Spark of Life
By EnigmaticAura
- 727 reads
The ring was the purest of platinum that held a diamond that reflected a dazzling array of colors when light hit it. This ring was to my commitment to her and her alone. She was the only one I thought about, she was my Alice. Her smooth brown hair flowed down her back and her clear brown eyes melted any heart with a single loving gaze. Yes, this was my sweet Alice.
“Sir are you going to buy the ring or not?” The impatient jeweler snapped me from my thoughts and back to the matter at hand.
“Oh yes, um how much was it again?” Not that the price actually mattered, this ring was hers at any cost.
“It’s going to be $2000.00…plus tax of course. You sure this is the one you want? I have some less expensive ones over here…” He must have not thought I could afford it. What’s one to think anyways, I went in there casually dressed and picked out one of the most expensive rings he sold.
“Look I said I wanted that one, now you rushed me when I was looking at it, so now just sell me the ring or I’ll look elsewhere.” The snooty jeweler’s face was plastered with a surprised expression as he scurried to the register. I cut him a check and left the store with a small black velvet box that had the name “Alice” written on the top with gold lettering.
Okay…. Stage one complete. Now for the hard part, asking. How in the world was I going to ask? What if she didn’t want to get married, or get married to me? What if I was going too fast for her? Stop, stop, stop.. Reluctantly I picked up the phone and dialed Alice’s number.
“Alice?...Hey how are you love? Are you busy later on this evening? Okay, awesome would you want to go out for a little while? Great I’ll pick you up at nine? It’s going to be special I promise. We’re going to that classy restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. Yep, it will be grand. Okay I’ll see you then. Love you too, bye.”
Step two complete… This has been a very expensive day, soon to be the biggest day of my life. Well hopefully the start of my life, my life with Alice; the only part of my life that actually has meaning. Picking out a suit was frustrating; I pretty much had my whole closet out on my bed before I picked out my silver suit with the silk black shirt and sliver tie. I slipped the velvet box in my pocket and sat on my bed waiting for 8:30.
When the time came I left my house and entered my black convertible BMW and lowered the cover. The wind in my hair was refreshing at this time of night, the stars blinked in the sky and the pale moon seemed to light the path to Alice’s house. I parked near her apartment and quietly walked up to her door. As I was about to knock the door opened. The she was, my Alice, my sweet Alice. Her radiant smile lit the night sky and made the stars jump with glee. I couldn’t hold back, I immediately embraced her into my arms. I drew her close to me, I wanted draw her inside of me.
“Well, that was quite the greeting. It was sweet.” She said with a smile.
“Ha-ha Alice, you know you give the best hugs.” Laughing we enter the car talking about how this night was going to be amazing, but my mind was already in a distant land.
“Something on your mind Hun?” When I turned to see what she was talking about she was staring at me with a concerned look.
“Did I zone out on you again?”
“You just had that glazed look again, like you were deep in thought. Something happen at work?”
“Oh no, work is fine trust me, I’m fine.”
“If you say so.”
We pulled into the restaurant parking lot and you could smell the food. We both loved Mediterranean food. We walked to our reserved table and ordered from the menu.
“I’ll help pay, this is so expensive.”
“Don’t even think about it Alice, and don’t even thing about ordering just a salad either.”
“Fine, you’re so stubborn at times.”
As dinner came to a close the small box burned inside my pocket itching to come out. It grew hotter and hotter until a furnace blazed in my pocket. Should I ask now? Or, do I wait until we are outside? I’ll wait until we’re outside. The cool breeze still blew outside, the stars still danced, and the moon still had its spot light on Alice. In the midst of the crown the moon seemed to only shine on her. I can’t ask her here, there are too many people; I’ll ask her before she goes into her apartment. Slowly I pulled up next to her apartment. We exited the car and I slightly tailed behind her walking slower.
“Alice, can I ask you something?”
“Of course anything. What’s on your mind?”
“Do you love me?”
“I’m surprised you even have to ask. Yes, more than anything.” She walked over to me and gently kissed me. My hand reached for that small velvet box.
“I love you too.” With that she turned and walked up the steps and walked into the door and gently closed it behind her.
“Goodnight… Alice.”
I walked back to the car and placed the box on the dash board and slowly drove back home. Why couldn’t I ask her? Why was I so scared? “Do you love me?” how lame of course she did. Ugh, what did I just do? Arriving home I dressed into more comfortable clothes and lay on my bed asking a plethora of different question about why I just couldn’t ask her. At 1:30AM I couldn’t take it anymore, I quickly dialed her number. It seemed to ring forever, but that was only natural she was probably sleep.
“Alice I have a question to ask you. Can you please please please meet me in the park?”
“It’s almost 2 in the morning why can’t it wait until a normal time?”
“Please Alice, I need to do this.”
“Awww man. Oh all right I’ll be right there.”
I hurried out of the house and raced to the park to wait for her. When I got there all I could do was pace with that little box in my hand, thinking of ways to propose.
“This better be good Mister.”
“Oh Alice you’re here thank God.”
“My goodness you look scared or nervous, are you in some sort of trouble.”
“Ha-ha I hope not.”
“What is it?”
“Alice, marry me?”
Alice’s face looked absolutely terrified, as though she was looking death in the face. I knew I shouldn’t have asked yet. Now look, I’ve ruined EVERYTHING! How could I have been so stupid?!
“Alice, I’m sorry. I mean if you’re not ready for this……What are you looking at?”
As I turned into the direction of her eyes, there
he was the man that changed everything. Nothing more than a mere bum threatened everything. There he was holding us at gun point.
“Put everything in the bag. Money and your jewelry, even that ring.”
“NO! Leave her alone.” I innately tried to protect what was dear to me, Alice. A thunderous clap sounded, a shrill scream pierced the silent night, and an enormous pain exploded within my chest. For moments I could see the scared robbers face as he ran off terrified that he had actually shot someone.
“No baby no, don’t leave me. You’re going to be all right help is on the way. No baby please don’t go.”
The last thing I saw was her beautiful face, with those tears streaming down. One single tear drop splashed down on my cheek. I was then engulfed in a shroud of eternal darkness.
“Are you Alice?”
“Yes, how is he? Please tell me he’s going to be okay?”
“Well, the bullet penetrated his lung causing it to collapse. The doctors were able to get it out.”
“So he’s going to be fine right?”
“I’m sorry he’s only got a few hours left.. Tops…”
“No, please no.. Save him, please..please you have to. He.. he proposed to me. I’ve been waiting for ages. He’s just got to live, he.. he can’t die.”
“I’m sorry ma’am, but we’ve done all we could.”
“Can I go see him?”
“Sure, come this way.”
“Alex… You’re gonna be fine Alex.. You hear me? You’re coming out of here with me.”
Alice lay by Alex’s side and fell asleep holding his limp hands.
The doctor rushed through the door and pushed Alice aside.
“I NEED A NURSE IN HERE IMMEDIATELY! WE’RE LOSING HIM. Alice I’m sorry but you have to exit.”
“Fine just stand back! Nurse we need the dephibulators! Charge!.......Clear!” No response came from Alex.
“AGAIN! CHARGE!!...CLEAR!” Same response.
“I’m sorry Alice we lost him. Nurse record the time.”
“March 2st 5:19 AM.”
Alice stood over Alex’s body longing to gaze one last time into his vibrant eyes.
“Alex, don’t go please..You can’t be gone. I love
you. I will, I will marry you.” Alice lay her head on Alex’s chest and silently cried.. Thump….Thump-Thump……………….Thump-Thump.
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I must say, this is
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