"A Up" (I beg your pardon)
By Ewan
Mon, 17 Jun 2019
- 240 reads
Twixt 'Allyfield and 'Udderfax,
w'air tough tha' knows.
Ah'll tell thee summat,
tha' meyt know..
W'air in't Calder Dale,
in Welland, 'alf way down
t'illside, tho' at futt've t'ill,
West Vegas 'as br-eye-t lights
enough fer t'av'rage tyke.
"Sorr-eh!" rings aht on't streets
'coz folks is pl-eye-t,
even tuh furreners
frum outside God's Countreh,
l-eye-k thissen.
Bring cash tuh pub,
a smile and a word,
tha'll get a nod
and plenteh back
tho' thur questions.
Tha's nee-yoo,
an' allus will beh,
nivver m-eye-nd,
in twenteh years
tha'll be a local,
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