The Coronavirus.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 2035 reads
Two weeks ago, work sent me and some others out for Lunch to a Chinese restaurant, the lunch. It was for a buffet, others with me had been before to this one but for me it would be my first time, I didn’t know what to expect. I walked in, it was spotless, the Staff all as expected friendly. The food was to…. die for. I loved it, I did think it would be just us in there, but as it was Lunchtime, it was a massively scaled down menu. I had my usual when I go to these buffet types places, chips, mushrooms fried with cooked onions the gravy that’s with it, olives, beetroot, sweetcorn, cucumber, tomatoes beef and cherry, repeat and jelly and cream for pudding. Everything was just perfect and the price too.
Now lots have progressed since two weeks ago, and again this week I was sent to the same Chinese restaurant, I was apprehensive this time, and deep down, I didn’t want to go, but there was no one else, so I had to go as I’m a driver. I did think, whichever restaurant I went to, there could be a Chef or Server who is unwell with the virus, and just me being nervous about going there, would be silly. But nervous I was, the food was just as delicious as two weeks ago and the Service second to none. Others there too thoroughly enjoyed their meals, I really did wonder if it would be just us there, but it was the same amount as two weeks ago.
When I got back to work, I washed my hands, but that is nothing new, that is the norm for me, I’ve stepped up my hand washing routine, I’d got it down to about one hundred times a day now it’s gone up. And I’ve started again using tissues to hold open public loos doors etc.
Yesterday was crazy, I was in a shop looking for a new everyday handbag, it was quiet and someone sneezed! We all turned in that direction, I looked to see where the person was, and decided I wasn’t going there to the clothes rail, she’d just looked at and sneezed all over.
Later as I waited for the lift, a Husband with his Wife and Child, he inside the lift used his coat sleeve to press the button to go up, yet his Wife was holding on to the shopping trolley with their Child sitting in the kids’ section, I wasn’t judging him, everyone has to do what is, within reason, to be comfortable for their own minds.
Inside my local Tesco the Staff at the till who I often chat with she was wearing disposal gloves, I said to her, “Are you the only one on the till with gloves?” She replied, “No, others on the tills are using them too,” I said to Sandy, “Really you should be wearing a mask,” Sandy said, “They get wet.” I answered her back and said, “I didn’t think they would allow you to wear a mask or gloves,” Sandy said, “They can’t stop you, as it’s a health risk.” On the way down on the travellator, we all stared at a woman with her friend, she had disposable gloves on, I’m guessing three or four on each hand, and she had her hands outstretched in front of her, but she had no mask on. To leave Tesco car park we have to use a machine, by touching a screen, I’ve always hated touching them, so I use my little finger, as I’m probably going to eat crisp in the car for the journey home. Lots of hand sanitizers have ran out, I read today on Facebook, that WHO (Sky News 04.03.2020) is advising people not to make their own, and homemade ones found on the internet can be bad for the skin, I hadn’t thought of making my own. Someone at work told me, “I’ve started washing my hands at home in weak bleach,” I thought WOW when he told me.
In my local Boots, I was passing, a Staff from the lipstick section talking with a Friend or Customer and I overheard her say as I walked past, “If I get it, I get it.” That’s SO true.
I saw on Facebook an Oriental lad was beaten up for, “Bringing it here,” How stupid is that! He hasn’t brought it here, (
Today on Facebook it shows Pets have been executed, ( I couldn’t imagine that happing to our Pets, but nothing seems normal right now.
Saw in a shop window today, “Masks for sale £2 each.”
A co-worker, who I don’t see often, I worked with her a few days ago, she has always been into survival, she said to me, “If my family have to self-isolate, we would have now enough supplies to survive without coming out the house.” She told me, “You need to be prepared in case, supplies run out in the shops, you need to buy: -
Bottle water,
Smash potato,
Tin meat,
Tin Vegetables,
Long life milk,
Bakes beans,
Loo Rolls,
Tin fruit (as it has fruit, sugar and liquid)
To make sure my battery phone chargers are charged,
To make sure the dates are long, and the cheapest in the brand, buy food that I will eat, eventually.
I passed on her info to my Children, for them to buy the above if they wanted to, I have told one other Person, who I work with as he was very stressed and worried about the virus. This lovely Person is a lot older than all of us at work, and now his Son will take him shopping today to buy the above supplies.
Most of us, by now would have heard about the Author who has written about the virus that is sweeping the World right now, his name is Dean Ray Koontz and his fictional book is called, ‘The Eyes Of Darkness,’ Wuhan is mentioned in his book, written about forty years ago. In the book as suddenly as it appears, it will vanish, and return ten years later.
Facebook is flooded with funny and serious stuff about the coronavirus such as: -
Corona Lisa, there is a painting of her wearing a gas mask.
Sh*t I Have Survived.
90’s Had Mad Cow disease outbreak – COMPLETED.
Doomsday Prediction of Nostradamus for 1999 – COMPLETED.
The Y2K Millennium Bug - COMPLETED.
The Year 2000’s Planetary line-up ‘Star Holocaust’ Prediction – COMPLETED.
2002 SARS Virus Epidemic – COMPLETED.
2005 HSN1 Bird Flu – COMPLETED.
The 06/06/06 Rise of the devil/antichrist – COMPLITED.
2009 Mini Swine Flu Pandemic – COMPLETED.
2012 End Of The World Mayan Calendar – COMPLETED.
2014 Ebola Virus Epidemic – COMPLETED.
2020 Coronavirus – PENDING……………
There is a funny song/video by Patee Sarasin …. My Cousin just posted this.
On Facebook, I’ve joined some Festival Groups, but with the talks of possible, gatherings to be cancelled, many on the sites are not booking, for anything, some are worried that they will lose all their fees that they have already paid for their spaces/plots and want to know, “I have Public Liability Insurance, which is compulsory, will I get a refund if events are cancelled?” Good question indeed, it seems the majority is holding back from booking for anything. I’m busy Tie & Dying, and wondering if I’m doing so in vain? Someone who I know has asked me recently, “Do you have a website?” I replied, “No, but I’d like one, as SO many people have asked me over the years, my Husband and I don’t know how to set one up.” Michelle said to me, “I will ask him to set one up for you.” Maybe for this year only, this is the way forward, for when one door closes another open.
I have applied for two festivals but I’ve had no reply, when both said, “You will have a reply on Friday,” That was for last week, and now it’s Friday tomorrow, maybe they too are in a quandary. To be fair, even if I’m accepted, I still won’t send in any payments for a Stall, I like others on the site, have no confidence for the future of selling this year, some stalls/pitches are in the hundreds and thousands of pounds, that’s a lot to lose if events of gatherings are cancelled, I’m not in that league, whatever I was going to apply for would be from £25 up to £100 as it’s only a hobby, albeit an expensive one.
How will it all end? The old gentleman I worked with asked me, “How long do you think it will last?” I replied, “I don’t know.”
I added, “You just wash your hands when you go back home.”
And finally, as been said, recently with the passing of a celebrity, “We all need to be kinder to each other.”
Mother Earth, has been through, some tough times, She will get through this one too. x
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'I’ve seen on Facebook that
'I’ve seen on Facebook that some people in parts of the World have been taken from their homes if they have the virus and have been shot dead! ( 26.02.2020)'
I think this was fake news Grace - no such reports on the BBC website that I can see. Hope it didn't worry you too much.
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That's great - thank you
That's great - thank you Grace!
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I did like your list of
I did like your list of apocalypse threats that we have all survived! As you say, we shall get through this one too. As far as I understand it, it isn't that this virus is hyper-deadly, it's just that it's new so no-one has had a chance to build up any immunity yet.
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