A Falling World: Chapter 3 Part 2: The Trial
By DenseLink
- 302 reads
Immediately Diana began looking at what other options there were. Her hands moved deftly and quickly as she tried to find something that would satisfy Sarah. She paused only briefly as Sarah added “I do appreciate you helping me out here. If you don’t mind me asking how are things going?”
“Things are going pretty well, I’m actually getting off pretty soon and heading somewhere. How do you like this?” Handing a new card to Sarah Diana waited patiently.
“Oh? That’s exciting! Anything specific in mind? Hopefully you don’t have to wait that much longer.” Sarah said as she took the card. The scent was a lot weaker than the previous sample and carried with it a strawberry undertone “I do like this one” she added after a moment.
“Only another twenty minutes, then I’m done for the day and I’m not sure. I’m sure he has something planned but I’ll find out soon enough. And that’s awesome! What else are you interested in?”
Sarah paused as she thought that this was probably the best she was going to get for a lead and wondered what she could do for twenty minutes. She knew that this may be a dead end, but at the moment it was the closest she had to an expected time of arrival for her target. This was supposed to be simple, but now that she started to act Sarah found herself in a fog of unknowns with no way of knowing if she was making the right choice. Is it right to assume this guy is meeting Diana just because she is getting off around the same time Henry told me to be here? Was coming in the store a mistake? What happens if the guy see’s me leaving – or what if these two actually are together, will Diana recognize me? Fuck me.
With a reassuring smile “I think I’ll actually buy this, thank you so much!”
Outside the store Sarah lurked with enough energy for two. Over the next twenty minutes she felt her anxiety hit what she imagined to be a ceiling only for that ceiling to shatter and her pent up energy reach even new heights. Where. Is. He. She thought with an expression that was making a few passerby’s feel sympathetic for the fool making this girl wait. The only thing that made the march of time manageable was the perfume she purchased.
She looked the bottle over in her hand. Round and hefty, the vessel held within it a clear liquid and with that Sarah tried reciting a few of the things she could do with it. There was power in associations between two like things, even if the similarities were completely artificial. However, manipulating materials based on that concept was well beyond her at this point in her training. Even so, she looked over the glass to see what she could do with it. At present, if she needed to, she could shatter the bottle and use its curved surfaces to concentrate and direct light into someone’s eyes. On top of that since the smell of the perfume wasn’t terribly strong she wouldn’t have to worry if any got on her. What she was thinking of was weak magic and the limits of her abilities. She purchased the item just in case things took a turn for the worse today.
As the time passed she took in the open space with a keen fresh look and noticed the man who left the shop earlier was still speaking to himself in a corner away from other people. She looked away as his glance fell on her and she wondered what he was thinking about before realizing she’d actually prefer not to know. But if she did know his thoughts she would realize he was watching her hoping that he would get to see what happens to the poor sap who’s been standing her up all this time.
While the man was standing alone, there were others around like him. There were three in all. Their outfits looked like they were chosen from someone blindfolded and sent into a thrift store with only a minute to pick an outfit. Though, given this was New York that may well have occurred. What set these people together though was that they were speaking to themselves quietly though not discretely, or more precisely two of them were. There was a one with blond hair that kept his hand on his friends shoulder. They lingered uncomfortably close to people without any complaint and at one point, Sarah could swear she noticed one of them stand in front of a picture someone was taking without comment or complaint. It was strange that she didn’t notice them earlier. However, at this moment she could finally see her target approach the shop and she reprioritized her focus.
Adam was a prince from a large family, and where he was from is someplace no one would find on a map. However, in his culture, being a prince only meant owning a large share of land in a village of thirty families. Despite this, he was tall and proud and would gladly boast about his status to anyone who would listen and conveniently not correct any baggage listeners may attribute to his title. He had been in New York for two years at that point and knew how to survive all parts of the city. There weren’t any doors he couldn’t get into or locks he couldn’t pick. Early on he discovered that depending on where he was he should shift his color to one shade or another. As accustomed as he became to this land it was still strange to him that something like that would determine whether he was to be met with warm welcoming smiles or suspicious glances.
When he came into adulthood he found that he had grown bored of his home and of the daily routines he could perform in his sleep. He sought to leave for new untamed land and experience the thrill of the unknown. So with the blessing of his parents he made a deal. They would allow him to leave his home and his family for a time, in addition he could also abstain from an arranged marriage with a noble girl from the city. However, when he grew bored of this new land, as his parents knew he would, he would have to take on the burden of his princely role thrice over to make up for his absence from the village. He would have to risk his life and gain acceptance from the guardian to begin the trials of apotheosis. If he succeeded he would then use his power and wealth to raise the status of his people from the poverty and despotism they were accustomed to.
Adam agreed to this and today was the day he was going to start the trials. He loved the city, the people never stopped moving, the shops never closed, and he could find anything he wanted. But just as it was with his old home he started to feel the weight of familiarity weigh him down. He could now move through the streets with a deftness few could match and once again he sought new experiences. More so than anything he looked forward to the power that would accompany this new adventure. However, he didn’t want to do this alone and during his time in New York he found someone who was as interested in new experiences as himself. Diana knew who Adam was, his shortcomings, his strengths, and what made him move through the day. Adam knew that Diana knew this, he also knew that today was the last time they would be meeting in the city like this even if Diana didn’t.
Diana had no family left in New York so long goodbyes weren’t something that had to considered, but Adam wanted to make this day special. He had a sizeable chunk of change stored away and no longer felt any connection to it as it would only ever be useful in this realm. So he walked toward his girl’s store as her shift came to an end and for long moment he felt a strange sensation come upon him as he came to a stop, but now was not the time for cold feet he thought as Diana stood in front of him.
She waited as she always did, reserved and with an expectant look in her eyes. Adam took her hands in his and asked if she was ready to go with the smile Diana was so fond of. Diana pulled one of her hands free, held Adam’s chin and leaned in close as she whispered “what exactly do you have in mind?” before pulling back just enough to look at him eye to eye.
He could feel her breath on his skin and the pull of her gaze. She was waiting for his answer and would accept nothing else. After a moment Adam retorted “And what kind of man would I be if I told before showing? The kind who spoils surprises? No, not me not today.” He retook her hand and wrap his arms around her as he hugged her from behind and began whispering in her ear “Today is special Diana, more so than most days. Before this day is through there’s a question I want to ask you. A question I’m sure you’ve known has been coming.” Adam let go of his hug but kept one of Diana’s hands in his as he walked a few steps in front of her. He asked if she would join him and let him show her what he had in mind.
Diana let Adam have his way as she stepped forward to join him. Bumping shoulder she wrapped her arm around his and teased “Lead the way. Whatever you have in mind might very well determine what my answer is later.” She teased.
Hand in hand Diana and Adam left the mall and took to the frosty streets. Sarah followed behind at a distance. The air nipped at her skin as she laundered outside watching them enter and leave one store after another. One article of clothing after another Sarah watched as their attire changed after leaving each store. After an hour and a half Adam and Diana had on completely different outfits and looked to be wearing clothes fitted to their bodies. The clothes were casual but sturdy and would likely last a while. Adam carried bags that held their old clothes and at the corner of two streets he waited until someone approached and took the bags away.
Before long the two of them were on the move again as they visited a museum, an art exhibit, and a library. Adam and Diana spent hours at the museum and art exhibit for each location meant something special to them.
History was Diana’s area of study and the museum was where the two of them shared their first kiss after she saw Adam’s curiosity in the world and also his genuine interest in something she was so passionate about. Together they walked through each exhibit and Diana listened to Adam tell about the history of each one. Not only did Adam speak about each exhibit by itself he also spoke about how the world was back then as a whole as he connected each exhibit to the next and for each time period they went to. He paused at one exhibit in particular which was an exhibit showcasing a woman from the 18th century and brought Diana close “this exhibit is special to me though, out of everything we’ve seen here this one is my favorite and the reason why has nothing to do with what it is modeling or the world events surrounding it. Can you remember why this one is my favorite?”
“I do remember, this is where I kissed you.” Diana responded.
“It’s more than that,” he said “this is where you chose me. Where you decided to give me a chance.” Adam kissed her gently and the two of them stood in silence for a few minutes. This was the last exhibit to see and Adam already said his most important piece. When he felt the two of them were ready he took Diana by her hand and led her to the art gallery where she first learned about who and what Adam was.
Ash wore a tailored suit and greeted the two of them as they entered his gallery. The place was empty save for the three of them and with a quick excuse on Ash’s part there only two. With a breath Diana took the helm “We’ve only been here once before and I don’t remember that being pleasant. Why did you want to come here?” With Adam in tow she began walking from one exhibit to another listing the names associated with each painting or sculpture to give Adam time to answer at his own pace.
It took Adam a while to reply as he reminisced about the names Diana spoke. He knew some of them of course and while a few of them were people he’d rather avoid others were good folk and a couple he realized were no longer alive as their faces flashed in his mind. The art scene has always been and always will be exclusive. There is a story behind every artist whose work is sold or sponsored. This is true for both the artist and the people behind them. In the case of Ash, he acted as a sort of linchpin among the fae.
Ash found those who were struggling and who possessed a modicum of talent. He gave them the opportunity to make a commission while they became familiar with their new home. He took care of his establishment along with the fae he brought in. Whenever Ash met someone new offers would occasionally be refused out of pride or distrust but Ash would make an effort regardless. After all, he has been around long enough to know that isolated fae get desperate, they make mistakes and catch the attention of the grimm and when that happens they vanish. So he helped, and if he could use a fae’s unique talents or experience to make a profit then he figured it was a win-win for everyone involved, and if he could use his altruism to gain respect then so much the better!
Adam wrapped his arms around Diana as the two of them stood in front of a white landscape with a few streaks of color overlapping itself in a crisscross pattern. “This is where you learned about who I am. When I was hurt and they were scoping out the hospital I asked you to take me here. Sure there was blood and I could see you were scared for me but you listened. We came here and you discovered that humans aren’t the only ones walking around – and you didn’t run. You didn’t even question things. Your only concern was me and you rolled with everything that followed.”
Diana nuzzled into Adams grasp as she responded that there was so much happening she didn’t have time to argue with what everyone was saying. “It didn’t matter if they were crazy so long as they could help”.
Adam asked if they could spend some time here. He told her that even though he never brought her here apart from that one time this place was special to him and he wanted to share that with her. He knew a lot of the artists whose works were being sold and wanted to share with her who they were and how he came to know them.
It took Adam hours go through every painting and explain his relationship with their creators. Every race had their differences and possessed their own strangeness. He shared with Diana where they were from, what brought them to this realm whether it was an accident, they were lost, banished, or otherwise. He explained what made them unique and dissimilar from both himself and classical humans. He also went into the details of why they were on good or bad terms and the factors that led to that. By the end of it they were both tired and hungry but before dinner he begged Diana to let him take her to one last place and with a kiss from Diana and a farewell to Ash they departed to this last location.
The New York Public Library was a decent walk away but the company was nice. With stone lions guarding the entrance the two of them entered the building through the massive stone arches. Adam walked Diana through the building. Section by section the two made their way through it until Adam stopped. He started going book by book wondering out lout where it was until he exclaimed he found it. With his hand firmly on the binder Adam turned to Diana and asked her to close her eyes for a moment and hold out her hands. When she felt a weight fall into her hands she opened her eyes and found a book she was all to familiar with in her hands. It was a copy of The March Of Folly: From Troy To Vietnam. “Do you know why I brought you here?” Adam asked and after seeing the confusion on Diana’s face he continued “It’s because this is the first place we met.” He turned Diana around to see a few tables occupied by patrons. “You were sitting right over there reading this book. There was some ass bothering you and he left after I made a few jokes at his expense.”
He turned Diana around and gazed into her eyes “This is where it all started. I wanted to bring you here because this is where we first met and it’s where I fount the woman I fell in love with.”
Diana put her hands on Adams chest and after a pause said to him and only him “I think this is the right time to ask me that question.”
Adam hesitated before responding “Are you sure? I was planning a fancy dinner with all your favorites before asking you this with the doorway beaming beside us ready to welcome us.”
In response Diana nodded “I’m very sure.”
Adam drew in a long breath. He had a speech prepared and it was perfect. Everything meshed together and it expressed his feelings without confusion. It also couldn’t be salvaged for this. So he grabbed Diana’s hands and looked her in her eyes and told her “Diana, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I want to spend my life with you. The time has come where I need to leave this city but I want you to come with me. You’ve seen that there are things other than humans walking around, but there is also so much more. There is magic in this world – the stuff of wizards and witches. Then beyond that there is divinity – magic that changes your soul. The kind that brings you to godhood. I need to leave and start those tests but I want you to come with me. There’s risk, but you can be immortal. A literal goddess.”
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Can't wait to find out Diana
Can't wait to find out Diana's reply, such a big step to take.
Still enjoying.
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