the unknown origin of the sweetened products
By culturehero
- 217 reads
There were three of them, boys I suppose, all eating chocolate, slurping it half melted past their yellow teeth. They picked the stray brown crumbs from their sweater-fronts like scientists handling valuable resources and ate them down carefully. They were all completely bald and their skin sat badly on their frames like second-hand garments, and was puffy and bruised and yellowing also. The infrastructure of the township had been decimated around them when the bombs dropped as they slept in their beds several months earlier. Many civilians had survived but all had been left with similar disfigurements: bald and with skin of a now ill-fitting nature and with unmistakeable respiratory problems that rattled in their chests like single items in a saucepan. It was uncertain as to the origin of the chocolate; confectionary and sweetened products were amongst the first to go after the bombs had fallen and anarchy reigned. The three of them had simply come across the chocolate in sealed wrappers in the road at their feet as they went about their duties, and after very little consideration of its significance had devoured it as though at gunpoint, in precious quiet, before any other civilians could observe them. In fact similar arrivals of chocolate products had appeared in numerous streets around the decimated city, all of which were devoured with comparable immediacy and in secrecy by the finders of the products. The selfishness of man is paramount. It may transpire in the coming hours that the chocolate products had been dropped by the same forces as the bombs had been in the earlier months, that they were a second more calculating way to continue the decimation of the township by way of poison or transmittable disease, that the eaters would suffer immeasurable pain before their futile deaths; however, for the now bald inhabitants of the township this was an irrelevance compared to the fleeting pleasure of their consumption, of taking their lives into their mouths. Their rotting bodies would be testament, of sorts, to sugar.
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