Subtle Changes.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 368 reads
I decided that nothing was going to change this year. I was going to not eat out, not go to my favourite shop, not go to Church, always wear my mask and gloves the second I was outside the house.
I was the only one at work who wore a mask the whole time I was there, no one else did. I didn’t wear gloves more than usual at work but I wore them all of the time I was at Town. At work I ate my meals alone in a different part of the building, as it meant I had to remove my mask. Sometimes I was too hot at work; a co-worker told me imperial mints would help me breathe with the mask on, but I didn’t have it on too tight, that I couldn’t breathe. I was comfortable wearing them. At Town at times my hands would be sweating with the plastic disposable gloves on.
Every Sunday I watched not one but two Church services on-line live, the one I used to go to and the one I went to until they were told to stop. It was fantastic, I felt safe in my own home. My Daughter put YouTube on the telly and I’d watch the first service on there, the second service I watched on my mobile and I comment to the congregation there. I’d gone to the bank and they had set up internet banking for me, so I am still able to give my very important offerings.
After many months like this, there were lots of many things I realised I didn’t need, like my favourite shop, McDonald’s, restaurants, hairdressers, new clothes and much more.
On the 28Th of July my Brother Shaun sent me a video on my mobile, it was of Doctor Stella Immanuel, what she said was amazing. I shared it on social media, later it was taken off and others too, what they had put on of her speaking was also taken off. In the short time on one day, over 10 million people worldwide had seen her. People should be able to decide for themselves.
Shaun who is a Nurse sent me another video from YouTube, called ‘Reality Check, Why Face Masks Don’t Work’, I watched the video like I did Doctor Immanuel’s with an open mind, and I was impressed, I told Shaun, “You have given me food for thought.” He then rang me and said, “You believe in God?” I said, “Yes,” I knew he didn’t, he is very anti-God, He went on, “God made the air for you to breathe in and out freely, you wearing a mask, means you are not doing that, you might think you are OK now, but it’s the long term, what you are lacking now will affect you later on in life.” He had a very good point.
So, from then on, what I decided to do was not always wear gloves when I went to the Town, but used gel on my hands before I went into the store or got diesel, or touched the shopping trolley and washed my hands when I got home. That was ‘OK’ for my mental state of mind. Then I decided to have a mask around my neck not covering my face at all when I walked on the street, but just before I went into the store, I would then put the mask on.
I must admit, it was WONDERFUL to breathe in the good fresh air as I walked to Town, I hadn’t realized just how limited my breathing had become and how quickly I had become used to breathing less.
I was thankful for Shaun’s advice and that I’d listened to him. I still wear my mask the whole time at work, but as I went to go to another part of the building to eat my fish n chips my co-worker who was about to eat her Lunch too said, “Stay, eat here,” As she was the other side of the office to me, I thought I’d be brave and risk it. I did enjoy my meal. But afterwards I put my mask on, as it was a comfort to me, I felt safe.
Half the people now I speak to, don’t believe the Coronavirus is real, they think it’s a conspiracy. I know someone who was arrested and in the police car none of the coppers had masks on and in the station, they all were close to each other and none of them had mask on, not one.
I say to people, “This year is cancelled,” I will start again next year. My personal view is all schools should re-start next year, I know it’s important for business to start. But I think some things are starting back too soon.
A co-worker tried to book a hair appointment, to have her hair cut, she was quoted, “Sixty-six pounds,” The hair salon explained, “Its for money lost. short staff, the protective equipment’s, the cleaning products, danger money and wages.” Madness. She found another salon who charged her, “Thirty-three pounds,” So, she went with them.
I can’t believe it’s August, this is the fastest year we’ve ever had, I think there will be collective sigh of relief, at the end of 2020. I also think there will be a, ‘second wave.’ Personally, I think people should have a choice if they want to wear masks in shops or not. I am more than happy to wear mine; my Husband can’t breathe with his on.
Some individuals went for a carvery, it’s not the same now, they the Staff put all the food on to the plate for you. What’s the pleasure in that? One Lad had too many carrots put on his plate.
A new phrase for 2020, “Keep safe.”
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