The Coronavirus Part Two.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 724 reads
Well what a week it has been. We’ve all been inundated with coronavirus news whether we like it or not. I’ve really tried not to watch the news in general, not like years ago when we all sat around the telly to watch the News at Ten. But news has ‘filtered’ through onto my Facebook page and from my co-workers who have talked about nothing else. It even seems like the silly bickering’s that they have with some, the coronavirus seems to have pulled them together! Who knew, it would take this, for some to start talking to each other again. But in my observation, that’s what seems to have happened.
About ten days ago we were all given our own personal antibacterial hand sanitiser, which was a very nice gesture, some still used it, I noticed instead of water! In my view, nothing is better than soap and warm running water, drying with a clean paper towel. I’ve always used hand sanitisers mainly Carex, my Husband has always thought they are poisonous, and refuses to use them, and he thinks the same with mouthwashes, which I have used daily and have done so for years. My Husband is a very healthy eater, compared to me, which is great, but I will still say to him occasionally, “What does all that matter, you smoke,” So I don’t see the point of not having mouthwashes or not using hand sanitisers and eating healthy it you smoke many cigarettes a day, I on the other hand, I have never took a drag in my life. But each to his or her own, we all do what we think is best for our bodies, that’s what makes us unique.
This morning as I was pondering on life I looked at my personal antibacterial hand sanitiser that our Manager gave us, for I’d taken it out of my coat pocket and placed it on my small table next to the sofa where I sit; I remembered the co-worker who had told me to buy ‘supplies,’ she had also told me, “Look on the back for the ingredients, it will show you how much protection is in the bottle,” She said a word after she had looked on the back of the bottle, which meant nothing to me, and she seemed quite pleased with what she saw. I now looked at the back myself this morning and as I looked, I noticed it was made in …… China. But what isn’t made in China. I take pictures of everything, I was going to take a picture of the back and show some of my co-workers, but I knew if I did, some would stop using it, so I didn’t. My Carex which was also in my coat pocket, that too I’d taken out and put on my little side table next to my sofa, that I noticed was made in Indonesia.
Last night when I came home from work, the telly was already on, I usually look for the The Big Bang Theory, Vera, Morse, Scott & Baily or Murder By The Sea, but I didn’t and the news came on, it showed Tesco with empty shelves in parts and that some places had no loo paper! I do someone’s shopping every Saturday, and she had given me over the phone yesterday morning her shopping request list and loo roll was one of them. So, I thought, if I go early today instead of the usual 6pm my 24-hour Tesco should be OK, or I thought should I go during the night, before I went to bed, but I thought that was a bit extreme. This morning my day off I work, I decided to go at 06.45am, then I would be able to relax and enjoy the rest of my day and bring her shopping to her the usual time tonight. I went to Tesco and there was a lot of loo rolls, so instead of buying her one pack I bought her two, as you never know. While I was there, I also bought two packs of cat food, as our cats wouldn’t understand if their food was not on the shelves in Tesco! I did feel embarrassed though, as I bought two packs of loo rolls for myself, although the Staff there most of them know me, I felt like things had changed, I felt like I’d become one of those who panic buy, it was like the Staff that I always go to where possible, now she didn’t know me, and she wasn’t friendly anymore. She talked over me to her colleague on the next till! Like I was invisible, without feelings. It was weird, surreal. Yet later on when the masses descend on Tesco, they will see what real panic buying is! Like it was said on the news last night, “It’s like Christmas shopping, but not in a good way.”
There is a famous celebrity who only uses black loo rolls, I wonder if at this time, if it has gone up, as some things have.
As I walked past the Pharmacy, in Tesco this morning there was a large sign on the counter, “We have sold out of hand sanitisers and masks.”
I work with someone who believes that no one has died from the coronavirus, that is it all a scaremongering propaganda! I thought WOW, is that maybe a better way to think? For it is a worrying time for everyone at the moment. Another co-worker even told me yesterday, “Morrison have this Yorkshire tea with 100% free teabags, for £7 but B & M is selling it for £4.50!” That’s good to know. Another co-worker, she went abroad yesterday, and she told some of the other workers, “I hope I catch the coronavirus, so I can stay in the sun longer.” That’s silly, but she has to think of us on her return.
Usually I would be busy looking for crafts events to go to, to sell my handmade crafts, but I’m just not interested in that at the moment, I just want to survive this, with my family, friends, even with some of the miserable co-workers (most are fabulous), neighbours, and my Country.
Keep safe, I hope you survive it too. x
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I hope you too keep well and
I hope you too keep well and safe, Grace. Perhaps your colleague who fancies a longer holiday due to coronavirus should remember that if she does get it, she'll be in quarantine and confined to her room rather than being able to lounge round the pool! I do understand about the cat food - my moggie will not be at all impressed if she can't get her particular variety of Felix!
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