Brand New World : The New History (As It Is Written) : Footprints In The Sands Of Time
By David Kirtley
- 591 reads
Historians are racists because they package history and never tell the full story,
But if we sack all the historians, who will remember the history and teach it in our schools and campuses?
Well we can make it up ourselves, I mean tell the true story, which is the fair and properly judged version.
We’ll have to form a committee to prepare this history, the real history.
Then it can be taught in the schools, and everyone will know where we are coming from, and we will all be singing from the same hymn sheet.
But Caster, we no longer sing from hymn sheets!
That is an ancient phrase, don’t you remember.
We have taken religion out of politics.
It only belongs to a few nutcases today, in our Brand New World,
which is our new name for the old United States of America.
We cast down Columbus the conquistador.
We have destroyed all of his statues, and he is no longer remembered, or worshipped,
Nor any such like him.
There are even punishments for remembering and or worshipping him,
or any of the colonisers and slaveholders like him.
But surely we still tell the history of his arrival and the deaths it caused,
and the way that he and the other conquistadors changed the world and cheated the red men of their inheritance,
and dragged so many Africans, kicking and screaming, out of Africa to work as slaves in their plantations?
We do, but we tell it without any improper idolatry, and we tell the whole truth from the perspective of the red man and the black, brown, and yellow men and women.
The victims of history will now become the new interpreters of history, and get our own back on history.
(Make of it what you will. I am not entirely sure what it means myself. My pen speaks for itself, but I cannot be held accountable.)
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