Home Read Write Forums Blogs The Unwanted Visitor #3 By drkevinTue, 09 Mar 2021 295 reads Knock! Knock! Hello again! Let me introduce Len, Den and Ken. They'll soon be gone, I just can't say when. Perhaps you could sign your house over? I have a pen. It may seem hard, but think of Zen. Give everything away; the best of men. Certificate 12PoemUnclassifiedHumourOpinionOther FictionMiscellaneous Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
The Unwanted Visitor #3 By drkevinTue, 09 Mar 2021 295 reads Knock! Knock! Hello again! Let me introduce Len, Den and Ken. They'll soon be gone, I just can't say when. Perhaps you could sign your house over? I have a pen. It may seem hard, but think of Zen. Give everything away; the best of men. Certificate 12PoemUnclassifiedHumourOpinionOther FictionMiscellaneous Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments