In The Court Of The Crimson King by Alfred N. Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 513 reads
Alfred finally realised, after 53 years since its release, who the 21st Century Schizoid Man really was! Admittedly he didn’t really understand what the term actually meant, because he was not an expert, not many of us were! The 21st Century Schizoid Man just had to be Putinpot, that Great Pretender Of Democracy, The All Knowing Lord Of Propaganda, who could turn any old Lie into Truth, and could turn everybody else’s Truth into Lies. He could make any Fact seem like Fiction and turn any Fiction into Fact!
Alfred was certain now. He had been listening to King Crimson’s album for many years (although he had been a bit too young to have heard it in 1969!). The Crimson King was surely Putinpot, restoring the Soviet Union, and reconquering the Republics which had escaped, one at a time! It was Ukraine’s turn this year, and he, the Mad Dictator would have to provide a Victory of some sort before May 9th apparently, as that was the Annual Day of Celebration for Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (or merely World War II to us poor westerners. Well it hadn’t been us who had really defeated the Nazi scum, had it. It was Russian, including Ukrainian, blood, which had bought the real defeat of Adolf!).
Well the Nazis were back again, apparently in the guise of NATO and the Azov Brigades and the Jewish Ukrainian comedian Zelensky! And they were busy still invading the Russian Backed Separatists in Donbass eight years later, and trying to undermine Russian harmony, by installing Biolabs and Nuclear weapons and drones in Ukraine aimed directly at Russia.
Alfred actually thought the Crimson King probably referred to the bloodshed the King had or would one day create in Ukraine and probably in Russia too as Plutinpot’s paranoid schizoid obsessions resulted in poisonings, executions, arrests, accommodation and hospital demolitions, and accidental deaths, on a larger scale than ever before.
It occurred to Alfred that the Crimson King had been a Goblin King, as far as he imagined, or was he a Troll? (Russian Trolls??). The question therefore became, ‘Was Vladimir actually a Goblin?’ He didn’t really seem to be, although probably in his paranoid and twisted mind he probably was one. Perhaps it was a euphemism, or a representation? (He would have to look that one up?)
It was amazing that King Crimson, that incredibly versatile and well before their time progressive rock group (and New Wave!!) could have predicted Putinpot’s rise 53 years before in 1969, and so accurately diagnosed his paranoid and schizoid shortcomings. If only someone with a more moderate and contented psychology, like Gorbachev could have been in charge it could all have been different and Ukraine’s demolished cities, towns and suburbs, and country villages could still have remained standing, with their people intact and happy!
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I am aware of King Crimsom
I am aware of King Crimsom but never listened to any of their stuff. Old Putinpot and the Lie Factory - still working hard through those Russian trolls!
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