April Showers : Part Three (Conclusion)
By hilary west
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(Enter Tom and Beryl)
BERYL : Has the musical interlude calmed your nerves, love?
TOM : No.
BERYL : Don’t worry, things can only get better. Let’s see if we’ve won the raffle.
(Enter Mrs. Plenderleith)
TOM : Oh here comes Mrs. Plenderleith who I bought the ticket off.
MRS.PLENDERLEITH : Hello there, I’m just going into the hall, are you coming?
MRS. P : I’m dying to find out who has won this year’s competition. I thought our band did very well but the others were very good too. I’m not sure if being on last was beneficial or not.
BERYL : We are waiting for them to draw the raffle.
MRS. P : Yes.......... I am going to do that after they have announced the name of the winning band. I’ve enjoyed the competition, have you? The weather could have been better, but at least it did not rain.
BERYL : Yes, Joanna and Shaw played very well, didn’t they?
MRS. P : Yes, Shaw is very good on the drums and the girls did well too. They kept up a fairly strict tempo as I wanted them to. It can be difficult to concentrate when you are not very warm.
(They open the doors of the hall and look in. Inside it is noisy with a lot of background chattering)
MRS. P : Oh it’s fairly full already but there are some seats over there – look. There is Joanna and Shaw, near the front, Mr. Chadwick. It looks like we’re just in time; they are going to announce the winners.
(The adjudicator’s voice only is heard coming from the hall)
ADJUDICATOR : And now the time has come that everybody has been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the 2015 Western District Marching Bands Competition. It gives us great pleasure to present the trophy this year to.........(slight pause, rustling of paper).... The Shimmering Bluenotes Marching Band......... The winners of the 2015 Competition.
MRS. P : Oh he’s wrong, my children put their heart and soul into their presentation. They will be disappointed.
BERYL : Joanna and Shaw did their best you know, Mrs. Plenderleith.
MRS. P : Well there is always next year. I always tell them that when we don’t win. Joanna’s not too old you know.
BERYL : No she is still very keen.
MRS. P :Yes, I can tell, so is Shaw. Those drums were really prominent in the heavy staccato section in the allegro vivace. I could not have done better myself.
(Mrs. Plenderleith, Beryl and Tom go in the hall doors and disappear. Enter Nicola and Angela)
NICOLA : We didn’t win Angela, but at least the last of the red hot lovers got nowhere either.
ANGELA : They have only looked worried all day.
NICOLA : Well it won’t be the competition they are worried about. I think they have had some sort of lover’s tiff. She thinks she is Stovehampton’s answer to Julia Roberts and can act accordingly, well she can’t. He will have seen through her and be trying to get rid of her, I shouldn’t wonder.
ANGELA : Maybe you could steal him.
NICOLA : Yes, I would have no difficulty, would I? Somebody that would take her out would take anybody.
ANGELA : The raffle is going to be drawn soon. That Mrs. Plenderleith is going onto the podium.
NICOLA : Oh her.
ANGELA : Do you still have the ticket?
NICOLA : Yes of course.
ANGELA : I hope it doesn’t win.
NICOLA : Oh you are such a wimp. Shut up anyway, she is going to draw it.
(Mrs. Plenderleith speaks into the microphone from offstage. This is heard onstage at the hall doors)
MRS. P : Can I have your attention please, ladies and gentlemen? We now come to the time when our curiosity can be satisfied as regards the prizes in the Grand Draw. So without more ado I will draw the three winning tickets in reverse order. The winner of the third prize is iticket number three hundred and sixty two.
(There is a pause while the prize is claimed)
MRS. P : And now the second prize. The winner is number twenty seven.
ANGELA : Oh no, that’s yours, I mean hers. You can’t claim it. Stay here.
ANGELA : Look you’ve got to.
NICOLA : Nobody will find out, I am going to claim it.
ANGELA : It’s a huge teddy bear.
NICOLA : Yes, I’m getting it, stay here.
(Nicola enters doors of hall and comes out a few seconds later)
(Chattering in background while Nicola collects the teddy bear)
ANGELA : I don’t like having this teddy bear.
NICOLA : You don’t have it, it’s mine.
ANGELA : Okay it’s yours but I’m party to its theft.
NICOLA : Oh you are so boring.
ANGELA : Anyway it’s useless, even you must admit that. It’s no good to us; it wasn’t worth stealing.
NICOLA : It was worth stealing, I could sell it.
ANGELA : Are you going to?
NICOLA : I’m considering it.
ANGELA : Oh look, Joanna and her dad are coming over here.
NICOLA : Yes, they are probably heading for the bench. Let’s go behind the wall where we can hear what they say. We might find out why there are all the long faces.
(Pause. Tom and Joanna enter)
TOM : This bench will do, Joanna. Let’s sit down here.
JOANNA : I want to get married, Dad.
TOM : Do you think he will marry you?
JOANNA : I don’t think he will leave me in the lurch.
TOM : His feet won’t touch the ground if he so much as considers it. He’s going to give you every single penny that he has got. There is no question of him not working. He is going to have to work at something and he is going to have to work hard.
JOANNA : Look, Dad, you won’t be too hard on him, will you? It will put him off.
TOM : I know how to deal with this, don’t worry but if he does leave you in the lurch he will swing for it.
(Exit Joanna and Tom. Angela and Nicola pop up from behind the wall)
ANGELA : Leave her in the lurch, did you hear that? She is obviously having a baby.
NICOLA : Our little miss goody-two-shoes, isn’t that fine?
ANGELA : How romantic it is.
NICOLA : Look, it is a bit. She will be going through hell though in reality.
ANGELA : So at last you are starting to feel guilty about all of this.
NICOLA : Mmm............ there is a bun in the oven and the bakery has not been open for business for more than two minutes.
ANGELA : Yes, she has wasted no time.
NICOLA : Some people won’t approve of her, you know.
ANGELA : Hypocrites you mean.
NICOLA : More or less.
ANGELA : And we have got her teddy bear.
NICOLA : Don’t you mean her child’s teddy bear. I can’t take a teddy from a baby.
ANGELA : Oh you make me sick.
NICOLA : Yes, I have a heart of gold and consequently I am going to donate this teddy bear to her unborn child.
ANGELA : But we aren’t supposed to know that she is pregnant.
NICOLA : I don’t think it really matters, do you? They will either realize we have twigged to her condition or they will just think that we like the idea of young love. We will wait for the right moment and then present the teddy, as I say, out of the goodness of our hearts.
ANGELA : Good, I never wanted to keep the teddy. Look the boyfriend is coming, the real villain of the piece. Let’s go.
NICOLA : The dad is coming too, let’s leave them to it.
(Exit Angela and Nicola)
(Enter Tom and Shaw. Tom sits on bench first, followed by Shaw)
TOM : I hear that you have got something to tell me.
SHAW : Me?
TOM : Yes you.
SHAW : You mean about me and Joanna.
TOM : Yes, you are planning on getting married apparently.
SHAW : Yes.
TOM : It seems very sudden.
SHAW : No, we have been thinking about it for a long time.
TOM : A long time? You have only known her for six months.
SHAW : Well, that’s what we have decided.
TOM : As long as you don’t have to get married, if you know what I mean, because that puts a different complexion on everything really, doesn’t it? I might start to think that you weren’t genuine.
SHAW : Oh no, I really love Joanna.
TOM : So you will be waiting how long, a year, two years?
SHAW : No, I want to get it over, I mean I want to make it legal as soon as possible, our love that is.
TOM : Your love eh?
SHAW : Yes.
TOM : Good, I couldn’t stand someone who was only taking our daughter for a ride and then ended up dumping her. If anybody does any dumping it’s her, remember that.
SHAW : Yes, I will. But as I say we are in love and can’t wait to get hitched. I would get married next week if that was possible.
TOM : Do you know how much this will cost me?
SHAW : No, but we can get married at a registry offfice and not make much fuss if that would be easier. I don’t mind.
TOM : Well I do. She is my only daughter and everything must be right. It won’t happen again.
SHAW : No, I suppose not.
TOM : Joanna doesn’t want to wait long, she always was impatient, so I shall take that into consideration.
SHAW : Oh good, I can’t wait to be married.
(Music starts)
TOM : The bands are playing again.
SHAW : Yes, it’s the winning band. The winners of the competition always play again after the result has been announced.
TOM : Here comes Joanna. I’ll leave you alone. (Exit Tom)
(Enter Joanna. Band plays for a short while then fades to background and then stops)
SHAW : Your mum thinks we should marry, Joanna, and so does your dad, and so in the end, do I.
(Shaw picks up some flowers from beneath the bench)
JOANNA : Yes, what are those?
SHAW : Flowers.
JOANNA : I can see that but you have never given me flowers before.
SHAW : What makes you think that they are for you?
JOANNA : Well you are not going with someone else are you?
SHAW : Could be.
JOANNA : The flowers are beautiful.
SHAW : Do you know what they are?
JOANNA : Yes, lilies-of-the-valley. I could have them as a wedding bouquet. If they were made of silver the tiny little bells would tinkle.
SHAW : Perhaps they tinkle now if you listen hard enough.
JOANNA : I think only the angels in heaven can hear them and maybe those in love.
SHAW : Boom Boom.
JOANNA : It’s a-tinkling..................
SHAW : Fair enough, as long as you can hear something.
JOANNA : Do you think I will suit white?
SHAW : You suit the flowers.
JOANNA : White is supposed to mean something though, isn’t it?
SHAW : Well, that is a good thing.
SHAW : It will cover it.
JOANNA : Oh men.
SHAW : I am only joking but it’s true isn’t it? Nobody will ever guess if they haven’t been told. I don’t think your mum and dad will say anything, do you? Your dad even tries to make out he doesn’t know when he is talking to me.
JOANNA : No, I don’t think they will say anything.
SHAW : Are you bothered about not winning the competition today?
JOANNA : I’ve forgotten about it already.
SHAW : No, I don’t think we will do another one, will we?
JOANNA : I doubt it.
SHAW : It’s a pity really.
JOANNA : Yes, Mrs. Plenderleith was disappointed.
SHAW : Do you remember the wild stallion?
SHAW : I think they have got him under control at the back of Fencehouse Lane.
JOANNA : Well that is better than letting him run free but I hope he doesn’t become too domesticated.
SHAW : No, I hope not too.
JOANNA : Yes, I enjoyed those nightmares a bit. But why has the stallion stopped running wild?
SHAW : There is another horse in the field.
JOANNA : Good, we don’t have to worry about wild horses anymore.
(They kiss. Exit Shaw)
(Music starts then fades to background. Nicola and Angela enter)
NICOLA : Hello, you don’t know us, we belong to one of the other bands.
JOANNA : Oh, did you enjoy the competition?
NICOLA : Yes, me and my friend won the teddy.
JOANNA : That’s nice.
NICOLA : Well, we have no use for it, we wondered if you would like it.
JOANNA : Me, why me?
NICOLA : Oh no reason. It’s rather big for us to carry home that’s all. It’s nice and cuddly, please have it.
JOANNA : Okay, thanks, we will find a use for it.
NICOLA : Oh good, it’s as if it was meant for you.
JOANNA : Meant for me?
NICOLA : Yes, it is as cuddly as you are.
JOANNA : I will go and show my mum.
(Nicola and Angela exit. Beryl enters, Joanna meets her centre stage. Music plays for a short while then fades to background)
JOANNA : I’ve been given a teddy, Mum.
BERYL : Oh that is nice but wasn’t that one of the prizes in the raffle.
JOANNA : Yes, the girls that won it didn’t want to keep it.
BERYL : Do you think that they know something?
JOANNA : No, I did not get that impression.
BERYL : They will have twigged somehow.
JOANNA : Well it doesn’t really matter, does it? If people know, they know and if it means gifts come our way all the better for it.
BERYL : I suppose.
JOANNA : Yes, Mum, I feel as if I have won the raffle.
BERYL : Well, love, maybe you have, maybe we both have. Oh here comes first prize.
(Enter Shaw)
JOANNA : Don’t tell him that, we will never hear the last of it. I want him to think that I am the prize.
BERYL : Yes, let’s get this the right way round.
SHAW : Hello, Mrs. Chadwick.
BERYL : Hello again.
SHAW : Hello, Joanna.
BERYL : It’s hello and goodbye, I am just going. I will see you later, Joanna. We will be going altogether soon, so don’t be long.
JOANNA : Okay.
(Exit Beryl)
SHAW : The day is nearly over.
SHAW : The wild stallion has a friend and there is a distinct tinkling of tiny white bells.
JOANNA : It could be worse, we might not have got this teddy.
SHAW : That’s true, we’ve even won the raffle in a round about way.
JOANNA : People are still friendly, aren’t they?
SHAW : Yes, they are.
JOANNA : I won’t forget today ever, will you?
SHAW : No, today we lost the competition.
JOANNA : Ooooh (impatiently) I’m going to kill you.
SHAW : No you are not, you know that I am the most important person in the world.
JOANNA : Apart from me, that is.
SHAW : Yes, apart from you, that is.
JOANNA : And the person yet to be?
SHAW : Well he will probably play for Manchester United which is an important thing to do in the world.
JOANNA : No, she will star opposite Daniel Radcliffe in a remake of ‘Pretty Woman’.
SHAW : Maybe.
JOANNA : Well whatever he or she ends up doing it will all be done with the help of teddy.
SHAW : Probably. Let’s go.
JOANNA : Yes, I want to go home.
SHAW : Me too. After what has happened I think our days playing in the band are over.
(Background music increases in volume and concludes the drama)
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Well! I hope everything works
Well! I hope everything works out for Joanna and Shaw and of course baby...Oh! And Teddy.
Turns out Nicola wasn't that bad in the end, I'm pleased to hear.
Very much enjoyed reading your play in three parts Hilary.
Thank you for sharing.
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A family learning together. A
A family learning together. A long way to go for them, but you've written their struggles rather clearly, and a beginning of all helping each other - and even helping the other girl it seems! Rhannon
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