ putcheen,
and 'perfect-pitch' tenors
rolling home after ceilidhs
set cattle lowing and hens off laying
I traced him to Slogger,
a village in Mayo,
no one had seen him for months
but wished me luck
and offered directions
‘he’s partial to a drop of Paddy’
I bought two bottles
the cottage door was ajar,
I knocked - no answer
but followed my nose
to a barely-lit kitchen
Sweeney, grey hair, pony-tail,
black patch covering one eye -
spread on a chaise-longue
wrapped in a tiger skin
smelling faintly of urine
on a record player
Kathleen Ferrier
sang Mahler lieder
Rambling Boyo in one hand,
Paddy in the other,
I nudged the writer,
‘how you doing?’
Sweeney grunted, and pointed,
‘cup in the sink’
I poured a large one for me -
larger for him - and asked,
‘where do you get your inspiration?’
he gazed into nowhere,
sighed, and soliloquised,
‘I loved my inspiration…
she left me high and dry...
when I wake up with a hard-on...
it’s wasted…a feckin' mockery...
I escape to Ireland...but
nosey bastards find me...’
I licked my pencil,
‘so your inspiration’s a broken heart?’
he lifted the eye-patch
dabbed a trace of tear,
‘no heart for breaking here...’
I thought I was getting somewhere
so poured another
he drank in silence,
drained the glass, then snarled,
‘feck off now - I need sleep,
leave the Paddy - don’t come back later’
I turned at the bastard’s cottage door,
‘and I hope it bleedin’ chokes yer’.
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