
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 491 reads
Last night I watched a fascinating documentary about Elvis. I’ve watched many films, documentaries, concerts about him. His life was SO amazing. Born a twin, can you imagine the two of them in this world? His Mum, was overprotective, of her Son. And he loved his Mum dearly. He bought her a home, Graceland a refuge, a place for him and nice home for his parents. They were all very poor when he was young. One of Elvis’ idol, was the great Roy Hamilton. He was one of the men who inspired Elvis.
Elvis as you know was just stunning. His Mum didn’t want him to go to Germany for two years in the army, he tried to reassure his Mum that he would not be fighting, but she was worried sick, and just before he went, she died age just forty-two. While he was in Germany, he met the young women who would become his Wife. She, no doubt would have been a comfort to him after his Mother’s death.
One of his Managers, was a greedy, shrewd man. Elvis wanted to leave, but the man wanted millions there and then, which surprising Elvis didn’t have, so Elvis had to stay and keep on singing.
It’s hard to pick a favourite song, sung by Elvis, below are some of the ones I love: -
Superstitious Minds.
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.
In The Ghetto.
Peace In The Valley, Elvis loved that song for his Mum, was told, “No religious songs has ever been recorded in this studio,” But Elvis got his way and the song was recorded, for his beloved Mother.
My Way.
If I Can Dream.
A Little Less Conversation, I’d never heard of this fantastic song, until I heard it recently in the charts by an unknown Artist.
Amazing Grace, He Touched Me.
We Call On Him.
He Is My Everything.
Farther Along.
Why Me, Lord.
An Evening Prayer.
And many more….
Elvis wanted to travel abroad, for the only place he’d been outside America was Germany, but his Manager was afraid if they went, he would not be allowed back into the United States!
Elvis, like most of us wanted to change some bad habits in his life, like his diet and other things, and did talk it over with a few in his band and entourage, but his many concerts, many in one day, everyday for months on end, finally took its toll, and he very sadly past away at age only forty-two. The same age as his Mother. He left behind his Dad, Ex-Wife and Daughter. His entourage, also spoke in the documentary, how they were with him for many years and that he should still be alive today, if only……
His handsome face, certainly loved the camera. His face, in my view, when he was younger, was perfect.
I remember well hearing the tragic news that he had died. The King.
This morning when I was thinking of his life, for the documentary had finished very late last night, Elvis was my first thoughts this morning when I woke up, the sadness of it all. I thought of another king. In my mind one of the greatest kings who every lived.
The Great King Nebuchadnezzar. He had the Power of Life and Death! At his command his Subjects lived or died! He even has Champagne size named after him. I don’t know if he was stunning to look at, or not. But it didn’t matter, he was the King. But as Powerful as he was, he too lived and died.
I think of another Man, also a King. Unlike the other two I’ve just mentioned, He wasn’t famous, He wasn’t rich, He wasn’t good looking, in His presence, His subjects didn’t feel fearful. This weekend is all about Him, but the majority of the World don’t know it.
To those who met Him, they didn’t think he was special, or important, but in fact He is the most important person they could ever meet.
This King knows all their thoughts, He knows their past and future, He knows their hopes and dreams, He is indeed all Powerful!
Unlike the Great King Nebuchadnezzar, He loves His subjects, He gave his Life up for them! And if they want it for free, He can give them Hope and Peace of mind. He paid the price in full, so they didn’t have to pay the penalty.
The day He died, so we didn’t have to, is called Good Friday, as it is Good for us. And He freely gave up His Life and rose again from the dead, on Easter Sunday.
Lots of amazing things happened on Good Friday. There was an earth quake, it went pitch dark at noon, another Man was next to him and also mocked him in disbelief, but the Man on the other side of Him, said to the first man, “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” He recognized that this King’s Kingdom was not of this World. The Veil in the Temple was torn from the top to the bottom on its own. None of his bones was broken. The other two criminals had their legs broken, to hasten death.
Prophecies were fulfilled.
When people say, “Oh God!” And most around the World do, they instinctively know who He is.
He is Lord or Lords.
He is King of Kings.
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