A Day In The Life
By David Kirtley
- 827 reads
He returned home. The letter box was wedged open with post, allowing precious heat to escape from his property. He had been told that it was better to keep his central heating on the thermostat, but how could anyone conserve the heat they paid for when a postman could come along and wedge the door open.
He managed to open the door, but not wide. It was pushing against something. He kicked at the pile of post on the floor. That must be the culprit which was preventing the door from opening properly. The door opened a little further and he managed to get inside. And pick some of it up.
He swore to himself, which was an increasing habit, one which he was not proud of, when he thought about how long it would take him to deal with this, even if most of it did go straight in the bin, the most likely result. Why did they send him so much? He had hoped he could spend the next couple of hours in between jobs relaxing. He would have to prepare food for himself in that time. That would have to be the priority.
He reached down and collected the post up, made a little pile, and pulled the Intransigent post, which had stuck in his letter box, out from the inside. He took it into the room wondering where to put it. The sofa was taken up with half finished course work from the latest course he had been ‘encouraged’ to do for his future, which he found was using up too much of his free time at the moment. He couldn’t put it where he was going to sit. Temporarily he placed it on the floor, where he would not trip over.
He had no great interest in what it might contain, and was thankful that more immediate practical considerations such as preparing food would have to come first, as they always did. He wondered briefly what to do next. He was hungry, needed food, wanted to sit down after being out for two, or was it three hours. He also needed the toilet, which was quite a high priority, probably greater than starting the food.
However he should take his coat off before he went to the toilet; this was his home after all. If he was going to take his coat off he would need to switch off his mobile phone, get that little chore out of the way first. He didn’t want the battery wearing down, and preferred to have his home / land line phone on when in the house, if anyone needed to contact him. He took his mobile phone out of his coat pocket, noticing that he had an answerphone message symbol on it, which wanted him to listen to it.
He cursed, talking to himself like an Italian American gangster for some strange reason he could never quite understand; probably it allowed him to display frustration and irritation in a comical outlet. He hoped the authorities would never bug his flat, otherwise these insane half conversations with himself, would be very embarrassing.
Well he couldn’t stand there listening to his message in the hallway, while he wanted to pee. There was no point taking his coat off while he still had not dealt with his mobile phone, so he decided to change his plan and keep the coat on while he went to the toilet, then he would deal with the message before switching the mobile off. Then he would be able to get on with some cooking, and put the TV on to entertain his mind while he dealt with the mundane chores of life.
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