By erphael
- 726 reads
Days seemed to pass since it all happened. Since the party, since
Angel came into our lives and since I had that tripped out dream. I
don't even know what to call it, a hallucination? At most I felt like
something inside me had been awakened inside me. Something that was
urging me to do so many things, but what lied on my mind heavily were
the people that were left there and my parents. Looking towards Matt he
stayed silent as we moved through the night. It's the only time that we
really did move. We went from one place to another never staying to
long and it's only been what four days. My parents were still gone on
their trip so there was no need to worry about them, but what if? I
can't go there, I promised myself that I wouldn't go there. Angel is
still being cryptic about everything and I know that he's doing it for
a reason. There has to be some reason. Something that he's trying to
protect us from. Something that he's not scared about, but something
that's keeping him from telling us completely. We don't even know where
he's from. He won't tell us; not even a hint can be pulled from him
when I try to sniff around.
"I need a break." Matt calls out taking a seat underneath an oak tree.
Angel turns to look at me as if I have the final say and I give a shrug
not really caring at the moment. "Don't care." I say moving towards the
tree looking towards the stars. They've been covered for the last
couple of nights, but it's a completely clear night. Crystal clear,
wish all of this could be that clear. Looking towards Angel, ready to
pose a question I give a soft smile, but all I see is the rippling of
his coat along the wind as he moves up into the tree to take point
after arranging the stones. They don't glow as brightly as they used
to, probably from over use, but that's pure speculation. I don't know
the nature of those things. How can something like that, something
provides protection cause all those images in my mind to appear. I want
to know more about them, but Angel's tight lipped and I'm reluctant
touch them after my first experience. I'll take my acid cut with
stricnide first please. Glancing up into the tree for a moment I pull
my legs towards me wondering. Wondering what's going through his mind,
my own head resting on my knees as I do my nightly routine of trying to
make sense of it all.
"You're thinking about it too much and he's not going to tell. He's
said it over and over again when the times right. The time isn't right
obviously." Out of the night came his calm voice, calm not sure or
overconfident, but calm. Looking towards Matt his hair fell into his
eyes, his head tilting down to look over at me. "I wasn't even thinking
about that or him." I stated firmly. "Liar. You're always thinking
about this and when you're not you're thinking about him. Who wouldn't?
He saved our lives and seems to have this devotion to you. Can't really
describe what it is outside of that. Course you have to wonder why?" I
didn't take a offense to that because it's not that type of why
question. It's more of a why is he doing this? What's so special about
me? "But I know you, Pack. You're thinking about it, but there's
nothing you can do about it. Those people, who ever they are, they're
still after us so we have to keep moving." He sounded like he was
accepting that this was the way things were going to be, but I couldn't
accept that. I know he was still going through things. I know he was
still going through the motions. I know he was missing her everyday and
every night, but he was slowing working his way through it. I mean he
could leave, but he didn't. He was here right beside me putting up with
Angel who I know he still had some resentment towards, but he was here.
Why did he stay? I mean I didn't want him to be here if he didn't want
to, but I didn't want him to be anywhere else. Does that make me
selfish, not able to let go? Maybe need something that I can hold onto,
someone I can hold onto. Someone that makes me remember what's out
there, who's out there. My life before any of this happened, but still
Matt of all people? His parents, they had to be worried, but he only
called them once. He told them that he was all right and that he was
safe. That's all he said, but me I would want to be no where but with
my parents right now. I'm scared, my nerves are way passed frazzled,
but I don't show it. I don't say anything about it, but I guess they
can see in my eyes or can they? But still I wonder&;#8230;.
"Why are you still here, Matt?" I looked towards him waiting for some
type of answer even if it was a nasty retort, but there was nothing but
silence. "Don't go Angel on me, talk to me. I'm going to go bonkers if
I don't hear anything." That's if I haven't already. Looking towards
him he was just watching me and I was getting this creepy feeling. Like
everything I could trust and rely on was falling away at the side.
"Matt!" I called out, more like yelled out his name and it was then
that his eyes closed, lashes feathering down slowly as he cleared his
throat. I thought he was losing it, maybe I was. "You don't have to
yell, Pack. I'm still here with you, but I needed to think about the
question." I nodded to his response, but I was still waiting for an
answer to the question. "And?" I just wanted to hear something.
Something that made me realize that I wasn't alone in the madness.
Something that let me know that the madness wasn't in my mind, that the
madness was happening. That all of this was real. I desperately needed
to hear something. I wasn't looking for a voice of reason, but I was
looking for a voice. Something that could bring me back to the here and
now because whatever is out there I don't think I'm ready to face, but
deep down inside I knew that when push come to shove that I might now
have any say in the matter.
"I want to say I know. I want to give you a good enough answer, one
that'll satisfy you, smooth it all over, Pack, but I can't." Oh that
was not what I was looking for. Throw a dog a bone would you? "I just
can't leave you alone and it's not because I would be leaving you alone
with Angel. All things being said, I trust him. I would trust my own
life with him. The things we've seen so far lets me know that he has
your best interest at heart and in some respects mine as well. He
could've left me behind but he didn't." His shoulders rose and fell at
the statement. "But I know that you can't be alone right now and I need
to be here and I need to be here with you." My eyes darted over to his
quickly and he was watching me with a soft smile. One of those smiles
that would make your heart jump a couple of times. Denial, grief, it
had to be one of those stages of dealing with death, but it was there
clear as day and then it happened he kissed me on the forehead. Oh hell
that just did not happen. I closed my eyes telling myself this is not
the movies, this is real life. His girlfriend just got killed; we just
lost some of our friends. He just lost some of his friends, but
regardless. Where is your brain Ethan, but either way my eyes closed at
the gentle brush of his lips ran as they ran along my forehead, his
arms slipping around me to pull me closer. Part of me wanted to push
him away, but I didn't say anything. I just stayed close to him letting
my eyes remain shut as he brushed his fingers through my hair.
"You put up with a lot of my shit for no reason, Pack. Well there were
reasons, reasons that when unsaid, but right now I just want you to
know that I'm going to be there. I'm not going to let you face this
alone, whatever it is." I heard his voice and the words, but I couldn't
believe this was happening. I never felt so close to anyone than I felt
right now, but I knew the way he felt. I can't say that I was
completely disappointed he knew things were happening, well at most
confused as hell. When I looked at Angel so many things came rushing
through my mind, but right now isn't the time or place. I don't think
they'll ever be a time or place for what I feel. All my feelings don't
have a time or place except the ones that wonder what's out there for
me. Living is one thing, but this isn't quite what I had planned for
the grand adventure of life. Course right now I didn't feel like
pulling away, I didn't feel like putting up any of the barriers that I
was used to dealing with or I should say I was used to creating. They
were far from actually making themselves known. They were almost
nonexistent at this point. All that kept flowing into my mind was the
gentle brush of Matt's fingers through my hair and over my skin. I
didn't want him to stop. I didn't want him to let go, but I know it was
only a moment of comfort between friends. His answer satisfied my
question, but it led to more and not necessarily about him. My eyes
traveled along the trunk of the tree along towards the branches as they
spread out in various directions until I saw Angel crouched on one of
them looking around, peering into the night. I knew he was keeping
watch but what was he thinking about. How come he didn't talk to me the
way he talked to Matt sometimes. Sometimes they would share a joke or
two, but to me he was nothing more of a mystery. A walking enigma that
didn't want to be solved or wouldn't let himself be solved.
Slipping away from Matt's embrace he gave me a quizzical look wondering
if he had done something wrong. A soft smile crossed my lips as I
pressed against the tree shaking my head. "You didn't do anything.
Thank you." My voice was soft, softer than it had been since the night
I comforted him. I just wanted this all to be over, but it wasn't a
dream. I wasn't stuck in a loop of nightmares. It was far from that and
far more frightening than that. This was real life. There was no
wondering where the dream ended and where reality began. I was trapped
in the complexities of situation that I had no control over, but even
more one that I didn't create. People who were after me for reasons
that still remained hidden from me. Perhaps for my own protection, but
there had to be something more than that. Something that they could
bring to me, something that he, that Angel could share if he wanted,
but he didn't. He was the key behind all of this.
He was the one that would be able to tell me what I needed to know what
I wanted to know. He couldn't evade the question and find his way from
my endless pleadings. There was going to be a point where all would be
shared, but I don't know if I can wait until the time is right for him.
I can't wait for him to decide, this is my life and even though he's
done everything in his power to keep me safe I can't rely on that. I've
never relied on someone else to guide me in life, not for a long time
and I'm not about to start again. I was on the threshold of my
independence and now I feel like I'm being held back even if for my own
good. He has to tell me something, give me something. It's either that
or the stones again and even now I don't want to think about that.
That's not a road I'm ready to go down. The stones in my eyes are not
an option, but if Angel continues this way they may be the only option
to finding out what's going on.
Matt looked at me still puzzled probably wondering what I was thinking
about, but I'm not sure if I'm inclined to share with him right now. I
don't want him telling Angel or trying to stop me. I have to do this. I
have to do something. I find myself thinking the same things that
almost got my brain fried the other time. Don't touch the stones just
leave them alone. "What are you up to?" Matt asked giving me a curious
glance. I smiled softly shaking my head. "Nothing, nothing really, just
the regular thoughts. I want some answers, but I know they're not
forthcoming." He looked to me then up towards the tree and pondered for
a moment. "Why don't you try now? Let him know that you're not going to
give up until you get some answers from him." I chuckled looking over
at him. "It's not like I can beat him up. I'm not a fighter." That got
a rise out of him. "I would comment, but I'll leave it alone. You don't
know anything until you try. You told me that before. How about taking
your own advice." Damn it he knew how to get to me. Closing my eyes for
a moment I pushed off the ground reaching for the lowest branch when my
eyes opened. "A little help here?" I looked over at Matt with a
pathetic look. "Climbing trees isn't my thing. It's your preferred
method of getting in and out of peoples bedrooms." I say with a chuckle
when he cupped his hands together to help hoist me up. Taking a step
forward I place my foot into his hand and he lifts me up quickly,
startling me a little. "Alright funny man&;#8230;" I mumble reaching
for the branch again this time able to pull myself up with little
effort. That was the easy part. Slowly but surely I start making my way
up the tree making sure that I don't look down. I don't necessarily
have a fear of heights, but I think it's best if I keep my mind on what
I'm trying to do and not the distance between here and the
Reaching the spot where Angel's at I slip close to the trunk of the
tree to give myself a sense of safety, but I don't say anything at
first I just watch him. I know he knows I'm here, but I'm not about to
disturb him. I keep silent trying to make sure that everything's all
right before I say anything. Just as I'm about to part my lips to say
something he turns to look right at me his hair cascading over his face
for a moment before he runs his hand across his face to clear it from
his view. Pausing in my thoughts I wait for him to say something
instead wondering what piece of wisdom he's going to chose to share
with me tonight. Basically it's time for: "What did you say?" But what
he says catches me off guard.
"Nice night." I know he didn't say that. Come again, but I don't
actually say that I just nod. Wondering if there's going to be anything
else or was that just a fluke. The silence drifts between us for a
while and I swear I hear that guys voice. Like the sands of the
hourglass. I chuckle for a moment and that gets a raised brow from
Angel and I shake my head. "Don't mind me. I'm drifting from thought to
thought trying to make sense of the moment. "Of the moment?" He asked
almost mused. I swear if I didn't know Angel, I would think he was
fucking with me. "Well, yeah, most of the time when I say something or
approach you, you come out of left field with something to say.
Somewhere between Confuscious and Plato or something like that. I don't
know, but you know what I mean. You get metaphysical and cryptic. The
time isn't right. Right now I would actually think that you're a real
person and not someone that seems to be preprogrammed with an answer
for everything and I do mean everything." He didn't chuckle, but there
was a hint of the smile. I started peering around trying to look for
something and almost lost my balance.
Before I even slipped or looked like I was going to slip I felt his
hand at my side gripping me. "What were you looking for?" He said
almost angry that I endangered myself, but even a bit concerned." I
shook my head. "I'm alright. Looking. I was looking for the invisible
full moon that seems to be exerting its presence upon you." He quirked
another brow at me and smirked. "Would you rather I be cryptic right
now?" I shook my head. "Hells no, but if I didn't know any better I
would think you were trying to play with my head and I'm really not in
the mood for head games of any sorts, but I know that's not you. The
only thing you like to do is bend peoples minds with your
"My riddles?" He said intrigued, but it was subtle. I was started get
an idea of certain things, certain ways about him. I mean sometimes he
would give you a look that just meant he wasn't answering and another
meant it was to be discussed at a later time. There was a look that he
gave and I knew I was about to get a headache because he was going to
be forthcoming with what I wanted to know. Smiling a little I looked
towards the sky for a moment looking over the stars knowing that they
held more answers than he did, well more answers to give. "Yeah your
riddles." I told him with a nod. "I mean part of me thinks that you
want me to find out the answers for myself, but another part thinks
that you just want me to keep guessing for the hell of it. You want to
keep me in the dark to protect me. Or maybe it's just a blend of the
two, but you can't keep doing that." Yes we're about to have one of
those conversations. "We need to talk about this threat that's out
there. Why they group of rejects are out there to get me. You know I
want to know as one of my friends would say. What's really going on?" I
put it out like there just like that wondering how he was going to
respond. Again the silence drifted between us. Just as long and just as
nerve wracking. Sighing softly I looked down for a moment trying to
think of another way of go about it.
"The time has to be right and right now, while we're on the run. While
we're looking over our shoulders. This isn't the right time." He said
finally, but that wasn't good enough for me. It was never going to be
good enough for me. "You have to come better than that. You have to
give me a little credit here, Angel. Life is about the moments we live
and how we chose to live them and right now we're looking over our
shoulders, who knows how long we're going to be looking over our
shoulders. That can't be the only reason here Angel. I can't run from
people I know nothing about on just what you say, given they've tried
to kill me and have killed already, but there has to be more. I need to
know why they're after me and you can't pacify the situation with the
time being right. The time may never be right. I have to take things as
they come. Go with the flow you know. I can think on my feet, I can
handle a lot of things, a lot more things than I can handle before."
The words spill out but the allusion is just that. I'm not talking
about what happened at the house; I'm talking about what happened with
the stones. I wanted to say it, I wanted to put it out there, but every
time I thought about it there was this chill that ran through me.
Something that told me it wasn't to be joked about or used as leverage.
What they showed me&;#8230;
"What they showed you&;#8230;" It was like he was reading my mind
and that was the first time that happened. I thought about the other
time but I was yanked right to the here and now. "What you saw you've
known, but it has never been brought to light. Only in those brief
moments after waking do you remember such things, but what you saw was
more than you needed to see. More than you should've seen at the
moment. I could've helped you, guided you through the images, but you
were consumed by them. More so than you were able to control. It's only
the beginning and there's so much more left for you to see, but I'm
telling you that the time isn't right time because your mind will want
to explore more and we don't have the safety that we need. The
stones&;#8230;" He looked towards them pausing in his words to see
what shape they were in, but even knew it. "The stones are losing their
strength. The glow is dying, it's getting weaker with each passing day
and when it stops they'll be able to find us, find me." My voice grew
soft and almost compliant if a voice can do such a thing.
His eyes narrowed at me for a moment, like he was trying to see into
me. Getting nervous I turned away from him looking down on the ground.
"What are you doing?" I was baiting him, because I didn't know if he
was truly doing anything, but if he was it could give me something to
work with. I waited for the answer, but it never came not instantly,
not when I wanted it, but when he felt I was ready. I thought about it
for a moment never looking up. I still felt something was going on
there. What if he was trying to see into my mind? Can someone actually
do that? He was finishing my thoughts, well that only happened on
occasioned and sometimes you can predict what someone is going to say
through careful observation, but I can't really say that this was one
of these times. Something inside me tingled like I was onto something.
Gut instinct? Maybe, but it's not a change I'm willing to take, not
right now. Not when I'm sure unsure of myself. All this time, all these
thoughts he hasn't said anything, but I can't feel his eyes on me. I
can feel them staring into me. Pass the shell into something more. My
heart starts to beat a little faster, a chill runs along my spine. All
the while I never look at him.
Letting my eyes close I keep them shut trying to tell myself that this
isn't happening, that this is all in my mind, but when I close my eyes
I see so many things. Images that seem to be forming from others,
melting from them, it's like they're slipping from one scene to
another. I'm starting to hear voices, but there more like muffled
sounds. I can't make them out completely, but I know they're voices. I
can detect the nuances in some the inflection and tone even while their
muffled. The timbre or some have me worried. Something's wrong,
someone's hurt. Opening my eyes I looked towards Angel finally and his
eyes are closed he's saying nothing, but he's perfectly still. I don't
even think he's breathing. It's starting to freak me out. I want out of
this. I should've left him alone. I want to call out to him, but I
don't I just continue watching him, scared to make a sound. Maybe he's
meditating or something, but he picked one helluva time to do it. I
just stayed poised where I was at waiting for him to come out of it,
but the images were still there and I could see them in my mind. They
were still merging and separating, the voices becoming louder. I could
distinguish more and yet everything around me remained the same until
everything seemed to loose it's balance and I found myself seeing the
images before my eyes not in my mind.
"What's happening?" I called out finally, but it was more like a
whisper along the wind. Matt didn't even turn his head up towards where
we were. I looked towards Angel wanting him to snap out of his trance.
I knew he was doing this. I knew he was. "Angel!" I called out his name
and it echoed across the sky and there was a brief sparkle of light.
"Angel&;#8230;" I called out his name again, and again his name was
echoed across the sky, but this time there were flashes of light across
the sky, much like a lightning storm in the distance. That dance of
light that seems to consume the sky, fascinating you, but terrifying
you at the same time as the storm draws closer. Angel's eyes remained
closed and Matt remained seated where he was never shaking or saying a
word, not even a glance. Looking around my hands and arms remained
clutched to the trunk of the tree until I decided that enough was
enough. Reaching out towards him I needed shake him from that trance
and tell him to stop this. "Angel."
Calling out his name this time there was a softer echo, but it was
softer, it was slower. I seemed to be moving slower to as I reached out
for him to touch him, but I lost my balance. I could feel myself
slipping from the branch of the tree even as I panicked I could still
hear the echo. I could feel my heart beat pounding in my chest, but
even it was decreased. It was as if everything around me was being
slowed as I slipped from my spot in the tree. I my right foot hadn't
left the tree yet, but even as I slipped from the shift in balance I
could feel the air around me building up brushing against my skin as I
moved. Everything was different, the things I didn't notice or barely
notice came alive, or was it I was alive. I saw the ground beneath me,
my eyes looking towards Matt then to a branch I could possible grab
before I hit the ground, but it was too far out of reach. "Angel!" I
called out even as my voice carried through the air it seemed to run
silent by the time it reached him. I wanted to scream, but there was
nothing it wasn't until them that I noticed that I stopped. Mid air, I
hadn't even left the level I was on. I was just there free floating,
but I wasn't even that. Everything around me seemed to stop as I looked
around I saw the flashes of light again but this time they were
lighter, brighter.
Pulling my leg up I moved forward and seemed to lightly float through
the air and I thought I was dreaming, but I don't know what was going
on. My mind's perception was totally skewed. Totally thrown out of
wack. I needed to get out of this. He must've had one of those stones
up here with him. Moving towards him I felt my hand touch his shoulder,
caressing it even. More like trying to anchor myself. I didn't know if
I was going to get sucked out into the sky. One minute, slow motion
next minute I'm being hurled out into space. But before I could even
say his name or shake him his eyes snapped open and he gripped my arm
and everything stopped the slow motion the flashes all the images
ceased along with the voices. Everything went dark and it was just
Angel and I, I could still feel myself floating, and then he was
floating. I thought I was losing it but this was really happening. His
hair started to rise in the passing wind as we turned slowly and I saw
nothing but darkness. As we turned the darkness was slowly becoming
infused with a soft light as he held onto my hands. I thought I was
dreaming but I wasn't. Looking into his eyes I could see them smiling
at me. You know it's like sometimes without even seeing someone's lips
you can tell by their eyes that they're smiling and these was one of
those times.
His thumbs brushed along my hand several times as he moved away from
the tree, well where the tree was. Complete silence, tranquility a
peace that I had never known and in he distance I could hear the rush
of the waves hitting the sore the gentle caress of the wind as it
passed over us. I couldn't get over what happened. I had been so afraid
of what was coming and it was this, but right now I felt so safe and so
free. Everything was this dim color of red; I couldn't tell if it was
dusk or dawn, but even the color changed slowly. It went from red to a
soft blue that feel into something that can only be called natural
light, but it wasn't. For a moment I thought I was going to fall when
the colors continued to change. I felt something shifting, the mood the
tone, the voices they were coming back. I couldn't make them out. I
couldn't hear them, but as the moments fluttered by the voices became
once voice and it was Matt's. I looked into Angel's eyes for a moment
longer and the flashes across the sky came back. He started to let me
go, but I didn't want him too. The flashes came faster and faster and
before I could speak I felt my something pulse through almost like a
"They found us!" Matt called out and as my eyes gazed down to the
stones I saw that they no longer held the blue glow, but at the same
time I was gasping for air trying to find my bearings. Slipping from
the branch I was on to the one below trying to get down when I looked
to Angel. Pausing for a moment my eyes found Angel's. His were
confident and reassuring. I wasn't sure what he did or what happened,
but part of me wondered had it been him at all. I looked to the stones
for a moment still caught in the moment of confusion. Trying to
separate everything that happened caused me to forget momentarily what
Matt had said until the sound of bullet and a grunt.
Part - 2
Looking towards Angel I saw him holding onto a branch covering his
right shoulder, but he was slipping. "Angel!" I called out for him as I
swung from the branch to take him down to the ground with me. We
weren't that high up, well not to high. I heard another shot fired, but
I couldn't understand how I could hear it passing through the air as it
nicked me on the side. I winced at the graze as I kneeled down to cover
my side, but that was momentary. Looking to Angel he covered his
shoulder, pressing against it, rising to his feet to take a survey of
the area. Matt had already gathered the stones, which seemed pretty
useless to me know outside of chucking them at the others. Glancing
around I wondered where they were. I heard the movement of one of the
tree branches, bringing a narrow gaze to my eyes as I took a step back
still standing in front of Angel. That was short lived when his hand
gripped me by the wrist and he pulled me out of the way and pushed
Matt. The sound of something hitting the ground could he heard. It was
like a bunch of nails. More or less that's what it sounded like.
Peering around the corner of the tree I felt Angel's arm go across my
chest pressing me back, but I saw what look like four doze slender
steel spikes in the ground and that sizzling sound didn't make it sound
any better. Matt was on the other side out of sight, but I wasn't sure
if they could see us still.
"Come out, come out wherever you are." One of them called out. I
recognized his voice and I could sense where it was coming from. My
sense of hearing felt like it had been jumpstarted or given a boost or
some kind. I kept back hoping they wouldn't be able to see us, but it
was only a matter of time before they were on the ground after us. I
tried to calm my heart, but the beats of it came at it's own furious
pace. Angel glanced at me and I could see the blood running over his
hands. I needed to get him patched up, to a hospital or something. "I
smell blood." I heard the smacking of lips and the voice sounded
feminine. I just tried to hold back a retort. Not the time or the place
not to mention I'm this close to shitting in my pants. Pressing my hand
against my head I tried to think myself through this. I looked around
for Matt and he was still safe, but the sounds from above could be
hears as the interlopers moved from branch from branch.
"Did you think you could evade us for this long, Angel?" The guy called
out as I heard the sound of a gun cocking, then the trigger being
pulled. I felt Angel push me away and down as he slipped from his spot
and dozen of those spikes landed in the tree we were pressed up
against. "You're running out of time. You waited to long to approach
the boy wondering if he was the right one. Pity you couldn't remember
much when you arrived." He gave a soft chuckle that had hinges of ice
all along it. Angel remained calm all throughout the ordeal even though
he was losing blood. They want me so why not give them what they want.
"Because I will not have you sacrifice yourself in vain". Came the
response in my mind. I froze for a moment and I looked to Angel who was
breathing easy and the blood wasn't flowing as much. His eyes were
closed, but it was like he was aware of everything happening around us.
When his eyes opened I was still freaked out by what he said or he
didn't say. I wanted to slide back from him, but when I thought about
it I knew I couldn't deny what was going on, what he had done. Moving
along the ground slowly Angel's hand came up in a halt motion. My eyes
glanced about just as I feet hitting the ground. I didn't move. I just
kept myself still and as silent as I could be as someone moved along
the ground, then suddenly stopping. My eyes glanced about for a moment
when I heard a soft hum and a beam of light came pouring out from one
direction. It seemed to be a straight line of light that turn from
vertical to horizontal. It moved from left right then up and down as it
covered each one of the areas. Angel narrowed his eyes for a moment as
the light got closer towards Matt.
The light swept around again then moved in the up and down fashion and
there was a high pitch sound made when the light ran over Matt's form.
Matt frantic slipped form his hiding place as the sound of a branch
bending could be heard. "Matt!" I called out for him as I slipped from
my own hiding place taking a chance trusting that tingling gut feeling
as I leaped into the air knocking into the assailant who was headed
down. We collided like a wreaking ball meets a wall fashion. He was
knocked off center and I hit the ground hard rolling a couple of times,
but in plain view of the woman that was with him. She was dressed in a
pair of cargo pants and a halter-top. As she moved towards me I saw a
flat casing strapped to her right forearm right at the wrist. She slid
right down to her knees flexing her right hand triggering the unseen
pressure device, but he sound of her blade emerging was picked up
easily, by my ears.
Gripping me by the collar she moved quickly to her feet, pressing her
boot down against my shoulder as she thrust down with the blade aimed
at my throat. I cried out panicking as the blade when across my neck in
a delicate motion and she smiled at me. Sick and twisted, let me just
say she was probably, seriously fucked in the head, but frozen with
fear I didn't move not even to see Matt come along side her clocking
her in the head with one of the stones. However she saw him advancing
and cut him along the side. He gripped his side as she fell over and I
didn't waste anytime. Pulling Matt along as he gripped his side I moved
to Angel who was going at it with guy, the bald one. I didn't say
anything. It was just time for us to clear out. Too much happening all
at once and who knows how far behind the others are. I can't take that
chance; we can't take that chance. Even with his wound Angel seemed to
moving like poetry in motion. His foot came across the Bald One's face
taking him down, but he didn't stay to see if he would recover.
"We don't have much time." He said looking towards me. That's evident,
but why is he looking at me. I don't know what to do. "We need to get
you to a hospital." I told him moving through the bushes as we emerged
from the park. Looking around I tried to figure out where we were at,
but we had been moving so long that I wasn't sure anymore. "There
others are not far behind. They were scouting, they most likely let the
others know that they found you." I looked towards Angel and Matt for a
moment and closed my eyes. "Me. me&;#8230;. I'm tired of this being
about me." The tears were starting to well up, but this wasn't the
time. I needed to think. "They want me. They can come get me." I said
slipping away. Angel's eyes went wide for the first time. "No
sacrifices in vain, Ethan." He called out towards me and I wasn't
trying to hear it. I wasn't trying to sacrifice myself. I wanted to be
free like I was just minutes ago, but I'm running again. I'm slowing
them down because they're after me. "You're my protector and Matt's my
friend. They're not keyed in on you. They're keyed in on me." I told
them trying to say calm. I closed my eyes hearing the voices again. "I
can hear them. In the distance, whatever happened it's got my hearing
all screwed up." I squeezed my hands wishing this would stop. "What's
happened to me." My voice was strained, but something in me told me
that I had to do this. This was the right thing. I looked towards the
park and then Angel and Matt. Seeing a couple of cars pass I jumped out
into the street causing a guy to swerve and after a couple of cars
swerved out of the way. "The fuck is your problem!" He called out at me
and I looked over at them and looked to the guy. 'My friends were
hurt&;#8230;one's been shot and another has a knife wound. I need
you to help me please." I looked to the park and I closed my eyes for a
moment the tears still flowing. "Excuse me?" I looked to the guy and
shook my head. "There's some gang bangers after me and these two tried
to help. Get them to the hospital please." My voice cracked a little as
I touched the guy's face. "Just get them to the hospital." Matt and
Angel moved towards me to object, but I shook my head. Taking the two
stones that Matt had in his hands from him.
"I'm not about to die." I told them. "You helped me now, I'm helping
you. Now get in the car!" I cried out pushing them towards the man.
"Go!" I saw that we were blocking traffic but all these people might
help. I backed away and started running diving into the sea of cars as
they started honking their horns. Angel and Matt looked at me and
before Angel could say anything Matt pulled him towards the car. "Come
on, we have to trust Pack." The sound of his voice wasn't too
convincing, but what could they do Angel started to bleed again slowly
as the man pushed him into the car. Slamming the doors shut after they
got in the guy peeled out as the pursuers emerged to see it happening.
They looked towards the car driving away. They looked to the bald one
who tilted his head letting his eyes close. "He's not with them." He
said softly shaking his head. "He's trying to protect them. He's still
not aware. The protector and his charge have been separated." He smiled
at the words looking to the others. "Turok?" The woman who had been
went him held her head lightly still disgusted at what happened. "Hold
your thoughts back Dara." He knew her anger wold over take her and what
they could gain would be lost. "We cannot track them. We were not
shaped to track them. The pull is in the other direction it is the
direction we go. The boy could find other ways of shielding himself.
Time is not our side in this matter." Dara gave Turok an unsatisfied
look. She wanted blood. "Your blood will have to wait or it will be
your skin that adorns my wall. Our mission comes first not your
pathetic pride." He said coldly looking towards the others. With a
gesture of his hand he closed his eyes making a soft sound and the
others slipped away into packs of two headed in the direction I left
"I want his blood for this." Dara once the others left. Turok paid her
no mind. "Turok, do you hear me." Looking back he nodded. "Yes and I
told you to hold your thoughts." He stated in a detached manner before
pulling his gun and shooting her right there on the walk. The others
didn't look back it wasn't for them to see. They knew the price and she
danced the line, then and there. There is no dancing the line. Dara's
body fell to the ground a pool of blood spilling from in as she let out
her last breaths. One can only imagine what she saw during that time. I
heard the shot even as I tore through the alley trying to increase the
distance between us. I trusted that my friends were being cared for,
but for all I know that guy could be in with them and I don't even know
it. I was running out of options and people to trust. My feet can only
carry me so far. I felt like giving up at this point. I didn't want
anyone to get hurt, people died because of me already, but I can't. In
vain&;#8230;it just kept passing through my mind as I slipped down
onto the street knowing that I was putting myself out there, but it
wasn't long before I was slipping into another alley. Slipping around
the corner I paused for a moment trying to see if there was anything I
could work with hear. Holding the stones tightly into my hand I slipped
them into my pocket as I moved towards a manhole cover. I have to stay
alive, I promised them, but then I have to find them. The boost in
hearing was started to fade. I could feel it, more like a lack of
hearing it, but it didn't matter. Pulling the manhole cover off I
slipped down into the last place I wanted to be. Pulling it over the
hole I climbed down trying to get a bearing of where I was at now.
Closing my eyes for a moment I took a deep breath trying to calm myself
as I moved along the sewers. The water was retched as it flowed passed
me. Did I say flow, is that what it's doing. I had to think of
something to keep me going.
I wasn't sure where I was at exactly. Did we cross the city limits yet?
Hell who knows, but I needed to keep putting distance between us, but
with all the sounds down here it's going to be hard to hear them that's
if the hearing boost keeps up. Taking a deep breath through my mouth I
swear my mouth caught fire, but I kept moving trying to keep my nerves
from just going out of control. I needed to protect myself. I needed to
hide. The stones weren't doing anything, no hum, no glow. I was out in
the open and they were closing in on me. I could feel it in my bones,
but down in my heart I kept telling myself that I did the right thing I
did the right thing. I had to keep telling myself that. I know that I
did the right thing. If I don't believe I did the right thing I start
to doubt myself. I don't need any self doubt at the moment. I need to
keep focusing on why I'm doing this. The more I remember that, the
clearer my head will become. Looking around for a moment I wiped the
tears from my eyes wondering if they were stinging from the smell or
was it because I was basically an emotional mess at the moment. If my
parents were here what would they do? Probably call the police so
that's not really a good scenario there. I tried to smile, but I don't
want to get anyone else involved. I mean sure they're using
conventional killing methods, but if they're capable of the things that
Angel has done, then I'm in trouble and that entire thing with the
light. That's just telling me right then and there that there's
something more going on. Angel was starting to open up and share what
this is all about. He may think that I'm not ready, but he believes
something. He was trying, testing or something.
Pressing my hands to my face I try to calm myself down before the
floodgates open if they haven't already. Deep breaths, but that's so
hard to do with what I'm feeling right now. I want to be steeped in the
pool of my own tears, but that's not happening. I'm just out here alone
right now and I have to keep it this way. I'm going to make my way back
to them, but I have to lose bloodhounds. Closing my eyes for a moment I
try to hear if anything is headed my way, but there's nothing, nothing
at all. Unbeknownst to me they're close and getting closer. They're
closing in on my thoughts, not really able to ready them and pick them
out but keyed in on their impulses, on their frequency one might
Walking along the alley Turok lets his hand drift along the wall
smiling. "He's been this way.' He says with a soft smile. "He's a going
to keep going until he can't go anymore. Too bad he's not going to get
that far." He looks to the one that's by his side who merely nods
saying nothing as Turok's fingertips continue tracing along the brick
wall picking up the fading imprint where my hand brushed along the
wall. Moving out onto the street he pauses for a moment letting his
mind guide him for the moment. "He's near." The others converge on his
point as if they heard the whisper of his voice along the wind. "Which
way?" One of them asks retrieving a crystal from a case attached to his
belt. The crystal is much like the one Queines used to find Matt.
"Hmmm&;#8230;." His eyes moved around trying to determine which way
I went at the same time trying to decide if I've doubled back or not.
Truth be told I'm getting lost beneath them, but not right beneath
Pulling out one of the stones from my pockets I look at it as I stop in
my tracks knowing that something's gotta give. It's going to be me
other them and I'm not about to give up on me. Taking a deep breath I
close my eyes remembering what the stones did last time, but this time
it's not a circle of stones nor am I ignorant of what it can. I'm not
trying to get pulled in. I'm trying to determine what's going to
happen. I need for this to work. I want to shield myself. I need to
hide my presence. I'm not about to let them find me and this is my best
bet at the moment. Taking a deep breath I can hear the sounds far away
again, but their fading and as they fade I hear the soft hum of the
stones. I take another deep breath and the hum of the stone fades.
"Damn it."
At that point, that moment Turok turns his head in the direction that I
took. "That way.' He tells them and the move towards the next alleyway
just as the sound of a police siren can be heard. Not the long wailing
one just one of those short, stop and notice me sirens. The car pulls
up to stop and the light is shown in their direction and another car
pulls up on the other side. There's no words just policeman getting out
of the cars with their guns cocked. Someone must've tipped them off
about the gunshot, well that and a dead body would say a lot wouldn't
you think? "I'm going to ask you to cease and desist all actions and
put your hands up." The first cop told them his gun trained on them.
The other cop had a partner and they both had their guns trained on
them. They just kept their eyes on the assailants. Turok tilted his
head for a moment grinning almost thinking that this was a novel event
transpiring here. He chuckled for a moment shaking his head. "You don't
understand we're law keepers like you are. We are in search of a
criminal." He told them with a nod, smile still on his face. "Law
enforcers don't gun people down." The cop spat out. Turok did take an
offence to this, but said nothing of it. "I'm going to ask that you
don't interfere with our case." He told them. "This is beyond you or
anyone's jurisdiction." His tone, getting colder by the moment.
"Damn it." I called out again looking back and forth for a moment
making sure that I was alone with the exception of the rats that were
probably about. I wanted to chuck the stone right about now. None of
this was happening. It could turn my world inside out and upside down,
but I could anything to make it work for me. "This isn't a game." I
cried out at it. Looking down at the stone there was nothing happening.
I had to keep going. I couldn't take the chance that they could find
me. I wanted it to work, I wanted to will it to work but I don't think
I'm at that point yet, probably far from it, if it's possibly. I'm
probably no where I should be, but it was scaring me. I don't ask for
much, well sometimes I do, but this is my livelihood here. What did I
do? I'm not giving up. Squeezing the stone a little more I kept those
thoughts flowing in and out of my mind trying to gain some control over
what I want. It wasn't going to rule over me. I was going to do this,
die trying or just use the damn things as weapons.
"Put your weapons down." The officers told Turok and his gathered
associates. Even as they spoke his eyes trailed along the area for a
moment before they rest on the ground. He thought on it for a moment.
His head tilting to the left side as a smile curled on his lips. "Down
below. That's where he's gone." He said with a nod. Gesturing he heard
the cocking of guns again. "This is your last time. Put your weapons
down slowly. I don't want to have to fire a warning shot." The cop said
Taking the stone in my hands I looked up for a moment and I closed my
eyes. They're near. I could feel it in my gut again in my bones. I
closed my eyes as the heightened hearing once again made itself known
and then faded but the hum of the stone filled my mind and the glow
filled the area as I felt the tears rush down my cheeks. "I'm not
giving up. I'm not." When the hummed touched my mind I could feel the
glow and I watched my tears touch the stone and I just held it close to
me. "Thank you." I said in a whisper to whatever decided to side in my
favor at the moment.
As I smiled Turok sneered when he felt he lost sight of my thoughts his
eyes shifted to the cops who still had their guns on trained on them.
"Warning shot." His brow arched as he turned to the others. "We have
lost the prey. "Partake of the passing moment." He said closing his
eyes and within moments the sounds of screams and the sounds of the
steel spikes entering flesh.
Part - 3
The car pulled up to the emergency entrance and Jon slipped from the
car looking back towards Matt and Angel. "Just stay here I'm going to
get some help." He told them a little panicked at everything that
happened. During the entire ride over to St. John's, Angel did nothing
but try to get him to turn back around. Matt had to hold the man back
at times telling him, reassuring him that Ethan would be all right;
things weren't looking good at the moment. They all heard the sound of
the gunshot as they drove off. They wondered if it had been Ethan or if
it had been an innocent bystander. Too much was running through their
minds at the moment.
Walking towards the front desk Jon waited to be addressed, but the desk
clerk was taking to long. "I have a man bleeding in the back seat of my
car." He jut rattled off; blatantly hoping that would get her
attention. He didn't want to risk moving Angel. It could aggravate the
wound. "I need some help here." He told her as the clerk stood up
looking around for one of the doctors. "Dr. Jacobs!" She called out for
him and he came walking through the door that lead to the lounge as he
stretched a little and he saw the blood on Jon's shirt from when he had
to push Angel back when we came to a stop just before we got here.
"Where?" Was the only thing he asked as Jon moved for the door as they
slid open. Turning towards him Jon motioned towards Jon's car as Dr.
Jacob's got with a nurse and they wheeled a gurney out towards his car.
Opening the door the helped Angel out onto the gurney and even then he
was struggling with them.
"Angel they're here to help. Stop it!" Matt said holding his side where
he was still bleeding a little. "Multiple victims here." Dr. Jacobs
called out looking a little more to see how badly Matt was hurt. "It's
just a flesh wound." He said with a nod, but it was a deep enough gash
to cause concern. "We need another gurney out here." Dr. Jacobs was a
little distraught when the ambulance pulled up moments later as they
got Matt onto the gurney. "Gun shot wound to the shoulder, but he's
lost a lot of blood.' He told one of the other attending ER doctors
before turning to see what was coming in, but there was no lights, no
sirens. Frowning as he watched them pull the gurney out they shook
their head. "DOA doc. Gun shot to the head. She didn't have a chance."
Dara's body lay lifeless on the stretcher as they wheeled her in and
the only thing that Dr. Jacob's could wonder what was going on out
there. One stabbing victim and two victims with gunshot wounds. Walking
into the ER he just tried to put this all together as the security was
rushed towards one of the triages. "Oh hell." Jon heard the doctor
mutter, but he wasn't about to stick around. He was already heading
inside to see what was going on.
"I have to go, I need to get out of here." Angel said in a fit of
aggravation. His voice was strained and he was stumbling about the area
knocking into a bed and knocking over a tray of surgical tools. "He's
going into shock." Dr. Jacob's assessed moving towards him. "Restrain
him." Matt heard that as he was wheeled by and tried to pull himself
up. "No, you don't understand. Angel stop it." But it was too late they
had Angel pinned against the bed and was pressing a needed into his arm
to administer a sedative. Jon looked on helplessly as Angel continued
fighting them even as the strapped him down. Slow the drugs began to
take effect, but not soon enough in the securities eyes.
"What's his deal?" One of the guards asked looking around. "His friend
is still out there." Jon said softly as he looked over to where they
had Matt who was trying to slide up some. "Sir if you keep that up
we're going to have to restrain you as well." One of the nurses said in
a sharp tone. "Fuck off! I'm worried about my friend over there. Is he
going to be ok?" His eyes moved towards Jon for a moment asking him a
silent question before turning them back on Angel. To the question
there was no answer that Jon could give at the moment. He had to sit
through all of this as well. He was worried about them both remembering
the fear and tears he saw in Ethan's eyes. He asked Jon to get them to
a hospital, but he didn't say he had to stay, but part of Jon didn't
want to go. He wanted to make sure that everything was going to be all
right. He wouldn't feel right leaving like this. Nonetheless as he
turned towards to exit looking it over when he felt a hand on his
"Sir?" Dr. Jacobs looked over Jon with a curious eye wondering how much
about this he knew. "Where is their friend." Jon shrugged shaking his
head wondering where Ethan was. "I don't know he was pretty shook up
when he asked me to bring them here. They all had been injured, but he
had been injured the least. I mean he wasn't the worse out of the
three. They came out of Galley's Park, just out of no where and he ran
into the street. All the other cars slammed on their brakes, to swerve
around him, but he ran up towards my car and I just stopped. He asked
me to bring them to the hospital. Something about a gang." Dr. Jacob's
arched his brow at the other man not hearing anything about gangs in
the area lately, but you never know what can happen. "And the girl?"
Jon looked down shaking his head. "I don't know her." He saw them wheel
her body in, but he could speculate some. "There was a gunshot fired
when we left, after we left." He was shaking a little trying to take
all of this in now. "Would you like something to drink, I think you
should sit down." Dr. Jacob's told him. "Is there someone we can call?"
Jon was in the middle of processing everything but nodded, moving
towards one of the seats in the waiting area. "My wife, you can call my
wife. Are they going to be ok?" He asked looking in the direction of
where Angel and Matt were. "We had to sedate your friend with the
gunshot wound. He was a pretty persistent about walking out of here.
He'll be fine. He needs a transfusion and he went into shock, but we
pretty much have it under control. The knife victim needs some
stitches, but he's going to be fine. A lot more cooperative than the
other." Dr. Jacobs said with a bit of a smile trying to ease some of
the tension that had settled in the air.
"They're worried about their friend, they both are. I couldn't blame
them for the way they're acting. I would probably be doing the same."
He knew in his heart that if anything happened to his family, his
friends he would be just as persistent. The thing that he couldn't
shake was the urgency in Ethan's voice. The boy was in trouble and he
knew it, but the boy wasn't thinking about that. He was trying to keep
his friends safe. Reckless perhaps but he was doing what he felt was
best. "So any mention of which gangs were involved." Dr. Jacobs
continued with his questions interrupting Jon's train of thought. "Huh?
Excuse me?" Shaking his head a couple of times he wasn't sure what he
could tell the doctor. Gangs in this area, it's not uncommon, but
something told him that this had nothing to do with gangs. Only three
people in this hospital knew what this was about and one took the
secret to her grave. The other two would probably take the secret to
their graves if need be. "I don't know who's involved and part of me
doesn't think gangs are involved." He said honestly looking down to his
hands, which he started wringing out trying to pace his thoughts. His
heart was still fluttering in his chest, but it wasn't pounding
anymore. "Do you want me to make a statement of some kind to the
police. I would appreciate it if someone contacted my wife. I would
really like to get home right now." Dr. Jacob's watched him for a
moment and decided to check his pulse by grabbing his right hand and
placing his index and middle finger on the right spot along the wrist
glancing to his watch every so often. "How are you feeling Mister?" He
hadn't even gotten a name for anyone yet. They were just John and Jane
Does in his book. "Dawson, Jon Dawson. He told him with nod. "I'm ok
just a little a jump I guess." He told Jacobs closing his eyes for a
moment. "I want you to take a couple of deep breaths, Mr. Dawson. You
might be having an anxiety attack. Not uncommon in tense situations,
but I don't want to take any chances."
Glancing around to see if the desk clerk got back he stayed there until
Jon's pulse steadied. "Ok&;#8230;what's the number. I'll call your
wife for you. I don't think you should be driving right now and I think
we're going to have you lay down until she gets here." Jon nodded and
proceeded to give the doctor the number. "Alright, I'll be right back
just give me a moment here. I'll send one of the orderlies or nurses
with a wheelchair for you. Just take deep breaths, for me." Rising from
his seat he looked back to Jon for a moment before heading towards the
desk talking with a nurse who moved about and came back with a
wheelchair. "Mr. Dawson?" He said with a smile wheeling up beside him.
"Dr. Jacobs wants you to come with me, sir." He told him with a soft
smile nodding his head a little as he helped Jon into the wheelchair.
"He's calling your wife and will probably get with you in a moment once
he checks on several other patients. Watch your foot there." He said in
a soft tone as he began pushing the wheelchair along towards where Matt
was. "He said you would probably want to be with one of your friends."
Jon glanced around noticing that they moved Angel.
"Where's&;#8230;." Before he could even finish the sentence the
nurse interjected. "Your other friend has been moved to the OR so they
could patch up his arm and they needed to do an x-ray to make sure that
everything was alright. You know no shattered bones or anything. It
looked like it went completely through, but we want to be sure, Mr.
Dawson." Stopping the wheelchair next to the bed the nurse helped into
the bed pulling his shoes off and slipping them under the bed. "Just
lie down and breathe easy, sir. If you need anything, just press the
nurse call button. My name's, Bruce. With that Bruce stepped out of the
curtain area as Jon looked over at Matt who looked back over at him
with a weak smile, but the look in his face was complete concern. He
looked to the other area wondering when they were going to bring Angel
back. Of course the next thing that ran through his mind outside of
thinking about Packard was the questions they were going to start
asking once all the confusion was all over.
It only took a moment for it all to pass and for the others to leave.
Matt glanced over towards Jon for a moment knowing that all they had to
do was run his fingerprints, even his face to come up with something.
They would call his parents and they would worry, but he told them to
stay away, that he was all right. Turning towards the side of the bed
he reached for his side wincing a little trying to the let the little
sharp pains pass before continuing with his movements. He wasn't going
to let up not now. "Where are you going?" Jon asked him looking over in
his direction. "I can't stay here. I need to get to Angel and we both
need to get out of here." Jon shook his head with a frown. "They
probably have him sedated still. He's going to slow you down." He said
with a frown before he pulled his keys from his pocket. "It'll probably
be better if you drove." Matt wasn't sure what to say if anything. He
couldn't believe this was happening. "Jon&;#8230;" Jon broke in
before he could even form a sentence his eyes growing softer with each
passing moment. "Just don't beat her up to bad. I do want her back;
well I hope to get her back. You guys need to find your friend and
you'll cover more ground in a car than on foot." He chuckled a little
mostly out of disbelief at what he was doing. The idea that he was
giving his car to people who were nothing more than strangers, but
something inside him, something urged him to do it. Something told him
that he was doing the right thing and there was nothing that was going
to stop him from doing it. His wife would understand, in time. "Now go
before they catch you." He told Matt who basically had a dumbfounded
look on his face, but it was quickly fading as he moved over to him to
shake his hand. "Thank you." He said with a solemn nod. Things have
gone to hell in a hand basket. There's no turning back for them. They
don't even know where they're headed, but something about them being
together always gave Matt hope. Right now one of them was laid up
sedated and the other is out there, alone trying to fend for himself,
protecting his friends. There's no way around this. Whatever's
happening they were meant to go through it together.
"Go." Jon urged him closing his eyes as Matt slipped around the curtain
trying to think where he needed to go. He had to be out as long as
Angel had been in surgery. He hoped everything had been done. Most
likely he had been moved to recovery. That's what Matt was hoping as he
moved from the ER and slipped into the elevator. Pressing back up
against the wall he hit his forehead. "My wallet." Not to mention he
was in a gown. He needed to get some clothes. That should be fun. When
the doors opened he slipped out and moved into one of the supply
closets pulling some scrubs off the shelf and slipping them on. They
could pass for clothing. Didn't matter, as long it was something other
than that gown. He got some scrubs from Angel slipping the shoe covers
so people wouldn't notice his feet. Slipping back out into the hallway
his eyes glanced back and forth for a moment before he headed left
towards the recovery area. They probably had him restrained still. Just
need to think his way through this. He kept telling himself that
everything was going to be ok. Whatever was happening here Pack had to
be going through worse things. Running his fingers through his hair he
started peeking in rooms trying to find Angel until he came across the
last one on the hall and he heard someone coming up behind him.
Grabbing the chart he looked over it a couple of times as they wheeled
Angel right past him. His eyes followed the orderly for a moment before
he took off after him looking down at the chart from time to time
holding the scrubs with him under his shirt. He kept his face down not
wanting to draw attention to himself as he turned the corner and saw
the room they wheeled Angel into.
Waiting for the orderly to leave the room Matt was held up when Dr.
Jacobs walked into the room. Slipping into the room next door Matt
looked over at the old man who was trying to make his way to the
bathroom. He didn't say anything at first setting the chart down. The
man was about to say something when Matt walked over to him. "Let me
help you with that, sir." He said with a smile just trying to blend in.
"Where's Mandy?" The old man asked sounding a little disgruntled
snatching his arm from Matt. "Mandy's not in today, sir." The old man
just mumbled about and started walking towards the bathroom having no
problem at all. Matt looked at him and shook his head deciding not to
bother, but entertain the man's unpleasant disposition. The more he
talked the faster it would be over he kept telling himself. That's what
he kept telling himself as he peeked out the door wondering if the
doctor had left Angel's room yet. Cracking his knuckles he heard the
flush of the toilet as the old man came back out. "You still here?" He
asked Matt looking at him with a curious brow, but deciding to keep his
thoughts to himself rather than share at the moment. "Sorry sir, but I
have a job to do and I can't leave until it's done." The old man's
widen as he moved for his can. "Damn kids. I told you no more enemas."
Grabbing his can he started swinging it around as Matt dodged out of
the way. "What? No, no, it's not that, sir. I just have to give myself
adequate time." Ethan always said he was quick on his feet. Matt was
just hoping that it would hold true with the old man who was giving him
a disbelieving eye for the moment. Peeking out the door once more Matt
turned towards him with a smile arching his brow. "It's my first day on
the job and I'm trying to do a good job. I already had someone puke all
over my uniform, sir. Believe me, it's been one helluva day." Matt
chuckled at his own banter, but just wanted the old man to get back and
bed and go to sleep or something.
Peeking out the door once more he had to take a chance. It was now or
never. "I'll be seeing you sir." He said with a smile. The old man
waved a dismissive hand slipping into bed flipping through the channels
leaving Matt to his own talents. Matt on the other hand knew what he
had to do. Peering back and forth along the corner he took a deep
breath before slipping out of the room completely. Arching a brow he
moved along the corridor towards the room knowing that he needed to get
in before someone notice him. Course there was the chance that someone
was already in the room and that would prove to be a bigger pain in the
ass if they were. Knocking on the door he paused waiting for a response
sliding up with his back against the door when heard someone coming
down the hall. His head turned away from the doctors and keeping his
eyes down before pushing up against the door slipping inside. Looking
back and forth for a moment he tried to see if there was anyone else in
the room and all he heard was the sound of the EKG machine blipping as
he moved towards the bed. "Angel?" There weren't any responses just the
sound of the machine going. As he got closer he saw that Angel was
still sedated. "Damn." Definitely not what he was hoping for but it's
what he had to work with at the moment. Nibbling on his lip for a
moment he moved around to the other side to see exactly out he was
hooked up to the machine knowing the moment he removed one of those
patches the damn thing would start to sound off and the doctors would
be all over them. Talk about a possible ugly scene.
Brushing Angel's hair back he smiled shaking his head. "They got you
real doped up man." Talk about a turn of events. Him saving Angel.
Moving towards the window he glanced around when he heard the door
opening. Slipping down the floor he slipped under the bed closing his
eyes for a moment when he heard the footsteps. "He's around here, he
wouldn't leave his friend." One of the men said moving closer to
Angel's bed. Slipping around a little, Matt made silent movements
hoping that no one would hear him. He had to slow his breathing to the
point that he almost stopped breathing, but his heart was beating
faster with each passing second. "Assuming that the guy is his friend.
He could just leave him." The other guy said with shake of his head.
"Would to risk it all just to come back for some lunatic. I mean look
how they got him set up here. He's all strapped up down like some
animal." Matt wanted to grumble at the words, but held his tongue. Some
things aren't worth it and right now there's bigger things at stake. He
needed to think about the bigger picture. They needed to find Ethan.
They needed to make sure he was all right. They needed to get out of
this hospital. All these thoughts continued passing through his mind,
as he kept silent. Silent to the ignorant words to the guards,
orderlies or whoever they were even though he wanted to tell them where
they could stick it. Gripping one of the bars on the bottom of the bed
he tightened his grip on it as they continued to make comments.
He wanted them out of here, but they were taking their sweet ass time,
but you know how it goes when you really have nothing to do but sit on
your duff. When the door finally closed Matt, peered over the bed, eyes
glancing to the resting Angel then over towards the door again. It's
all going to be all right he told himself. His hand slipped to Angels
squeezing it softly. "I'm going to get you out of here." He whispered
in a soft tone hoping on some level Angel heard him and even if he
didn't he didn't care. He was going to do it and on his own. Rescuing
was more of Angel's thing and he was along for the ride, but this time
it's on him. Looking around again he took a deep breath knowing this
was going to take some doing. First thing is that he's not going to be
trying to wheel this bed though it had wheels. "I'll be right back." He
told him and he moved towards the door when he thought about it. Where
were the leftover stones he had? He didn't slip them in his pants
pocket. Matt paused for remembering that he set the stones down in the
car. That answered that question, but he still needed a gurney.
Peeking his head out the door he slipped back pulling the door closed
when he saw someone coming around the corner. Damn. Biting his tongue a
couple of times he began tapping his foot a little. Aren't these rooms
supposed to have a wheelchair in here somewhere? Moving through the
room he was about to turn it upside down when he fell to the floor
slightly frustrated, but at the same time tired. The drugs were still
going through his system and he couldn't over do it, but he had to. He
to push past all the doubts. Pressing against the floor he moved to his
feet slipping out of the room heading towards the nurses station.
Coming up to the corner he turned on his heel when he saw Dr. Jacobs
there, looking around. Doesn't that guy know the meaning of the word
quit? He already sent the goon squad. Taking a deep breath Matt headed
in the opposite direction towards the stairs when he thought about it
smiling. Walking back down the hall he slipped into the old man's room
who was still busy flipping the channels. The old man looked over at
him with an arch of the brow then went back to flipping the
"You lost again?" He asked him pressing the button on the remote
control to change the channel. "I thought you were on your way to the
next room?" He didn't seem to be as cantankerous as before, but it
didn't matter. "I forgot something?" Matt told him looking around the
room for the item in question that he thought would be in here. "Forgot
something, you didn't bring anything but a bunch of hoopla." The man
told him. "You know they're looking for you?" The old man stated and
that caused Matt to freeze for a moment looking towards him. "My
superiors?" He asked trying to keep in character. "If you want to call
those two putzs your superiors then you're just as dumb as they are,
but yeah they were in here looking for someone that slipped out of the
ER." He put the remote down and looked over to Matt, and Matt felt
helpless at the moment. "So whatever you're looking for, son, I'm not
sure if you're going to find it in here." He told Matt with a nod
closing his eyes. "Sir." The old man cleared his throat. "If you're
going to be straight with me, son, I prefer you call me Matthew. You
know my given name. I'm too old for this cloak and dagger
Cloak and dagger? Matt wanted to chuckle, but it wasn't so much of a
funny chuckle as it was I'm at the end of my rope chuckle. "Matthew?
That's my given name as well, Matthew, but my friends call me Matt." He
told him. "Well I guess we should share some type of special bond two
Matthews in the same room or something like that." He gave a light
laugh. "That shit is only in the movies." Matt closed his eyes and
thought it couldn't get any worse than this. "So tell me son, one
Matthew to another what's going on and if you can't tell me is there
something I can do?" Looking over at Matthew, Matt that he had a
glimmer of hope there, but he didn't want to press his luck. "We
Matthews have to stick together." Question, should he tell him they
entire story or the elements that were at hand. No need to make the old
man think he was dropping acid, so Matt proceeded to tell Matthew
everything that happened since they left the part and just left it at
the gang bangers chasing Ethan. He tried to make it sound as compelling
as he could but he didn't know if Matthew was going to chase him out,
rat him out or tell him just say no to drugs? Course there was the
inevitable: Did your mother drop you on your head? That continued
passing through his mind, but he knew better than that. There was a
moment of silence, but to him it was like time stood still for the
moment. Was he going to help him or was he on his own in this. Up until
now luck has been on his side, but luck only will only take you so far.
And for Matt this wasn't about seeing how for his luck would take him
before it would run out. It was about succeeding at the task at
When the door opened next the sound of wheels squeaking could be heard
as Matt wheeled the chair out. It was behind the bathroom door. Looking
around he kept his eyes down moving into Angel's room. They were going
to get out of here even if he had to cause a scene. Looking over his
shoulder he slipped into his room and looked around for a moment. Angel
was still unconscious and not moving, except for the subtle rise and
fall of his chest. He was still resting. That's always a good sign.
Smiling he looked towards the door once more and it opened and Matthew
came through closing it behind him. "All right lets get this done. I'm
not about to miss Dateline you know." He said with smile. Looking at
Angel he shook his head. They got him strapped down tighter than Joan
Crawford's son. Moving to the side he started one by one to remove the
EKG pads placing them on himself as he looked at the monitor to make
sure the life signs remained steady. Didn't want any code blues going
off. After slipping the IV out of Angel's arm he stopped the
Matt on the other hand helped Angel into the chair slowly and slipped
the scrub pants on him looking around to see if he was missing
anything. Whatever they found they would probably be keeping. Once he
had Angel secured in the wheelchair he glanced to Matthew who was
easing himself down into the bed with a smile on his face. "Perfect."
Matt was about to say something when Matthew closed his eyes. "Go on
get out of here. You don't have time for good byes. Tweedle dumb and
tweedle dumber will probably be walking right through that door before
you know it." Matt nodded and just pushed the chair towards the door
looking back once. "Thank you." Matt whispered and continued pushing
Angel along opening the door slowly making sure the coast was clear.
This was it, now or never. There was a bit of a cough from Angel and
Matt checked to make sure that everything was ok. "Go!" Matthew called
out after him and Matt pushed the chair right into the corridor.
Turning away from the room he head towards the elevators. Dr. Jacobs
wasn't around and that was a good thing I his eyes. Coming around
towards the elevators he glanced around trying to see if anyone was
coming around the halls. Hospitals didn't creep him out, but being
confined did sometimes.
"We're getting out of here." He whispered under his breath pressing the
elevator button waiting for the doors to open. If Angel was lucid they
could probably make it down the stairs, but he was still out of hit.
Maybe starting to come out of it. The movements were probably nothing
more than reflexes if anything, but it's better than nothing. At least
that's what he kept telling himself as he pressed the button again when
he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning towards the person he blinked a
couple of times seeing one of the orderlies that was looking for him.
"Doc, have you seen a guy around your height. Your hair color walking
around in a gown." They guy had to be maybe three years older than
Matt, but really wasn't with it. Matt just tried to remain cool when
the other guy came around the corner looking around when he saw his
friend. He could believe his eyes. "That's the guy!" He called out.
Matt snatched away from the other's grip and shoving him right against
the abs causing the guy to lose his balance as the doors opened. Just
as they did Dr. Jacobs walked out with security.
"We've been looking for you." He said plainly as one of the guards
gripped Matt by his arm. "Let go. I need to get out of here." He
pleaded with them as they started to wheel Angel back to his room. "Not
until you answer some questions." Closing his eyes he just took a
chance elbowing the guard into the stomach wincing as he tore some of
his stitched. Slipping from his grip he lost his balance hitting the
floor. "That's enough." Jacob's said moving towards them, the other
guard decided to help as well slowing to a stop with Angel just as his
eyes started to open. "Matt?" His voice too soft to be heard by the
others, as the guards tried to restrain Matt. The commotion continued
as Matthew walked out of Angel's room with one of the nurses who had
him in tow. "Oh don't give me that crap the kid wanted to go so I was
trying to help him." He told them shaking his head blinking at what was
happening. "That's it kid, fight the power!" He called out when Angel's
eyes opened completely. Pushing his hand along the wheel of the
wheelchair he moved forward for a moment then spun around slipping it
from the chair with ease as he knocked into one of the guards.
Stumbling slightly he tried to get his bearings as he made his way
towards the others catching the hand of one of the orderlies as he
knocked him into the doctor and the other guard. "Matt." He fell onto
the ground hard with a grunt; the drugs were still slowing him down. He
was more than a little sluggish. "Angel!" Matt leaped right into action
slipping from the other guard's grip even as the blood started to show
through the shirt. Helping Angel up he looked towards the other even as
they started to recover and pushed Angel into the elevator as the doors
opened again. Pushing for the ground floor he looked moment just
whispering something. "Shit&;#8230;shit...shit." It was all he could
say at the moment. Angel was too out of it to ask him what was going
on, but Matt was trying his best to take control of the situation as
the doors opened. Deep breaths just take deep breaths.
Dr. Jacobs pulled himself from the pile of people moving towards the
nurses' station trying to find out what the hell was going on. This was
getting out of hand. Picking up the phone he pressed the zero getting
the operator. "Yeah Sherry, send security to the first floor main
elevators and call the police. We have two patients that they need to
take into custody." He told her hanging up the phone as the elevator
doors opened. He wanted to help them, but they were making it hard for
him. Maybe the police could help straighten them out. He hoped so; he
didn't want this to get anymore out of control than it already
Pressing the first floor he looked over at the others as they piled
into the elevator he closed his eyes for a moment and just tried to
think all of this over.
The guards had been assembled on the first floor and were waiting in
front of the all the elevators waiting for the doors to open and take
Angel and Matt in custody. When the doors opened one elevator car was
empty another was had a trauma team coming out of it and the third had
Dr. Jacobs and company walking out. Dr. Jacob's looked around for a
moment when the next elevator car opened and the wheelchair was jut in
there. "There on one of the other floors." He called out moving into
the elevators. Check all the floors. The guards, orderlies and new set
of guards slipped into various elevator cars and proceeded to press all
the floors to check them all. As the doors closed Jacob's looked out to
see the door to the stairs open and Angel walked out. "There!" He
shouted out as the door closed and the elevator started up and stopped
when the fire alarm sounded. There was nothing but commotion in the
elevators as two cops walked in and Angel and Matt walked passed them
not looking back. Looking around for the car Matt took a deep breath
and helped Angel over towards slipping him in as the siren from a fire
truck could he heard. Strapping Angel into the seat he moved around and
slipped into the car strapping himself in. Fishing for the keys he
looked up to see Jacobs and the others pour out of the ER along with
everyone else as he started the car. He saw Jon with his wife and Jon
smiled softly but then looked the other way even as his wife wondered
about the car, but he just pulled her along not wanting to cause a
scene seeing how he just gave Matt and Angel his car.
Pulling out of the lot Matt made a hard right and just continued
driving until it was in the distance. Angel looked over at him his head
resting against the headrest, his eyes opening and closing
periodically. Gripping the steering wheel tightly he continued down the
road trying to think clearly. They needed someone to rest and he was
started to bleed a little. He needed to patch that up as best he could.
Just breathe. Just breathe. He kept repeating mentally in his mind as
he pulled the car off the main roads and started taking some of the
side streets. "Ethan?" Angel stated softly even as Matt bend over the
steering wheel trying to get his heart to stop pounding. "Don't know.
We have to find him." He told Angel. Angel reached back for one of the
stones that had fell on the back floor. Taking it he looked at it
knowing that he didn't have enough strength to make it work. Matt face
held a frown on it when he glanced towards him. "Do you think we'll be
able to find him with it? Do you think he's safe?" Angel wanted to be
certain, but he couldn't say it for fact. Without whispering a word he
closed his eyes hoping for the best when the soft hum of the stone
could be heard followed by the blue flow that accompanied it soon
after. The sound and sight brought a gasp to Matt's lips and to his own
a soft smile curled upon them. The glow was consistent and getting
stronger with each passing moment. "What does it mean?" Matt asked
hoping that it was a good sign. "It means." Angel paused for a moment.
"It means that he's learning and that he's starting to believe." Even
with the cryptic message Matt knew this was a good thing. Nothing in is
mind could tell him differently, nothing and no one.
Part - 4
They stayed in the alley for about an hour perhaps two, Matt needed a
bit of a rest and Angel needed to get his bearings. They both glanced
to the stone from time to time as it continued to hum and glow. It
continued to bring a smile to their faces. They knew that Ethan was all
right that he was safe and that's what matters. They need to find him
though. Luck was on their side for right now, but luck didn't come
without hard work. "Do you think he's near?" Matt asked finally
glancing towards Angel he needed to hear something other than his
thoughts and he really didn't want cryptic speech. He wanted something
concrete, something that would ease his concerns, but it wasn't
forthcoming. Angel was silent on the matter either he didn't know or he
didn't want to comment. "If you think it might jinx our chances don't
say anything. I rather you keep it to yourself. I'm trying to stay
positive here. I don't want to think Pack's out there with no chances
of survival or anything." Matt was about to say something more when he
felt Angel's hand on his shoulder and his other hand touching his side
as he whispered several words that he couldn't really understand. He
felt something pass through him and it burned for a brief moment and
then it just turned into pleasant warming sensation that moved seemed
to overwhelm all his senses as he took a deep breath.
Looking around Matt felt himself getting dizzy slight, but even as head
span around slightly he saw the stone glow even brighter for a moment
before returning to it's original luminescence. "What did you do?" Matt
asked shaking his head trying to clear the fog from it as he touched at
his side. "Angel?" Looking over at Angel he saw that he had passed out
again. "Always overdoing it." He told him. Definitely wasn't expecting
that actually. Pulling up the shirt he touched his side where the gash
would be and there was nothing there. It never looked like he had been
hurt actually. It was flawless. Matt was reluctant to touch the stone
knowing what happened to Ethan. Nibbling on his lip for a moment he
slid up some in is seat and looked around for a moment trying to think
when he saw something on the backseat. Reaching out for it he pulled it
from the seat looking the wallet over. Opening it he blinked when he
saw a couple of bills in it. More than a couple of bills, it had to be
around a hundred or so dollars in there. He counted two hundred dollars
all together and then saw a slip of paper. Can't get far with a car one
empty and nothing to eat. All the best, Jon. Must've had a lasting
effect on the guy, but wherever he was Matt was thanking him. Looking
to Angel he knew what he needed to do. Digging around in the glove
compartment he pulled out a pen and wrote something on the slip of
paper and put it right on the dashboard where Angel would be able to
see it. Slipping from the car he headed up the alley still making sure
that he kept his eyes open when he peered around the corner, steeping
out into the street soon after.
Angel don't worry. I'll be ok, just going to the store. Be back in a
couple. Matt.
When Matt closed the door there was a slight groan from Angel, but he
didn't stir. He just turned on his side opening his eyes slowly soon
after. His head was pressed up against the side of the car as he
blinked several times. "Matt?" He called out for him looking towards
the driver side but what he saw was something totally different,
something totally unexpected. He closed his eyes trying to tell himself
that it was the drugs going through his system, but it was anything but
that. A woman sat beside him with hair as dark as his with jade green
eyes as she leaned back in the seat looking out of the sunroof. "This
isn't happening." He said softly trying to will the image away, but it
didn't fade it stayed with him. Her lips were moving, but there wasn't
any sound coming from them. Silence continued to drift through the air
until the radio went in and out. The sound was faded and slightly out
of synch but the more the woman's lips moved the more everything came
together. "Angel, I think things are going to be different. I think I'm
going I actually going to make the cut." She looked over at him with a
smile nodding. "After all this time, I'm actually going to dance at
ABA." She told him shaking her head looking towards him, but the look
on his face was more distraught than anything, but not at what she
said. Closing his eyes he tried to push the thoughts away along with
the image as he shook his head knowing this wasn't going away. "You're
going to do well. You're the best dancer out there Gabrielle." He said
her name with a soft touch of pain that would go unnoticed if you
weren't listening well."
You're just saying that because you have to. You're my brother." She
picked up a cup from the cup holder taking a sip of her drink, her
frown that made her face so bright fading some. "I just want to make
them proud. I just want to know that they would think I was doing the
right thing. I mean leaving, going away. It's all the way in New York.
That's more than three thousand miles away from you and everyone else I
care about. I've never been further than Wyoming." She laughed softly
trying to cover her fears, but they were already out there for everyone
to see. "Mom and dad would want you to follow your heart, follow your
dream. Do what you wanted to do not be held back. You can't think of it
that way. We're always going to be here Gabrielle. I want to see you
dance on the stage, I want you to come back and dance her if you want.
If you want to keep going and go across the sea I'll come see you. As
long as you're true to yourself that's all that matters. That's what
they would've wanted. That's what they've always wanted and that's what
I want. I don't want you staying here because of me. How is that going
to make me feel? Most likely like shit, and I'm not going to have any
part of holding you back. I want you to fly along the wind. You're free
to do whatever you want to do. It's your life. You have to make the
decisions of where you want to go. I can't decide them for you. I can
help guide you and encourage you, but ultimately what you decide is up
to you."
Reaching out to touch her face he smiled closing his eyes. "I love you,
Gabrielle. You're my sister. Mama used to call you the soul of the
family, but even souls have dreams. I'll be ok." He nodded trying to
take stock in his own words for a change as he took a deep breath.
"Promise?" Her voice was so soft, so delicate, but she always had that
quiet inner strength that made him strive to do better, be better.
"Prom&;#8230;" He opened his eyes as just as the music faded and her
image dispersed and the hum of the stone filled his mind as he turned
away from it letting his eyes close. The scream he wanted to howl out
silenced by his own will even as a tear slipped from his eyes and he
gripped the seat. Glancing to the stone he remembered the lessons he
learned when he was brought into this. When he was chosen as the
protector. When he was told of his own destiny, but what are destinies?
Are they something that unfold or is it something that they can shape
as the day passes on? Right now he wished his destiny would bring his
family back to him rather than having them haunt him. Brushing the tear
from his face he regained his composure reaching out for the stone to
touch it lightly. There was a soft gasp from his lips as his eyes
glowed the same color as the stone as he tried to reach out with his
mind for the one that was lost, the one the were separated from.
"Ethan?" But to his dismay there was no response just silence.
Walking into the store Matt peered around a little making sure that the
coast was clear. He was getting used to the fact that any and
everything could happen when you least expected it. Moving straight for
the bottled water. That's what they needed most. Looking over towards
the counter he moved along the way getting some more water and a couple
of sandwiches when he saw a woman and a man walk in. He smiled at them
heading towards the counter to pay for the items. The woman was obvious
pregnant, looked like she was due any day now. Giving a soft smile
again he turned towards the cashier paying for the items. "And a pack
of smokes." He blurted out. He was still wearing the scrubs so he was
hoping he wouldn't get carded. "What kind?" The cashier asked looking
towards Matt, but Matt was caught up in the man and the woman a bit of
a frown coming across his lips. "Sir. What kind of cigarettes?" The
cashier asked again snapping Matt out of his trance. "You know what
I'll pass on them." Paying for the items he left the store trying not
to think about it. Trying not to remember. She's gone now, there's no
sense stirring up old wounds.
Walking along the sidewalk he glanced from time to time to the street
as a police car passed and another. He moved a little faster wondering
if they were after him but they were headed in the opposite direction,
towards the hospital rather than away from it in his direction. Little
did he know that they were headed past the hospital towards the scene
of another crime. Keeping his eyes down he moved into the alley with
quick steps towards the car. Slipping in he looked over at Angel who
was wide-awake by now. They didn't say anything to one another at first
letting the silence linger between them until cleared his throat. "Um I
got some water here." Handing him one of the bottles of water and a
sandwich he set the rest of it in the back. "Jon was too good to us, I
guess." He said with a smile looking down at the floor trying to shake
the feeling, but being so close to the stone it just brought it up even
more in his mind, he could see him and Jess together. The last fight
they had before deciding to throw the party. The sounds echoed in his
mind and he just closed his eyes to the images. "Matt?" Angel's voice
came through smoothly even as the echoes became louder. "Is there
anyway you can make that stop?" Matt answered.
"It amplifies our thoughts, our memories. Makes them real, sometimes
makes them unbearable. Our thoughts are not focused. We're worrying
about too much. You have to make it go away just as I made my own
demons go away." Angel said softly. "You have demons?" The surprise
could hardly be contained in his voice, surpassed only by the look on
his face. "We all have demons that we face, that we fight, sometimes we
try to escape. They all lie there waiting for us. Demons are self-made
and should be self-fought. We have to choose the time and place to face
them. We cannot allow them to rule over our lives or our destinies.
There is too much out there for us to face to have to deal with the
weight of our demons." Matt listened without saying anything. The
thoughts just poured through his mind, but one simple thing remained.
"Yet you haven't shed your demons." Angel chuckled softly taking a bite
of his sandwich. "You and I both know that theory and practice seldom
run together as one. There is always something that prevents the other
from happening. Most of the time it's the latter that's prevented from
occurring in favor of the first." They both knew there was truth in the
words, but how far could they go about changing them. Letting his eyes
drift to the window, Matt reached out to turn the radio on after
slipping the key into the ignition to hear a little music. Just
something to break the mood. The tension was threatening to choke the
life right out of him. Letting his eyes close he thought about what
they could talk about but he kept hearing the echo of that conversation
wishing that this was one of those times where it would just fade away,
but it wasn't going anywhere, not anywhere soon at least. He needed
something to break the rhythm, readjust the tone, something. Something
would give him hope, give him peace.
"So what was your demon?" It was the only thing that Matt could think
of, but know Angel it would probably be the last think he would want to
talk about right now, but he had to try. They had been through a bit of
something and they were starting to warm up to each other, kind of, but
it was better than where they were before several days ago. More like
where he was at several days ago. "You know you tell me yours and I'll
tell you mine." Taking a swig of the water he wish it was something a
little stronger because he could use it right now, but he needed a
clear head, clear mind. He switched the station around until he found a
soft rock station. Something that would give him much to think about,
or rile him up. "If you do want to talk about it&;#8230;" Matt
started, but Angel closed his eyes taking a deep breath not sure if was
ready to share, ready to reveal that part of his life. Sharing always
lead to more questions and more revelations and it wasn't something
Angel wanted to do. They both needed to stay focus not digress about
their demons, but wouldn't it help to know that he wasn't alone. His
solitary lifestyle was necessary and somewhat self-imposed, but when do
you start to let people in. He let Ethan in, started to, and look at
what happened. "My sister. I was thinking about my sister. The last
time we spoke. Last time we saw each other." Angel said with a nod. "I
miss her a lot. I should've been there." That's all he was going to say
about the matter for now. He wasn't ready to go down that road yet
luckily for him Matt was high on the empathy meter at the moment. Maybe
it was the drugs. Maybe it was his own demons that kept haunting him.
He wanted to ask, but it wouldn't be fair. He wasn't sharing that much.
Just a couple of words and that's it. He couldn't expect Matt to share
what was going on with him.
"Jess was pregnant." He said with a nod. Angel didn't say anything he
just looked over at him with a touch of concern in his eyes. "No, not
when she was killed before. She told me three weeks ago, after she had
the abortion." He said softly. "She said it wasn't something she wanted
to think about, she didn't want to hold me back." Matt closed his eyes
taking another sip of the water. "She said that it was the wrong time
and we had a lot to look forward to. She just wanted it to be over. So
she did it and never told anyone but Cindy. I was almost a father." He
shook his head. "She was probably right. I should've been more careful,
but we were it was just that one time when it broke." His voice didn't
crack, but the strain was there. "I just wish she should've said
something or she never told me. I don't want to think about could've
been. I need to focus on the now and every time I see a pregnant woman
or even kids I think about it. I hear the conversation in my head. I
have the dreams. She didn't care. She didn't care about what I thought
or what I wanted. I know we weren't ready, but it's like she locked me
out of her life because she felt it was convenient for her. Maybe she
thought I would get to emotionally attached to the thought, the idea of
being a father. Maybe she really wanted to spare me the pain, but to
think that she didn't want me there for support or try to go through it
with her."
The sound of the plastic popping from the pressure of his squeeze could
be heard. "I didn't tell my family. I though why cause problems but the
pain was there. I couldn't speak to her. I couldn't do anything. I had
to hold it all inside. Never letting anyone know trying my best to
erase it from my mind but not getting very far in the process." He
could feel the tears starting to stream along his face even as he
spoke. "Even know I think about what I would've called him or her, but
I know it would've been a boy. I just know that he would've been Josiah
Brandon. That's the name I would've picked out. I didn't care if he had
my last name or hers as long as he had one of those names, but knowing
Jess she would've have cared what I thought on the names. I didn't have
a say in anything, she didn't give me a chance to support her and still
I loved her even if I don't know why. I did." He coughed a bit from
taking in too much water, but it passed just as the report about the
massacre that happened in the downtown area. Blinking a couple of times
as they described the steel spikes Matt looked to Angel brushing the
tears from his eyes. "Sounds like our friends have been busy." Matt
muttered starting the car. "We need to find him." Angel said without
giving it a second thought even as Matt gave him a, tell me something I
don't know, look. "Until that stone goes out I'm going to say he's
safe. Don't go there with Angel." Angel nodded patting Matt's shoulder
knowing that he just opened up a big part of him to someone he barely
knew, but all of it was on hold. They had bigger problems to worry
about. "No demons are going to dog me out while my friend's out there.
Not tonight or any night." Angel had to smile at that. That was one
thing he respected about Matt his ability to pull it together when he
needed to. "Wise words, my friends." He stated as Matt pulled out of
the alley heading up the street towards the downtown area.
To Be Continued in Chosen Paths
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