Home Read Write Forums Blogs A Fine Day By drkevinThu, 24 Dec 2020 186 reads I woke up this morning, to see a bright new day! I quickly leapt out of bed, and sang a verse of 'My Way'. But even before I hit the high note, the sky had turned quite grey. It then proceeded to pee down; from December through to May. Certificate 15PoemHumourOther FictionMiscellaneousAutobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
A Fine Day By drkevinThu, 24 Dec 2020 186 reads I woke up this morning, to see a bright new day! I quickly leapt out of bed, and sang a verse of 'My Way'. But even before I hit the high note, the sky had turned quite grey. It then proceeded to pee down; from December through to May. Certificate 15PoemHumourOther FictionMiscellaneousAutobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments