Deadly Alive
By Laura Callender
- 1277 reads
The headlights pierced through my eyelids as I squinted in horror, getting brighter every second as the car drew closer and closer to me. We both stopped, hands clamped tight around the steering wheel. We stared through our un-touched windscreens and looked directly into each others eyes. The traffic around us was noisy, still moving trying to avoid our near accident.
I didn't want to let go of the steering wheel, I knew my hands would tremble, I could already feel my lip quivering. Still looking directly into his eyes; it felt like we had been sat there for ages, in hindsight it had probably been only 30 seconds. He moved first - he unclamped his hands and stepped out of his Porsche Boxter. He approached me slowly and hesitated before opening my door. He crouched down bringing his tall frame to my eye level. Are you ok Miss, you look extremely shaken. Still looking ahead I refused to turn my head to look at him still clasping the wheel.
He rested his hand on my fore arm "Are you alright
He didn't understand what I was feeling, If our cars had collided then we may both be dead now, but it was not fear or that near miss feeling that was preventing me from speaking. I knew that if I looked into this mans eyes whilst he was so close to me, I would allow my heart to fall deep for the most beautiful man I have ever seen.
Unable to avoid this awkward situation I turned to my potential killer, I wanted to be angry, I mealy braked, I didn't waver from the white guidelines I follow religiously, but as I looked at this arrogant man who hadn't yet apologised, I could see nothing past his beautiful watery blue eyes.
As I met his eyes he smiled and said reassuringly "You're ok!
"Yes, yes, just shaken, but I'm ok thank you
As I stepped out of my vehicle he took my hand to help me, to ensure that I wouldn't fall in a wobbly mess to the floor.
Again looking up into his eyes I said "That was close
"Fate He murmured staring deep into my pupils.
I began to smile inside, the feeling escalating upwards until it tugged on the corners of my mouth forcing me to return a heart warming smile.
He melted before me, just as I had, and the noisy traffic around us seemed almost distant; just a blur.
"You are truly beautiful he said, please let me buy you a coffee to apologise for the shock I have caused you, I'm just so glad I didn't hurt you he said as he lifted his hand to stroke my cheek. Still looking directly into each others eyes we embraced. Our mouths were gentle, as his touch stilled my passion inflicted quivering lip. Pulling away he led me to the pavement and instructed me to wait while he parked our cars.
I stood silent watching as my potential killer helped me. This strangely felt like the best moment of my life.
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