Caring For All The Animals (Including Humans!) and Avoiding World War 3! By Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 324 reads
Alfred Muggins was feeling rather sad this morning. He was on his own at the moment. His wife hadn’t actually left him, but she almost might as well have. No actually I don’t want you to have the wrong impression! She has a care job, looking after a lady with dementia problems at her house some miles away, up a big hill, so she has to spend most of her nights, and much of her time over there. Alfred does go over there often enough to share some of the work or to support his wife, leaving their lovely home to Mrs Muggins’ son, and the lodger in the attic. But there are animals to look after too; their little dog, who needs his servant, and their little princess lady cat who needs her newish litter tray changing occasionally and food and a stroke every morning and periodically. He often feels like St Francis, although he knows he is too selfish to claim that. And his ever generous wife has taken in another mature cat at her client’s house to give him a much needed home in the later parts of his life! Seriously she would make a great Prime Minister, surely better than many of the ones we have had, housing the homeless once and for all, and giving succour to all the lonely beasts of the world, although her budgeting might just be a little bit off centre. Still Alfred thinks she would make a better President than the one they have just selected for the (dis?)United States. Although he does admit that being predictable would not be one of her strongest points either.
Maybe that was partly one of the reasons why he wasn’t feeling exactly on top form today. He didn’t know (like everyone else in the world!) whether this would be the last Christmas, or whether just afterwards the World War III was either going to be surrendered before it had hardly started, or whether it would be intensified in a reckless outpouring of missile strikes and half thought out vendettas? He was even having second thoughts (now there was going to be a new clown in the White House soon) about whether they were on the right side, as he had been watching for more than a year now while supposed staunch ally Israel picked off the citizens of supposedly neighbouring State Palestine, and engineered the takeover of its remaining lands, and destruction of most of its buildings and even its citizens, including the mothers and the next generation. Seeing as most leaders generally didn’t seem to think it was necessary to control or dissuade Israel, he was suddenly starting to think that maybe Putin, Kim Jong Un, and the Iranians had it right after all and he was on the wrong side after all. It was all becoming very confusing to the well brought up western voter!
Anyway, he told his brain to slow down, and get off Facebook for the moment. He needed to breathe, and come back to normalities. Mrs Muggins had told him not to get too hot under the collar, and she was right really. Even in her absence he could feel her comforting restraining hand. Alfred apologizes for digressing quite so much!
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I enjoy Alfred digressing. It
I enjoy Alfred digressing. It's always an interesting read. Definitely don't side with Putin and his cronies. We have the lesser of the evils in the West. Just about.
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